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Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer?
  • Good point, I'll have to keep that in mind. I would think that after the initial temperature equalization, it shouldn't be an issue as long as the temp remains relatively stable afterward, so in theory, if the rate of the initial equalization is gradual enough, I would think it wouldn't cause any long-term issues.

    Though that does depend on how exactly any possible solutions would work, and how controlled they could be. I might just re-evaluate after I get the insulation work done.

  • Home Improvement jedibob5
    Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer?

    I live in a pretty old house in the midwest, built 1929, bought in '21, single-story, ~1300ish sqft, and with a large, spacious basement. Every time summer comes around I've had issues with the basement getting MUCH colder than the rest of the house (like >10 degrees F difference), presumably due to poorly-insulated floors and cold air sinking. The HVAC is still capable of keeping the main floor at the temp set on the thermostat, but the temperature differential indicates it's working quite a bit harder than it really needs to be, and is probably wasting quite a bit of money.

    I'm planning on getting an insulation specialist in at some point to go over options for shoring up the insulation, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I could do to recirculate air in the basement through the rest of the house - even with good insulation, I feel like the laws of thermodynamics would still result in a basement at least fairly colder than the rest of the house.

    Is there anything I could look into that is reasonably cost-effective for circulating air from the basement to the rest of the house so my HVAC doesn't have to work so hard in the summer? Thanks

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Drenched Bluff

    Why yes I have been playing a shitload of Pokérogue lately, why do you ask?

    Wikipedia lists five composers for this game, so this is composed by one or more of: Koichi Nakamura, Hiroaki Tsuru, Mikiko Ohashi, Kunimi Kawamura, and/or Hitoshi Yamagami

    Atari Acquires Intellivision Brand
  • In that case, I'm still not sure what the Intellivision brand even has left that Atari would want... I guess they could do one of those nostalgia re-release collections of old Intellivision games, but I feel like the nostalgia market for a nearly 50-year-old console mostly known for being a failed competitor to the 2600 is... very niche.

  • Atari Acquires Intellivision Brand
  • Huh, first I'm hearing of this Amico thing. I don't know if it really has the support to capture enough of the market it seems to be going for... It looks like it’s trying to go for the "family-friendly, easy-to-use" concept that the Wii had, but the Wii had Nintendo behind it, along with other major publishers making games for it. The games included also look rather... basic.

    ...Annnnd it’s also a Tommy Tallarico thing. Of course it is. Why on earth does Atari want this?

  • Pinkertons Visit Home of Man Who Remembers Announcement of Magic: The Gathering TV Show (Satire)
  • It seems to happen to me a lot that when I hear about something that greatly interests me as soon as it's announced, the actual release of that thing seems to vanish.

    The MtG show, Elder Scrolls 6, the KOTOR remake... Maybe I'm imagining things, but it seems like if it's a property that I both greatly care about and hear about as soon as it's announced, it feels like there's a high likelihood that the project will just vanish for years in production hell.

  • Is there any reason at all for me to give a single shit about my team's roster until fall camp breaks?
  • Personally I think the first transfer via the portal should be free, but any subsequent transfers should cost a year of eligibility, like the old system. They'd still have the ability to move around if needed, but it'd give some actual consequence to hopping around from school to school on a whim.

  • Best watch order for first-time viewers?
  • Personally, I prefer release order, especially for first-time watchers, but whatever you do, don’t start with TPM. The prequels are a terrible introduction to Star Wars, and if they're watched before the viewer has an emotional investment in the franchise, it can cause them to lose interest in continuing.

  • Different approaches
  • Almost entirely unrelated, but it's interesting how enduring the "rebel scum" line has been, given that it was first said by some no-name imperial officer in the shield generator room on Endor, who was then promptly knocked into a pit when Han threw a box at him.

    Edit: I looked up the original scene, and it seems I slightly misremembered the order of events, but the core of the point still stands

  • Meta’s AI image generator really struggles with the concept of interracial couples | CNN Business
  • I hate that the focus of AI/ML development has become so fixated on generative AI - images, video, sound, text, and whatnot. It's kind of crazy to me that AI can generate output with the degree of accuracy that it does, but honestly, I think that generative AI is, in a sense, barking up the wrong tree in terms of where AI's true strengths lie.

    AI can actually turn out to be really good at certain kinds of problem-solving, particularly when it comes to optimization problems. AI essentially "learns" by extremely rapid and complex trial-and-error, so when presented with a problem with many complex, interdependent variables in which an optimal solution needs to be found, a properly-trained AI model can achieve remarkably effective solutions far quicker than any human could, and could consider avenues of success that humans otherwise would miss. This is particularly applicable to a lot of engineering problems.

    Honestly, I'd be very intrigued to see an AI model trained on average traffic data for a section of a city's street grid, taken by observations from a series of cameras set up to observe various traffic patterns over the course of a few months, taking measurements on average number of cars passing through across various times of day, their average speed, and other such patterns, and then set on the task of optimizing stoplight timings to maximize traffic flow and minimize the amount of time cars spend waiting at red lights. If the model is set up carefully enough (including a data-collection plan that's meticulous enough to properly model average traffic patterns, outlier disincentives to keep cars at little-used cross streets from having to wait 10 minutes for a green light, etc.), I feel that this sort of thing would be the perfect kind of problem for an AI model to solve.

