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How hard is it to make a film/movie of sorts? (mostly by ones-self)
  • The tough thing with creative endeavors is that you really just need the motivation to start and continue making anything, it can be inexpensive stuff. The important thing is output and making it a regular thing.

    That being said, gearing up for a new hobby is always fun if you can afford it. But you can absolutely make short films on an iPhone.

  • The Original Lemmings
  • Woww I had a CD-ROM of Lemmings and I always felt so sad for the lil guys. Thank you for sharing that link!

  • Bean thinking about this
  • As a lifelong peanut butter cup fanatic, this initially filled me with rage. Can't stop thinking about though...

  • is being "attacked" with random communities
  • wwwwwwwwwwwwwhAT'RE YOU DOING HERE STUART?!

  • Data Engineering jackattackson
    CAP Theorem Simplified
    0 just got faster! (infra upgrades)
  • I'd rather increase my monthly donation to support on GitHub than see ads here

  • The cashier cat
  • cashier cat is not having it today :|

  • just got faster! (infra upgrades)
  • here's to everlasting tingles 🍻

  • YSK: There is a bot spam posting reddit content, and blocking it will improve your experience sorting by All
  • Same here, we can build this community the old fashioned way by just sharing and engaging ❤️

  • Worth learning vim/emacs?
  • Same - I regularly use vim on servers when I have to, but I can only remember some super basic commands. Most of my coding is done in a basic text editor like Sublime Text or Notepad++ or an IDE.

    I do get the appeal of becoming fluent in Vim or emacs and theoretically attaining giant productivity gains. Although for me at least, text editing is not where all my time is wasted. I lose my productivity the old fashioned way: attending unnecessary meetings and wasting time solving the wrong problems.

  • just got faster! (infra upgrades)
  • omg Dean Fogg! 🧙‍♂️ Welcome to Lemmy

  • Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (US Army Corps of Engineers 1944) Ancient Courses: Harold Fisk’s Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (1944)

    Artful, detailed maps of the Mississippi’s meander belt created by US geologist and cartographer Harold Fisk.

    Ancient Courses: Harold Fisk’s Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (1944)

    these colorful maps show how the Mississippi River banks moved around over time

    & they are so beautiful I want to put them up on the wall as art

    Any data folks on Should I join a different instance?
  • This is great 😂

    I am down to talk about anything honestly - but just off the top of my head right now:

    Can you think of a good analogy to explain databases to complete beginners?

    The ole 'filing cabinet' analogy is used a lot but I am looking for something fresh. The students will be epidemiologists / public health people that are very science literate but not necessarily tech-savvy.

  • math jackattackson
    Finally, a true Aperiodic Monotile!

    A chiral aperiodic monotile David Smith, Joseph Samuel Myers, Craig S. Kaplan, and Chaim Goodman-Strauss, 2023

    Any data folks on Should I join a different instance?

    I joined and I'm honestly really liking it so far. is doing a great job!

    However, I'm wondering if I should create a new account on (or somewhere else) to be closer to where data science / data engineering conversations are happening.

    Or maybe there's a way to promote ! to folks on other instances? (I didn't create this one but I'm hoping it's discovered by others soon)

    Data Engineering jackattackson
    What is Data Lineage? Data Lineage: The Unseen Lifeline of Data-Driven Organizations | Airbyte

    Uncover the vital role of data lineage in driving data-driven organizations forward. Delve into its significance with expert insights

    Data Lineage: The Unseen Lifeline of Data-Driven Organizations | Airbyte

    I get questions like this a lot:

    • Where did this data come from?
    • How do I know I can trust the source?
    • What types of QA checks were applied to this data?

    Data lineage is such a chronic issue in data engineering. This blog post from Airbyte gives a good overview & mentions some interesting products/projects that can maybe help out with data lineage.

    Unfortunately, I have limited flexibility to purchase or install tools for this in my current role. Anyone rolled their own solution for this?

    Data Engineering jackattackson
    Design Thinking Bootleg (Stanford) Design Thinking Bootleg — Stanford

    The Design Thinking Bootleg is a set of tools and methods that we keep in our back pockets, and now you can do the same.

    Design Thinking Bootleg  — Stanford

    (pdf download at the bottom of the linked page)

    Often the most challenging part of data engineering is figuring out what problem to solve in the first place.

    The resources Stanford put in this Design Thinking Bootleg might have something that can help you work with others and build towards a well-designed solution.

    Data Engineering jackattackson
    Array programming with NumPy Array programming with NumPy - Nature

    NumPy is the primary array programming library for Python; here its fundamental concepts are reviewed and its evolution into a flexible interoperability layer between increasingly specialized computational libraries is discussed.

    Array programming with NumPy - Nature

    For Python developers, the NumPy array is a widely used data structure in data science / data engineering.

    Thought this paper was a good resource to learn a bit more about the history and core concepts of NumPy.

    People are bashing Lemmy in this thread. Did you also find Lemmy confusing at first?
  • Same exact experience for me. It hasn't been too difficult to pick up the Lemmy basics. I only ever lurked on Reddit and here on Lemmy I'm trying to be more of an active participant.

    The Jerboa app not working due to the server not being upgraded to v18 was confusing at first - but then I found the conversations going on and I understand why we haven't upgraded yet. I'm patiently just using the website directly.

  • What do you do when you’re really f’king angry?
  • Go scream at the top of your lungs somewhere loud like a busy highway overpass. Weirdly works!

  • Do you use Spotify DJ?

    Curious if other Spotify users are using the DJ feature. Can't decide if I like it or not yet.

    Data Engineering jackattackson
    The Missing Semester of Your CS Education

    I found this content super helpful and I frequently share this with new coworkers getting started in data / dev.

    jackattackson jackattackson

    I am into making the world a better place through data science/engineering and design.

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