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[Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"
  • @blotz @unixporn found it:

    I know what to do for Service Pack 2!!! xD

  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"
  • @vsh it should. And with Gnome and Xfce too. I found Cinnamon to be the best for this as it has already pretty close defaults to use as a base.

    The b00merang project is a little stale right now, but I never had problems with their skins.


  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"
  • @dual_sport_dork it's a player called Audacious. It is fully functional. It is available in every distro I know.

    To style it like this, download any winamp skin (*.wsz) and put it on \~/.local/share/audacious/Skins

    And I mean any winamp skin. I follow @winampskins for new ideas.


  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"
  • By the way... Thank you @unixporn community for the suggestions.

    I honestly thought I would receive some hate for "transform linux in windows", but instead you were so helpful. You rock!

    I love the fediverse.

  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"

    [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1"

    After my last post, I got some suggestions. AND I LOVED 'EM!

    Now with audio!

    Keep in mind this is STILL my work computer. I've installed Tibia and Quake just for the LOLZ. Had mixed reactions from my colleagues. So... mission accomplished? :P

    Theme and Icons: Wallpaper: “Nostalgic Scenes Collection” Audio: Internet Archive\_201910

    cc @unixporn

    [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy"
  • Permanently Deleted

  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy"
  • @unixporn @backhdlp good call! I'll change it

  • [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy"

    [Cinnamon] "Retro Heresy"

    I turned my work notebook into Windows XP to annoy my colleagues and jump scare the company's IT team.

    Theme and Icons: Wallpaper: "Nostalgic Scenes Collection"

    cc @unixporn

    jedi Thiago, Jedi

    Thiago, designated as "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of programing languages. Full snack dev (a.k.a. if it pays my food, I'm in). I do not shitpost, I pooptoot.

    Pro tip: I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

    Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens de programação. Desenvolvedor full snack (pagou o lanche, to dentro).

    (Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano)

    ❤️ :cuscuzin:

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