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What the best mastodon instance?
  • I also didn't use Twitter but wanted to try to get into mastodon. One thing to note is that the official mastodon app currently doesn't allow you to follow hashtags, only people. The FEDILABS app allows you to follow topics by hashtags. Since I'm new I didnt have any people I knew of to follow off the bat, so it was nice to be able to follow #scuba and automagically see a bunch of stuff I care about pop up in my home feed.

    The account is full of gems like that.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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    After 3.5 years I finally got Covid
  • For years, I was hoping to be the very last American to catch COVID. I'd dodged a couple near misses, including being...close 😏... to my wife the night before she tested positive.

    When it finally got me it was quite mild. I tested + when I had very mild symptoms, so I went for a run before things got bad. Felt crappy the next day, but the day after that I felt good enough to get another run in.

    Not sure if it's related, but every time I got a vaccine/booster I thought for sure that the next one would kill me.

  • Share Your Favorite Linux Distros and Why You Love Them
  • Are you playing steam games that have Linux versions? Or is the "comparability mode" stable and fast enough that you don't really have to think about it?

  • Which is the best image hosting site?
  • That's really cool. Are they photos from a camera's sd card? Or do you pop them over from your phone?

  • Has a Famous Person Done an AMA on Lemmy Yet? If Not, Who Do You Think Will Be the First?
  • Ama's we're the content that got me hooked on Reddit. I think it was a lengthy Dan Harmon ama and I read it for hours. I think it's pretty telling that I haven't read through an ama in years.

  • What is the thing that has surprised you the most about the Fediverse?
  • I think you're justified to be wary of the buzzwordiness of Blockchain though. For the 2 days I spent learning about what all this is before I signed up, every time I heard "de-centralized" I kept asking myself, "How sure am I that this isn't some weirdly elaborate crypto scam?"

    Bonus fear: I was also concerned for a while that this was just going to be a refuge for hate groups who have been kicked off of major platforms. I've been pleasantly surprised so far.

  • jrubal1462 jrubal1462
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