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A quick note on the return2ozma ban:
  • Good move, they were a clown and pointing out that they were arguing entirely in bad faith is correct. They did it under the guise of being far-leftist, but as a far-leftist myself, I have a hard time believing it was for anything other than pissing people off. Hopefully they can go practice being happy instead of doom-posting on niche Internet forums.

  • Trump campaign donation page crashes after guilty verdict
  • It is sad to think about how many working class people will funnel their earned money into his pockets.

  • American couple doing missionary work killed by gangs in Haiti, wife is daughter of Missouri rep.
  • Good god. I feel bad for them on two fronts.

    1. That’s a brutal way to die and at a young age.
    2. They were so delusioned by religion that they put themselves in danger to spread around ancient mythological texts to random people.

    In no way is religion worth the events.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • The hard truth is that to get a leftist government we, you and I, and others, have to do more than vote. We still need to vote because it is an avenue given to us. A free lever. But we need to become active locally. In tenant unions, in local leftist groups. We have to organize and this takes time. Do not vote and pray, vote and then act.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • You are not helping your case. I won’t hold your words against those that are serious about doing good.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • Tensions are high and they are understandably panicked. Have open conversations with them in good faith. It is the only way forward.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • There is division within the ranks of the right as well. There are protest votes upwards near 20% in the Republican primary in some states, even when there is nobody running against Trump. I understand things are dire, but the Democratic party can win this election. I am far further to the left than the Democrats are, but will still vote for them in the elections to buy time. We must believe in ourselves, and I think lashing out against the far left is detrimental to the cause. It is fair to confront those who are adamant about sitting out elections, but the conversation to mobilize the far left pragmatically must be tactful and not full of hate.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • I understand your view, though I see those who do refuse to pull the levers of democracy as misguided and self-destructive rather than overtly and explicitly "supporting fascism." Convince them to pull the levers they are given, rather than lash out at them. Humans who are confronted with negativity and accusatory language will only back further into their corners and pull out their fists.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • If their post is meant to persuade a super-minority of US political types (the far left) by talking down to them on a niche social media website, they are not doing a very good job. This is not how you convince people to join you. Then again, maybe they have no intention of doing this, and just want to lash out at anyone who will listen.

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • This has been clear from the start. Netanyahu has spit in the face of Biden time and time again, taking US tax dollars and using it as he sees fit. Trump won't even require Netanyahu to spit!

  • Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.
  • Why is your first reaction to attack the left, when the right is standing in front of you?

  • Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden
  • Any working class person living in the elements of this economy will tell you it is not good; cherry-picked indicators in these reports be damned. When the people tell you they are hurting in numbers this large, leaders must listen, not ignore.

  • Removed
    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • I will say that I am no oracle, just one man. It is easy to perceive problems and very hard to prescribe solutions.

    That being said, I can offer the following perspectives.

    1. We have lost control of our leaders to the wealthy. We do get to vote, but we do not get to vote for a working class person. In order to be elected into the high offices you need a lot of money and influence. This money is provided largely by the wealthy who have a shared interest in filtering us little people out of the process entirely.
    2. People (the masses) always have absolute power, but power must be shaped and directed for progress. Currently, a lack of class consciousness and the constant bombardment of propaganda to our televisions, our phones, etc, is ruining us. We also have no presence on the national stage via political party, as stated earlier, which exacerbates the directionless nature.
    3. Capitalism is largely unregulated in any way that matters, and has gotten us into a sustained feedback loop of the above points.

    In order to fix these problems, we need to fight back through locally organized groups; tenant unions, renters unions, etc. Having the hard conversations with friends and family. Re-framing arguments and world views in terms of class rather than cancerous “red versus blue” politics. Showing up to peaceful protests while we can still participate in them. Pulling the levers of democracy given to us in local elections, and on the national stage, pulling the levers for the candidate that will not plunge us into immediate fascism as a stop gap. We need to do this now and with vigor to prevent the other potentials.

    The alternative to action now, I’m afraid, will end in revolution attempts by a divided working class. This implies civil war where nothing is certain.

  • When iCloud Won’t Let you Delete Your Data
  • I’m curious as to how this manifests when advanced security is enabled. Advanced security on iCloud is supposed to make photos and many other services e2ee.

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    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • We do not have the option to ignore the opinions of billionaires. Their opinions become government policy through lobbying and it impacts us all.

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    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • I suppose you’re right, it is. I am not articulating myself properly here. Let me re-frame this.

    Every time we chalk things up to a bad actor being hypocritical, we are taking our eye off of the ball. The problems we are facing are not individual actors that are simply acting hypocritical in the moment. We are, in reality, dealing with a much larger issue. The economic structure is filled with grifters, liars, and exploiters at the top because that is how it is best leveraged.

    So when articles are written calling some billionaire a hypocrite, we are not accomplishing anything. I would argue it is largely a game of masturbatory whack-a-mole to make ourselves feel better, because we cannot fix this system with random callouts and the (extremely) rare removal of “bad apples.”

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    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • No, not quite. I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market in his life and has never argued in good faith. All of those wealthy types know exactly what they are doing. They publicly embrace a fake ideal of free market economics up until they no longer have to put up the facade.

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    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • I don’t think you’re really addressing my comment, which is just a criticism of how folks write about these “hypocrisies.”

    Of course it’s not fair; that’s the entire foundational pillar on which capitalism rests. I’m not saying “hate the game, not the player”. Rather I’m saying the game is bullshit and the player should have his balls kicked with steel toed boot repeatedly.

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    Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports
  • This is how all capitalist markets progress, which is why I get annoyed when folks try to talk about this as though it is hypocritical. There is nothing hypocritical about a capitalist attempting to stifle innovation and competition for the advancement of their own personal wealth. This is what capitalism is about.

  • jmanes jmanes

    Improving healthcare at Oracle. Software Engineering and other shenanigans. Kansas City, MO.

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