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jerome Jérôme

Québécois à #Toronto. Toots in English et #francais

I’m the co-founder and run operations for two #ecommerce #smallbusiness stores on #Shopify that work with artisans in the #Philippines

I also work as an IT consultant on #Salesforce, mostly working with #retail brands.

What interests me: #PublicTransit #transit #TOPoli #urbanism #F1 #FediQC #searchable and my cat!

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Comments 2
I have a long way to go, but slowly starting my #BotsInSpace migration.
  • The website is currently down. Is that essentially an ActivityPub implementation with a lot less features than Mastodon?

  • Montreal becomes largest North American city to eliminate mandatory minimum parking spots
  • @cyborganism Toronto has eliminated in 2021. Not sure what CultMtl is smoking.