    AI should be used on complex, data-intensive problems that humans can't solve on their own, or at least not without a huge amount of time and effort. Generative AI doesn't actually solve any new problems. Why should we care if an AI can generate an image of an interracial couple or not? There are countless human artists who would happily take a commission to draw an interracial couple (or whatever else your heart desires) for you, without dealing with investing billions of dollars into developing increasingly complex models built on dubiously-sourced (at best) datasets that still don't produce results as good as the real thing. Humans are already good at unscripted creativity, and computers are already good at massive volumes of complex calculations, so why force a square peg into a round hole?

  • I pulled this from a shop.
  • Good to see they're branching out with their business model. Can't just commit to a single strategy these days. Sometimes it helps to rebase your priorities to avoid creating new issues.

    Ok, bad jokes aside, how did it taste?

  • The world has become Applefied.
  • I don't think online resources are necessarily a replacement for in-person classroom instruction, and even if they were, it's not a reason to take the option of home ec classes away from those who want it.

    That said, I think it's at least a good thing that so many good internet resources on cooking exist, and it helps mitigate the problem to some degree. Still, it takes time and energy to seek out those resources, learn from them, and put them into practice. Not easy to do for anyone who has been worked far past the point of burnout and are still just scraping by.

  • The world has become Applefied.
  • '90s-'00s McDonald's primarily appealed to kids, as the colorful characters and Happy Meals were a big part of the draw.

    '10s-'20s McDonalds has pivoted to marketing towards adults, in part because they had come under fire for marketing greasy, oversalted calorie bombs to children as the US obesity epidemic took off. The other reason is that mid-to-low income adults became a much more lucrative demographic after decades of wage stagnation basically created an entire generation that's too tired and overworked to cook for themselves but too poor to go out to eat anywhere else.

  • How do you think sports betting has affected your and others' engagement with CFB?
  • Sports betting shouldn't be banned, but it definitely needs a lot more regulation than it has, especially when it comes to advertising. Think along the lines of tobacco industry regulations.

    The current state of sports betting involves incredibly predatory marketing practices that are intentionally cultivating addictions, and literally profiting off of others' misery. Vice bans never work, but when gambling interests have overrun sports so heavily that it's becoming more important than the sport itself, something's gotta give.

  • Removed
    Texas man changes his name to ‘Literally Anybody Else’ and launches presidential bid
  • For me that grabbed the link to the post which the NotTheOnion post was crossposting from - - not the NotTheOnion post itself. Idk if that's intended behavior for crossposts or if there's another way to do it on crossposts in Jerboa.

    Edit: Wait, I guess that is it? Since it was a link and NotTheOnion is hosted on I thought it wasn't the right link, but it seems to go to the right place anyway. Guess I don't quite grasp all the nuances of how the fediverse works...

  • Trivium - The Crusade (United States, 2006)

    I'm not even normally a Trivium superfan, but this one random instrumental is somehow a goddamn masterpiece.

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Hell March [Frank Klepacki]

    I'm gonna be real, I've never actually played C&C, real-time strategy usually doesn't click with me. All I know is that this song goes hard.

    Out of Context DnD jedibob5
    Eh, worst case scenario, you destroy one, *maybe* two sacred texts. No big deal.
    Spelunky (2008) - Cave [George Buzinkai and Jonathan Perry]

    No idea why they didn't keep this song in the remake, was one of the most iconic parts of the game IMO.

    RIP George Buzinkai

    PP Gamer


    Sometimes weed helps me sleep, but sometimes it keeps me awake all night, and I have no idea why

    While my cannabis usage isn't strictly medicinal, I appreciate its ability to help with falling asleep, something that I've periodically had issues with for most of my life. However, I've been having trouble with inconsistency in its effects on me - sometimes I can go right to sleep, but occasionally it keeps me awake long into the night, even after its effects should've worn off.

    I typically use indica hybrid live resin vape cartridges (whole-plant smoke is harsher on my lungs, and my wife doesn't like the smell of it anyway), and my usage is pretty moderate, typically 2-3 times a week in the evenings. Originally, I had believed the issue to be related to the strain, and I think it is, to some extent - some carts I've tried seem to work better than others, but even within the same strains I've had mixed effects.

    For example, last night, I started a little before 8 PM with a cart I got a few weeks ago that didn't have the strongest effects on drowsiness of anything that I've tried, but also hadn't given me any trouble up to this point. I tapered off after 9, only having a couple of smaller pulls before 10, where I stopped, and I went to bed at 11. I've been working off of a hypothesis that it's easier to sleep after the peak of a high has passed, which I haven't been able to really prove one way or the other, but it... might help?

    At any rate, I felt some kind of residual effect of the high that just... prevented my brain from fully disengaging and falling asleep, which lasted past 5 AM, far longer than I feel like it should've lingered. It didn't feel unpleasant or anything, and I went a lot longer before checking the time and getting worried about it than I would've normally. Still, I'm fairly certain I didn't fall asleep until some time around 5:30ish, and I sure felt sleep-deprived when my alarm went off this morning.

    I've had similar experiences before with different strains, which I've previously attributed to either the strain itself or the timing of its use. After last night, I'm starting to get pretty frustrated that I can't figure out why it's such a crapshoot sometimes.

    I know an internet forum is not a place for definitive medical advice, but the last time I talked to a doctor about it, it wasn't particularly enlightening, and the people at my dispensary haven't been able to give much advice either, beyond "use indica strains." If nothing else, I'm at least trying to see if I can get any ideas or leads on things to look into and research further. Any advice?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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