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[Fil quotidien] Discussion du jour 30-06-2024
  • Francais "de souche " représente. je peux retracer ma généalogie sur 3-4 générations (selon les branches) et ca atterri toujours dans un petit village paumé au milieu de nulle part. J'ai émigré pour équilibrer du coup :)
    Donc Bardella aimerait bien me refuser "certaines fonctions" maintenant.

  • [discussion] qu'avez-vous mangé cette semaine ?

    Petit fil de discussion détente, racontez donc ce que vous avez mangé cette semaine.

    Pour ma part, l'expérimentation "vegan breakfeast muffin" continue, la deuxième fournée fût trop sèche mais meilleur avec les tomates séchées. Sinon en végé: tarte aux pommes et onigiri, et en végan lentilles sauce tomate et quiche champignons, tomates séchées (oui je recycle les ingrédients)

    Cette semaine on commencera avec les boulettes de lentilles rouges et quelques restes de la semaine dernière. Je tente le risotto aux asperges mercredi, on croise les doigts.

    [discussion] qu'avez-vous mangé cette semaine ?

    petit fil de discussion détente, racontez donc ce que vous avez mangé cette semaine. Ca me donnera des idées

    [Recette vegan] Quiche au curry et tomates cerises, recette - Vegan Pratique

    j'ai testé en version originale et en version tofu soyeux seul et je recommande. Je mélangerai juste l'onion au reste de l'appareil à quiche, je trouve que ca a tendance à brûler sur le dessus. \ Hélas impossible de se passer d'un mixeur, impossible de hacher le tofu suffisamment fin à la main.

    [Recette vegan] lentilles noires à la sauce tomate

    Je sais plus d'où je tiens cette recette, je crois bien que c'était un site allemand de toute façon. Je l'ai pas inventée et il me semble que c'était inspiré de la cuisine éthiopienne.


    • Lentilles noires beluga
    • onion
    • gingembre frais
    • purée de tomates (la petite briquette en carton)
    • garam masala

    en option:

    • sucre
    • cacao
    • sauce soja
    • ail
    • votre ingrédient secret préféré pour réussir la sauce tomate
    • fécule/épaississant au choix

    La recette:\ Dans de l'eau bouillante, mettre les lentilles, l'onion coupé fin et le gingembre râpé. surtout PAS de sel (ca rallonge le temps de cuisson). Laisser cuire environ la moitié du temps indiqué sur le paquet.\ Passer le tout pour virer la flotte. On peut garder l'eau de cuisson ca resservira plus tard. \ Les lentilles mi-cuites retournent dans la casserole et on ajoute la purée de tomates. et aussi l'ail, le garam masala, le sel le poivre. Sous mon toit on rajoute éventuellement un peu de sucre si les tomates sont acides, du cacao et/ou de la sauce soja, (je vous file mon secret de cuisine le moins bien gardé).\ On laisse cuire pour le reste de la cuisson des lentilles, voire plus (souvent plus). Faut pas rester trop loin et mélanger de temps en temps, sinon ca va brûler au fond, et si besoin on peut remettre un peu d'eau de cuisson dans la casserole pour délayer la sauce. Ou juste de l'eau chaude normale, c'est plus safe pour ceux qui digèrent pas bien les lentilles.\ Le garam masala c'est déjà un petit peu épicé, mais un peu de siracha en plus ca fait pas de mal.

    Se mange sur du riz. Les pâtes ca marche aussi mais c'est moins bon. Et non, je mesure rien.

    Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!
  • Thanks for putting this toghether, it was great fun !
    I also new from the moment it was posted that UK had won. happy to see Hungary second and a bit sad about Canada, I liked the song a lot.

  • Bagarre - On est les mêmes is entry into lemmyvision

    Bagarre - On est les mêmes [invidious link]

    Bagarre - On est les mêmes [youtube link]

    the nomination process happened here\

    lyrics in french:

    On a les mêmes papas qui vont tous voir ailleurs\ On a les mêmes mamans à qui les rides font peur\ On a les mêmes parents à qui l'on ment tout le temps\ On a les mêmes enfants (les miens sont différents)

    On a la même fortune, celle qu'on a dépensée\ On a la même costume, le même que le banquier\ On a les mêmes coutumes, car il faut bien crever\ On finit tous dans l'urne, même ceux qu'ont pas voté

    On a le même sourire, pour 2-3 likes de plus\ On a le même regard, quand on n'se regarde plus\ On a les mêmes souvenirs, mais on s'en souvient plus\ On a le même avenir

    On croit qu'on est tout seul, quand on est 8 milliards\ On croit que le bonheur coûte 1 million de dollars\ On croira tous en Dieu quand il sera trop tard\ On croit que la fin du monde (n'est juste qu'un canular)

    On est les mêmes \ Gloire à nous-mêmes \ Personne ne s'aime

    On a tous la FOMO, c'est pour ça qu'on ne dort plus\ On matte les mêmes pornos, c'est pour ça qu'on ne baise plus\ On aime tous être solo, sauf quand ça capte plus\ On aime tous les homos, sauf quand on les aime plus

