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Simple Programming Languages
  • The machine itself can generally only do very simple things

    I disagree. Assembly languages for modern architectures are a complexity hell. You need books with thousands of pages to explain how they work. In comparison the lambda calculus is much simpler.

  • RE: Is Ernest still here?
  • AP probably stands for ActivityPub

  • The Pure Programming Language (2022)
  • The symbolic rewriting is interesting.

    I do wonder what "modern-style" functional programming means.

    Also their FAQ says:

    But considering other FPLs like Haskell and ML, Pure's library support isn't bad

    Clicking that link reveals a list of about 34 libraries. In comparison, Haskell's current curated Stackage snapshot has 3340 packages in it (the total number of packages is probably more than 10x that). So, I think it is odd to claim its ecosystem is anywhere near Haskell's.

  • /kbin meta jaror
    Code blocks from Lemmy get mangled here on Kbin

    For example see this comment:

    There are so many <span> tags inserted into the code block that it has become completely unreadable.

    Is this a known problem?

    How to follow people from other instances?
  • The reason I want to follow that account is actually because I'm not seeing their posts, even though they use #haskell and I'm subscribed to that hashtag (and my magazine is "subscribed" to that hashtag). Is there any way to get their posts to show up in the microblog?

  • /kbin meta jaror
    How to follow people from other instances?

    I want to follow\_discussions, but I can't seem to reach them from kbin. Usually with mastodon, I believe I should be able to search for that URL, like this:\_discussions

    But that does not give any results. I've also tried looking up the user directly like this:\

    But that also does not work.

    Is there any way to do this?

    jaror jaror

    All the side effects were never mentioned to me I am innocent of uncontrolled abuse

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    Comments 4