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This will be all art in fascist USA
  • I hate long sentences; they make me angry... were I to purge one group of people in my socialist utopia, it would be those pretentious, self-appointed guardians of whatever outdated "style book" first instilled into the eager mind of an innocent child the notion that communicating in emojis (noble word! ) was unacceptable, and who like the Old Testament serpent feed to their sycophantic followers the old lie -- what lie, you ask; well, the lie that if you but speak intelligently, you will be as gods, that if you eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Case Endings and Suburdinate Clauses, you shall know both good and evil, and your writing will be immortal; that if you stop using verbalizations like "lmao" and "skibidi" and "many such cases," people will respect you and love you and worship you all your days, for you now see things sub specie aeternitatis (more like sub specie LOL); and that generally, you have performed a sort of discipline for the mind analagous to cleansing the body in a shower-bath, which latter is obviously a bourgeoise and counter-revolutionary act. I hate tankies so fucking much.

  • It seems Russia gonna wipe out UAF 🤣
  • It’s a bit like China for my tastes

    That would indeed be bad. Because we all know how the modern Russian Federation absolutely dwarfs the People's Republic economically.

  • Turns out that the anti-China lobby is full of sex pests
  • Really. You don't say.

    Never have I been more surprised.

  • As is the reasoning of a Zionist, genocide is acceptable when the victims are others
  • The juxtaposition honestly makes it look like "Why I am a Zionist: because I think death camps are cool."

  • d-_-b
  • Wait, is this actually a real children's book?

    That's... something I really don't have any words for (except man, this country is fucked).

  • Cops under bourgeois rule are the guard dogs of capital
  • "NOOOOOOO! ACAB applies only to Chinese and north Korean police, not to our wholesome American cops! Sure, American cops do bad things, but it's just a few rotten apples, if we elect Joe Biden again everything will get better..." -- some lib looking at this

  • “Lesser evils”
  • Me cracking theory and history books trying to figure out why Britney Spears is included in that lineup

  • Iran launches large-scale drone, missile attack against Isr@el | CGTN
  • ISRAEL (Idiot Settler Racists And European Larpers)

  • Authoritarian
  • I personally view it as that if you can’t allow people to see other viewpoints, then material conditions don’t matter.

    Said by someone who has never really been hungry,

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • I wouldn't want to do it -- not really a thing in American culture -- but I can see the appeal. Sitting and talking with your friends, maybe having a beer, feeling cleansed in body and spirit.

  • In this Ukrainian village, almost no men are left
  • Another brave redditor, speaking from the front lines

  • The two sides of Lemmygrad
  • New theoretical ground gets broken here every day

    Might as well rename this community Qiushi

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Reminds me of a line in a Soviet comedy (Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath), where the main character, a kind of goofy middle-aged dude who’s somehow made it through medical school, goes with his friends to a sauna on New Year’s Eve. One of them gets drunk on vodka he’s smuggled in and starts pontificating about how private bathrooms are destroying civilization. “At home, this beautiful ritual becomes – a mere washing off of dirt.”

  • The two sides of Lemmygrad
  • I picture lemmygrad as being the encyclopedic knowledge of Yogthos coupled with the sardonic wisdom of PolandIsAStateOfMind

  • Thoughts on Robert Kiyosaki and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"?
  • Capitalist dad


  • PSA: it's about the time when US election hysteria kicks into high gear.

    Happens about February-March of every election year (the, ahem, independent media goes out of its way to induce it). Get ready for the next lib wave, and a bunch of iterations of the following script, which they've been practicing since like 1999:

      1. "Eh, I disagree with [Democrat candidate] on a lot of things, but to pretend he's not better than [Republican candidate] is just delusional."
      1. "Yeah, I know [Democratic candidate] is a war criminal and complicit in a genocide, but have you considered that [Republican candidate] is a war criminal as well, plus he said rude things about [minority group]? In the interest of harm reduction for Americans only, I have a duty to vote Democrat."
      1. "Your vote actually does matter."
      1. "The only reason the Democrats aren't Wholesome Progressive Scandinavian Model Chungus is because they have to play politics with the Republicans. You have to recognize the reality of a two-party system."
      1. "We can push the Democrats left."
      1. "Such-and-such Democratic policy (usually the Affordable Care Act) was actually really progressive."
      1. "My [minority group] partner, whom I've never mentioned up to this point and very possibly just made up, is voting Democrat." (This tactic also gets used by libs defending porn and/or prostitution, e.g. "my totally-real girlfriend loves it when I post videos of us having sex online").
      1. "If even one less person dies because [Democratic candidate] is in office, it's my moral duty to vote for [Democratic candidate]. I am a mature, compassionate person who absolutely understands socialism."
    Russia takes Avdeevka Fall Of Avdeevka Signs Fall Of Hopes Of Sponsors Of Ukraine


    Fall Of Avdeevka Signs Fall Of Hopes Of Sponsors Of Ukraine

    This is the city which the fascists have been using since 2014 as a base to shell civilian areas in the Donbass

    What liberals mean by "nuance"

    is this and this only: supporting the status quo, but disagreeing on minor points, so that while receiving the plaudits than go along with holding the majority opinion, they can feel (somewhere in their pathetic TV-poisoned minds) that they are "brave" and "intelligent." It is the ancient gambit used by every would-be intellectual who desires to to be popular as well: "Yes, I agree with you all, but not for precisely the same reasons. Would you perhaps like to hear what I think?" These words, when spoken aloud, are always in that back-of-the-throat drawl which, in American English, signifies considered thought and long acquaintance with books, and of course a string of letters at the end of one's name.

