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Seriously, Wikibooks?
  • It's a nigligible inconvenience for a significant increase in security. This sort of situation has happened before where different numbers and symbols are used to pass off as other users in online communities.

  • Night Club [Safely Endangered]
  • I was only being half serious. I was mostly referring to "trendy places" that profile patrons, often racist etc. I do know many good bouncers at good establishments and they try to filter out dangerous people, like drunk/high dudes or bachelor/ette parties.

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • I used to not care about ads in Google because they were minimal. I was OK with ABP "acceptable ads".

    But I've since gone full scorched earth. Fuck them all, their trackers, their fake news, the terrible products. I'm still OK with ads in my search results (no longer using Google) because they are often relevant to something I'm looking for. But for the rest, the Web stopped deserving my respect. I don't consume that much content online, and I pay for most of the few things I do consume.

  • How long have you used Ecosia and how did you find it?

    I personally been using it for almost 5 years. I heard about it from a colleague a few years before that but I forgot about it, and then an online ad reminded me to check them out again.

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