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How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @Anders429 @bstix lol actually i watch videos for programming sometimes - what is really bad is getting a good look at that one knitting stitch that has a six letter abbreviation and only the worst text explanations WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH TAKING A PICTURE OF THIS

  • janananena janananena

    dann eben nochmal

    jana #dev #nordlicht (kielvermissung!) #atheistin #feministin linksgrünversifft #antifaschistin #antikapitalistin #noborders #queerAndMarriedToAGuy #teamScience #420 - unfuck the world please

    diy #bastelkönigin #stricken #sticken #naehen #knitting #xstitch #sewing

    mama zweier #britishshorthair kater natürlich #adoptdontshop

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