    Thus we get the typical liberal position on anything. "I sympathize with the Palestinians, and the policies of the Israeli government are certainly to be criticized, but all civilized people should denounce Hamas because nothing justifies terrorism!" Or: "Yes, Ukraine has a problem with corruption, and there is a troubling right-wing element in their military, but we still need to side with them because Russia is much worse!" Always there is the ghost of an acknowledgement that the situation is complex -- a cheap rhetorical trick -- and then doubling down on the socially acceptable position. The ultimate in this stupid game is the invocation of an equally stupid phrase, "two things can be bad at once, mkay?" -- which always means in practice that the side America supports is actually the less bad of the two ostensible evils.

    Hence we "tankies" are always accused, by liberals, of having for great revolutionaries of the past a wholly uncritical admiration. This is manifestly false, for nearly every discussion among Marxist-Leninists at some point devolves into a picking apart of historical minutiae, with the goal of finding what Mao or Stalin or Honnecker did right or wrong. We are one of the few political groups that does not spare our heroes. But when liberals ask us to approach Mao with "nuance," what they mean is: admit Mao was a bloodthirsty tyrant who ate babies for breakfast and never brushed his teeth, but he also ended footbinding. Hence the historical record is "complicated." We Marxists, of course, will not engage in such asinities, and we state openly that Mao's successes far outnumber and outweigh his mistakes. For liberals, who are at root historical nihilists, this is unacceptable, and why? Because we refuse to play the game, but also because them out in their silly attempts at pandering and social climbing.

    lol US Steel, once the world’s largest corporation, agrees to sell itself to a Japanese company | CNN Business

    US Steel has agreed to be bought by NIppon Steel, Japan’s largest steelmaker, in a $14.1 billion deal.

    US Steel, once the world’s largest corporation, agrees to sell itself to a Japanese company | CNN Business

    The former most valuable corporation in the world sold to a Japanese company for basically chump change. (Hint to any lurking butthurt libs: don't, for the love of heaven, look up statistics on Chinese steel manufacturing).

    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie

    Man, what a bad year for us. Look at all these setbacks the global communist movement faced and didn't overcome:

    • The Chinese spy balloon incident. We hoped the presidency and the Pentagon would make utter fools of themselves by shooting down children's kites and talking about alien invaders. Didn't happen: Biden's measured and appropriate response won him the admiration of the entire world, and put to rest any lingering doubts about his fitness for office.

    • US sanctions absolutely destroying China's semiconductor industry. We thought that one of the world's richest countries, with the biggest real economy and most advanced industrial base on earth, would find a way to make needed chips on their own. Nope: cheap commie manufacturing got exposed once again as unable to adapt to the computer age, and the Chinese had to come begging to Washington to get the sanctions lifted. Just like Reagan predicted.

    • The US economy and the USD were both stronger than ever, with de-dollarization basically a nonstarter. (This after the US did NOT experience a recession in 2022, and after American economists absolutely did NOT redefine the very meaning of the word in order to hide how badly the economy was doing). We hoped Russia and China announce a raft of trade agreements, including trade in yuan; none of that came to fruition, and we might as well accept that Bretton Woods is going to be with us forever.

    • Russian retreat from Bakhmut, a city which had not strategic value to begin with. Russia said it was the key to the Donbas, and as good Z bots we have to keep parroting that line, but we all know the city was only attacked to stroke Putin's ego. Avdiivka is NOT, I repeat NOT, in danger from Russian forces.

    • But the biggest humiliation we faced: the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which people are STILL talking about, which ISN'T being quietly swept under the rug, and which all freedom-loving people (not Tankies) will CONTINUE to talk about until the end of time. We thought the Ukrainian army would stall at the skirmish line, unable to advance because of extensive mining and massive Russian firepower; instead, we had to gnash our teeth in rage as those rag-tag Ukrainian heroes, armed with advanced American and EU weaponry, broke through Russian lines and liberated Crimea. Guess those Patriot missiles really are invincible.

    So there it is, a really crappy year for anti-imperialism. Let's hope 2024 can be better.

    What does Israel even stand for?

    Illegal Settler Racists And European-born Larpers is the best I can come up with.

    Just a picture of the Colonel in uniform

    His dream (of a free Africa) is the nightmare that haunts the sleep of western imperialists.

    The hypocrisy of western politicians

    Reminder that Israel is cutting off electricity and water to Gaza.

    At least it's an ethos ZelenskyO's

    Zelenskyo's cereal. A charitable cereal that donates to purely humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

    Chad Marx owns generations of "classically educated" American conservatives quoting, off the cuff and without translation or footnotes, a random passage from Dante.

    (Also some Italian comrade please translate this for me. I am not on Marx's level).

    juchebot88 JucheBot1988


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