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Dutch mega-trial exposes brutal gangland underworld
  • While on trail, Taghi ordered and succeeded in the murder of:

    • the crown witness' innocent brother,
    • the crown witness' lawyer, Derk Wiersum,
    • investigative journalist, Dutch celebrity and confidant of the crown witness, Peter R. de Vries.

    This level of violence aimed at innocents was unheard of in the Netherlands. It's what drug trafficking brings.

  • Saudi Arabia opens its first-ever alcohol store — but it's only accessible to a select group
  • Peter Santinello is a guy on YouTube who does very genuine interviews with people from all walks of life. He has a short series in Saudi Arabia where he talks with all kinds of people, including women. They talk about how women driving became a thing and you can see how modern some cities are. Women are not even wearing a headscarf everywhere.

    Definitely recommended to watch if you want to get a different view on the country than the perspective you get from most western media.

  • One in 100 people in Gaza has been killed since October 7
  • I think the basic reasoning is some form of:

    "If you support Palestina, you are against Israel. And you can't be against Israel, because then you are an anti-semite and that means you support Hitler."

    It's mainly prevelant in western countries that historically support Israel. I do think a big part of that is some historical shame/feeling the Jewish people are owed something, given the genocide they had to endure in WW2. And of course a touch of geopolitics. And right wing politicians using Israel as a way to position themselves (I guess they hate Muslims more than Jews?).

  • Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994
  • I use copilot on a daily basis for programming. It has made me much more productive and it's a real pleasure to use it. Nothing overhyped about it.

    Curious to see what it will bring for other domains, e.g. for dealing with emails.

    I do agree that there's a lot of filtering happening. Not a huge deal for more applications. Luckily you can run your own models that are not filtered. I can definitely see a future where you run your own models locally. Afaik Apple recently did some stuff around that.

  • Dutch far right struggles to find allies for power
  • This is not how it will go down. PVV might briefly hurt when its government fails, but then they'll start spewing their far right populist shit again and people will eat it up and vote. In the meantime the whole political conversation has shifted to the right and will nor recover.

    Having PVV form a government is not good. Not on the short term, definitely not on the long term.

  • Man grabs Greta Thunberg's microphone after pro-Palestinian address at climate rally
  • I don't see a connection between climate justice and justice for Palestinians, other than that it's both about justice. Could you elaborate why it's necessary to bring these seemingly unrelated struggles for justice together?

    I btw totally see how a lot of social justice is tied to climate justice, but specifically the Palestinian struggle seems totally unrelated. Happy to change my mind.

  • As a beginner, how should I go about learning difficult concepts?
  • The name of the function, what goes in and what goes out in most cases should be enough to get a good idea on what the function does.

    It also helps to make a diagram of how everything ties together. Just boxes and arrows is enough.

    When writing your own code, it takes a bit of experience to know when to put something in its own function. It's very obvious when you're replicating code. It's also very common to cut things up when a function gets too big. Look for bits of functionality that you can give a good name.

  • Zelensky: Israel has ‘indisputable’ right to defend itself from terror
  • There are huge differences. One country came into existence due to a federation disintegrating, because its members called for independence. The other country came in existence because an occupier forced it upon the people living there.

    There wasn't also a huge amount of migration involved with Ukraine. People mostly continued their lives when Ukraine became independent. The founding of Israel involved many Jews for all over the world migrating to that area. You can imagine that affects the people already living there.

  • Is there something better than SQL?
  • With Influx 3 the preferred language is gonna be their SQL dialect. Flux is on its way out and I suspect it will get deprecated in the near future. Flux saw very slow adoption and SQL can do everything as well.

  • I wish writing SQL queries was more popular than ORMs
  • They're nice if they also migrate your db schema. That way you define your schema once and use it both to setup your db and interact with it via code. I do write raw sql for more complex queries, e.g. when there's recursion.

  • Now you have to pay to see lyrics on spotify
  • I was big into downloading before streaming services were a thing. Music streaming is one of the few services that's totally worth my money: no hassle and I rarely have to resort to other platforms to find what I want (very different from video streaming, which totally sucks when it comes to that).

  • Hand printed bag from a local roaster

    Amsterdam based roaster. Awesome guy selling great coffee. This is a bag of natural Peru, fairly light roast. Lots of fruitiness.

    Vegetarian sous vide recipes

    Looking for more vegetarian sous vide recipes that really take advantage of the cooking technique. Please share if you know any!

    Some I've tried:

    • sous vide meatless carbonara (fool proof carbonara, but quite involved -- and yes, leaving out the pork or replacing it with e.g. mushrooms makes this not a true carbona).
    • sous vide overnight oates (really smooth texture, although I've never tried regular overnight oats).
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