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What content do you miss on Lemmy?
  • I feel you, I've been super active in a niche community of a game ( /r/ADCmains from League), and even though it was a salty shitshow, I enjoyed it there.

    I got some of that fixed by joining a discord, but it's not the same :/

  • What is your machine naming scheme?
  • WoW places. Since some of my servers died, I'm currently only sitting on dark portal (Firewall), and the Stranglethorn Valley server with Gurubashi Arena (Plex), Booty Bay (you can imagine) and wild shore (shared file system VM)

  • When should you gank as support?
  • As an ADC main, I'd say it's important that the adc knows wave management at least to a certain degree to allow you to gank. If I see my support roam, I immediately let the wave push into me, in the best case I'd even establish a freeze.

    Since most ADCs in bronze have no clue how this works, I just wouldn't risk the tilt of your adc.

    If you still want to go for it, wait for your adc to be ahead and then either go from base or move up there when the wave crashes into turret or your adc recalls.

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • The thing that worries me about kbin is that everything is located on one single instance. You guys are building a lot of centralization over there which might lead to a Reddit 2.0 scandal at some point

    • posted from Lemmy
  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • I know we all dream of having all our friends and family on the Fediverse

    I honestly have to say that this isn't remotely part of my dream. I couldn't care less about the friends and families that are using facebook. They can contact me over E-Mail or over my phone. If they want to stay in touch even more, come join Discord or leave it be, simple as that.

    If it wasn't for those alternative social media, I wouldn't even use social media at all.

    Am I in the minority for thinking like that?

  • OotL: Sudden Titanic References

    I've seen quite a lot of memes and content related to the titanic on my frontpage. Waht's going on?

    Can we get downvotes enabled?

    As much as I like the wholesomeness of the concepts of upvotes only, I'd love to downvote idiots on other instances

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 2
    Comments 18