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Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode
  • Great suggestion! Everyone remembers the Gorn, but the Metrons are fairly representative of the incredibly advanced aliens typical of TOS (like the Organians, Thasians, or Providers).

  • Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode
  • I think I'd suggest a planet-of-the-week episode. From TOS, "This Side of Paradise" or "A Taste of Armageddon." From TNG, maybe "Who Watches the Watchers" or "Up the Long Ladder."

  • What's the story behind the pon farr fridays photo?
  • If it is a promotional image from the studio, I would imagine it said something like “Star Trek Now on Fridays” originally. I think “pon farr” wouldn’t have yet been well known enough to mention.

  • Most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody
  • I hang out at my local game store once a week. I've timed the following playlist to fit the commute!

    • Status Report
    • How Would That Feel
    • I’m Ready
    • I’m the X
    • We are One
    • Subspace End Credit Medley
  • Most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody

    The most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody, adding together Spotify and YouTube stats:

    1. Status Report
    2. We are One
    3. I'm the X
    4. I'm Ready
    5. How Would That Feel
    6. Keep Us Connected
    7. Private Conversation
    8. Connect To Your Truth
    9. Keeping Secrets
    10. Main Title (Subspace Rhapsody Version)
    11. Subspace End Credit Medley
    Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight"
  • I felt like Freeman included Rutherford because his “gee whiz! lookee there!” naïveté added to her misdirection.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"
  • A little remarked side effect of time travel is that it causes infatuation (Kirk, in "City on the Edge of Forever") and horniness (Spock, in "All Our Yesterdays"). La’An experienced both!

    Edit: I forgot about Bashir and Jadzia in "Trials and Tribble-ations" but honestly they just seemed to be acting in character!

  • jalanhenning jalanhenning

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