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Maybe an injection or pill?
  • Anyone actually reading this and having similar issue, it can get expensive but try talking with a doc to try and figure it out. Before my habits got better, i tried diet/exercise, diagnosed with sleep apnea (didn't feel better rested, but def worse if I don't use cpap), and finally got way easier to manage when I was diagnosed with depression and prescribed. Ymmv but thought I'd share my experience.

  • Kristi Noem killed her pet dog, "Cricket," after the animal misbehaved on a hunting trip, she says
  • She's as out of touch of being able to train her dog as she is to be a representative of the State. When we voted to legalize weed, she made a sheriff start a lawsuit to block it on a BS technicality. Used citizen tax dollars against the will of the people who pay them.

    More directly, this boast is more of anger issues being attempted of changing the narritive to "go getter attitude." Don't know details of the book, but how this article cites it seems more they she lost her shit over a puppy (honestly being a puppy) killing a neighbor's chicken (not specified if dog was loose or chicken got out), and even that didn't satiate her anger, she went and killed a goat for doing goat things (fertile male who was territorial.)

    Honestly, her willingness to be a piece of shit (for various things, feel free to read her wikipedia) is a garner for attention from the worst parts of the GOP to only advance herself, because that's all who she cares about.

  • 'Excess profits' at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims
  • So at what point do you think folks in the western world will take inspiration from other places to not allow things to get to that juncture? Whether it be expansion of unions like Sweden to ensure power is returned to the people or we start having protests that escalate and start burning things down like France?

  • 'Excess profits' at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims
  • This article is pussyfooting the issue. Oil companies have reported record profits for 2-3 years in a row. The article claims "greedflation doesn't have an exact science" while also quoting the same thing "... reap ‘excess profits’, setting prices higher than would be socially and economically beneficial".

    i can't say I speak for others, but I was accepting of a year or two of companies "making up" for the hit they took during the height of the pandemic, but governments need to put them back into place and regulate their latest exploits. Enough has now been enough.

    wherever governments are going to support the freedom for companies to make money at the cost of many thousands of people even being able to afford necessities. Either there needs to be a limit their profits to benefit all, or we need to restructure to tax those earnings to provide a UBI that provides all necessities.

  • The salary a single person needs to get by in every U.S. state
  • Store associate. Though the ones you've mentioned only "vary wildly" because the scam that is tipping culture (no offense to those that have those jobs but all companies should pay fair wages and not impose on their customers/patrons) and gig work are short/niche/temporary work to fill a need or gaps in industries.

  • How do you handle being upset about something online?
  • I'm not necessarily saying that all of the farms are owned/run by the respective social media platforms, though here is an article that touches a bit of what I'm trying to say. Another instance that I can think of was [reddit tried an astroturf campaign to try and make folks less critical of the API changes reddit tried an astroturf campaign to try and make folks less critical about the API changes

  • How do you handle being upset about something online?
  • This, along with keeping in perspective that troll farms exist and operate on social media because more interactions mean more usage, and more usage means more value to the platform because these numbers prove people are using it. So the trolls causing friction make the platform owners richer, the trolls try to go viral on bad takes (for clout or other direct financial gain by 'influencing'), and this is how and why there seems to be so many people seeming to be 'extreme' (while some certainly are, others are emboldened and just follow their lead when it seems that there's no negative consequence). End of the day, if someone's trying to get your goat, don't let them buy it with bullshit.

  • What's a scam that's so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore?
  • The alternative would've been where banks don't own half of everything, but here we are. Next best thing would be that government would've kept prices in check, but instead are incentivized for prices to go up because even after it's paid off the owner is still responsible to pay property taxes. If those taxes went toward preventing homelessness, I think would make more sense.

  • What's a scam that's so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore?
  • Not OP, but the normalization of something necessary requiring to borrow a lump sum and take 20-30+ years to pay off plus interest. Even the valuation of homes is ridiculous in itself, since those numbers are somewhat based on subjective values or "how much can I get away with charging?". Sure, you have a baseline of materials and labor but the subjective part is just what's around that property. Even if you lived in a shed and someone builds a mansion next door, now your value magically goes up? It's a gimmick that only further drives inflation with fluff being added to demand. The shift of practically all US housing markets from the pandemic (people changing employment, vacancies created from those who died) went into a boom because companies or those with extra money started buying the excess supply so fast that it inflated demand. I'll stop ranting but I think it's all ridiculous and unsustainable and would like to mention that renting is just a subscription of residence.

  • Southwest Airlines appeals order requiring its lawyers to take 'religious liberty training'
  • “Companies and their lawyers should take findings of religious discrimination as seriously as discrimination based on race (or) sex,” Lucas said.

    Yeah, totally makes sense to hold beliefs that are chosen at the same regard as things you're born with /s

  • Teen sent 'hobo hunting' text before killing homeless woman with pellet gun: prosecutors
  • But he wasn't meaning to murder, this good kid was just trying to quell their boredom by causing bodily injury to people they they perceive as less than a person. /s I'd bet money that if this kid isn't charged, they'll become a cop.

  • Microsoft begins selling replacement parts for Xbox controllers
  • This personally irks me. I bought into their marketing on the first elite controller, but the switches on the small board for the paddles were easily damaged from the metal paddles. I had even called M$ trying to get a warranty replacement (accessories only have 30 day warranty and mine was less than a year old) quote for repairs, or where to get parts to sauter new switches. Though the pricing for that same board for the 2nd version is half the price of a new replacement, and only $10-20 cheaper then a replacement of a non-generic standard controller. Glad I didn't bother giving them a 2nd chance.

  • Reddit’s 2023 r/Place turned into a battleground for dunking on the CEO
  • Except he's accepting the 'bad guy' title in hopes of a large payout from IPO. This is why reddit should've been abandoned by all users who care when Apollo and RIF shut down. Even those remaining to protest only enforce the bluff that Huffman called by doubling and tripling down on his antics.

  • No matter who you are, thanks for being here.
  • Even given the circumstances of us being brought here (overt, stubborn, and shameless corporate greed), also glad folks are here. My hopes for lemmy is to be the community center of the internet. Let us not merely be lemmings, let us be lemminites.

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