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Gaetz Tells Bolling Russia Would Be Better NATO Member Than Ukraine: ‘Probably Provides More Benefit Long-Term’
  • I was a leftist teenager in the W Bush years and I was very much pro-Putin/Russia. I even used to watch RT occasionally. It wasn't until around 2012, with the handling of Pussy Riot that I started to look more closely at what modern Russia actually was, and what kind of leader Putin was. I remember laughing at Romney back in 2012 before all of that, when he said that Russia was out biggest threat. Fast forward to 2016 and I realised just how right he was, and I really don't like agreeing with Mitt Romney.

  • r/BotDefense is shutting down - I hope Reddit likes spam and malicious actors
  • Maybe they accidentally commented with their porn alt? Seems like the comment was deleted.

  • Is there a way to block whole lemmy servers from your feed?
  • And just to add detail, because I found it confusing when I first joined Lemmy: local shows posts from all communities on your instance, and all shows posts from all instances (your instance is federated with).

  • Feature Request: Add block community option to three dot menu

    I'm sorry if I'm not explaining this correctly, but would it be possible to add the option to block a community in the three dot menu while browsing, without having to navigate to the community first? Really loving Liftoff! Thanks for your hard work!

    jobutupaki jobutupaki
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