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  • Ok, well, put out more likable candidates that get votes then. Stop expecting people to vote for a candidate just because they "aren't the other guy." You want people to vote for your candidate? Stop cherry-picking the next anointed one and saying "here they are, vote for them!"

    Goddamn. And Democrats wonder why people think they (we, since I'm registered as one) are so out-of-touch and condescending.

  • A supportive husband
  • Switch and PS3 here. It's just as difficult. Especially since the buttons for "proceed" and "return" in menu functions are reversed.

  • Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low
  • It’s obvious you don’t know what fascism is. Get out of your bubble, pal.

  • Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low
  • Sure thing buddy. Actions have consequences, and the "Palestinians" are reaping what they have sewn for 50+ years.

  • Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low
  • So it’s ok when terrorists kill civilians, but not when the country getting blown up by suicide bombers defends itself. 👍🏻

  • Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low
  • Attacking a country and then going “aaahhh they’re fighting back!” is genocide. Got it.

  • Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll
  • Sorry man. I hope he comes around.

  • Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll
  • So when's he going to gather them all at Mar-a-logo of New Guinea and have them drink Flavoraid?

  • Toy Story characters behind code names of Debian releases
  • How did I not notice this. Lol

  • New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
  • Debian is my go-to on my home box. Lol.

  • New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
  • Doubly paranoid, doubly protected. Lol.

  • New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
  • Personally, I use Chrome because it and Edge are the only browsers installed on my work PC.

    At home, it’s either Safari on my Mac or TOR on my Linux box with a VPN.

  • New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
  • This is why I use Linux at home, along with TOR and a VPN. I'm not doing anything other than looking up woodworking and camping stuff, but fuck all ya'll for being nosy.

  • New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!

    Got this notification when I opened Chrome when coming back to my desk after lunch.

    "We changed our privacy settings to allow us to snoop on what you're looking at and shove you ads accordingly. Feel free to opt out, but we'll probably opt you back in when you aren't paying attention."

    Chat Gpt now has ads in some responses
  • Of course it does.

  • Maybe later... how about never, you fucks?
  • Same here. I always said "ain't no way I'm ever paying for what used to be free!"

    Fast forward to political ad season and some orange peckerhead keeps popping up... "Alright, here's your damn money. Now let me watch this autistic guy unclog drains in peace."

  • Maybe later... how about never, you fucks?
  • Microsoft: "Please use Edge!"

    Me: "No thanks!"

    Microsoft, 6 months later: "Please use Edge!"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    Microsoft, when I visit Bing: "Please use Edge."

    Me: "No. Thanks."

    Microsoft, when I open Outlook: "We will be opening links in Edge instead of your default browser. To switch back, go to your preferences."

    Me: "Motherfucker, I think we have a difference in viewpoints."

  • Looking for pack style reccomendations

    Looking for a new backpack. I don't like having 40 pockets to stash stuff in. I would prefer a frame but not having one isn't a deal breaker. Have lower back issues so it needs to sit appropriately.

    MOLLE, ALICE, ILBE, or FILBE? Something else?

    jimrob4 jimrob4

    Coffee, cigars, sawdust, ham radio. Bourbon after 5pm, 2pm on weekends. Backup account is

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