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White Rural Trump Supporters Are a Threat to Democracy
  • Usually the aggressive signalling of a particular kind of anti-White, anti-Christian political tradition combined with a "German" surname is enough to give it away. Note that "Jewish" denotes an ethnicity, not a religion. There are plenty of nonbelievers eligible for aliyah.

    Waldman doesn't exactly require a hexagram to identify, but in case you need direct evidence:

    I jumped the gun on Schaller. He doesn't actually seem to number among the chosen. Despite his ardent leftism and anti-theism he somehow still ends up batting for the promised land with regards to the ongoing genocide, and his retweets are like the invitation list to a bar mitzvah, but I guess those are unavoidable phenomena when you're part of the American intelligentsia. A shabbos goy, no doubt, but not a Jew. My sincerest apologies for this libelous slander toward both Schaller and the Jewish people.

  • White Rural Trump Supporters Are a Threat to Democracy
  • What an extremely problematic comment. Are you seriously implying some kind of set hierarchy between yourself and the presumably more primitive apes? Your privilege is showing. Be better.

  • White Rural Trump Supporters Are a Threat to Democracy
  • Oh wow, two bougie urbanite Jews warning me about how awful poor, rural Whites are! What else is new?

  • 5 years later Valve finally gives Windows compatibility tool Proton a logo
  • I love what Valve have done for GNU/Linux, but you have to admit that the Steam software itself is a bit of a janky mess.

  • jonion jonion
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