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New Amata trailer!
  • Looks rad, can't wait!

  • What ROM to choose for my pixel 7 pro
  • This is exactly my dilemma. I'm trying to completely degoogle, but not having android-auto kinda screws me with my cars current audio unit.

  • Post launch day chat
  • Are you going to implement a discount on ultras lifetime subscription if a user has already paid for ad removal?

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • Whoever has permission to merge into the main branch of the code repository would have final say. All pull requests for the lemmy repo are currently public though, so you'd be able to see an abuse of power if one were to happen. More users can also be granted the ability to merge code into the main branch as well, which more than likely will happen with the biggest contributors.

  • ireworks ireworks
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