    On est différents, mais on a la même vie\ On fait tout comme avant, car on n'a pas d'avis\ On a tous fait semblant à la fin d'avoir joui\ On voulait tous dire "nan", mais on a tous dit "oui"

    On a les mêmes amis, et donc les mêmes problèmes\ On a les mêmes ennemis, car l'ennemi, c'est nous-mêmes\ On a les mêmes soucis, qu'on s'envoie en DM\ On a les mêmes habits, les miens viennent d'H&M

    On a les mêmes vacances de famille qu'on rejette\ On a la même enfance que plus tard on regrette\ On a les mêmes week-ends, les mêmes amphet'\ Bu les mêmes bières, promis demain j'arrête\

    english lyrics (run through deepl and corrected by me):

    We have the same dads who all go elsewhere\ We have the same mums who are scared of wrinkles\ We have the same parents who are lied to all the time\ We have the same children (mine are different)

    We've got the same fortune, the one we spent.\ We have the same suit, the same as the banker's\ We've got the same customs, because you've got to die\ We all end up in the ballot box (urn), even those who didn't vote

    We all have the same smile, for 2-3 likes more\ We have the same look when we're not looking at each other\ We have the same memories, but we don't remember them anymore\ We've got the same future \

    We believe we're all alone when there's 8 billion of us\ We believe that happiness costs 1 million dollars\ We'll all believe in God when it's too late\ We believe the end of the world (is just a hoax)\

    We're all the same\ Glory be to ourselves\ Nobody loves each other

    We all have FOMO, that's why we never sleep anymore.\ We watch the same porn, that's why we don't fuck anymore.\ We all like to be alone, except when the reception's off\ We all love gays, except when we don't love them anymore

    We're different, but we have the same life\ We do everything as we did before, because we have no opinions\ We all pretended at the end that we'd come\ We all wanted to say "no", but we all said "yes".

    We've got the same friends, we've got the same problems\ We've got the same enemies, because the enemy is ourselves\ We've got the same worries, we send it through DMs\ We have the same clothes, mine are from H&M

    We've got the same family holidays that we reject\ We have the same childhood that we later regret\ We had the same weekends, the same amphet(amines)\ Drank the same beers, I promise tomorrow I'll stop

    I mended a tote bag and practiced a few different stitches.

    !a mended tote bag with different stitches

    The white and green longer ones are fishbone stitch, really practical and not too long or difficult to make. \ The long blue blob is a web stitch, I like it a lot, but the thread I used was a nightmare to work with. \ The small blue blob is an interlaced backstitch, I wouldn't use it on anything too wide, but also, you need a big enough circumference for the outer backstitching, it may otherwise look bad. Idk, it looks good but has maybe a limited range.

    Piece of cake !

    !picture of an embroidered strawberry cake

    !closet up of prervious embroidery

    As planned I finished it today, there wasn't much left to do. I enjoyed pretty much all of the stitching a lot, except the strawberry itself. It's not too bad but the fishbone stitch with a thick perled cotton over such a small surface wasn't a good idea.\ otherwise I am really surprised about the regularity of my stitches, it looks quite tidy. The point could be pointier and the overall proportions are a bit weird but, oh well.\ Also one of the threads on the satin stitch is a bit loose and I am worried if it's going to holdwith time, this is a shirt that may end up in the wash 😬 \ The pattern is made up of vibes and internet searches, feel free to steal it.

    Not sur if it's worth doing a WIP wendesday, but have a look still !

    This will most likely be finished tomorrow, but I may forgot to take nice pictures or to post it. I am unsure whether to fill the inside of the plate with something, I thought about doing a few lines to hint at it, but it may look stupid, idk. Also, bad lighting, I hope you can forgive me.

    !picture of an embroidery of a strawberry cake in progress. only some of the top is missing.

    The asymetrical flowery dress.

    It took me about four month between buying the fabric and completion. I had other things on my list and spent way too long on the design (two months to decide). I wanted a long flowy dress, but this quilting fabric is too stiff for that. So I attempted a tailored, more serious look, balanced by the print. I could have done it a bit faster if I didn't slack off the button holes. (Did some tests with the machine, but ended up doing it by hand.)\ I am really happy about the asymetrical opening and neckline, it looks good and it's functionnal. I am very pleased with the buttons as well.\ !

    I continued the theme on the 3/4 sleeves. The result is a bit underwhelming, and I haven't worn that length of sleeves in a long time, we'll see if I find it comfortable.\ !

    Let's not be coy about it: the innards ! It has one continuous bit of bias tape from the neck to the bottom, which is a nice acomplishement but lays funky on the shoulder, would redo it differently. The facings were annoying but worth it in the end. I still need to secure the sleeves facing better, because I catch it while putting the dress on. Also still need to take a decision on the waist seam finishing, which is tricky because of the buttonholes and the hook and eye holding the inside in place.\ !

    Yes, of course.\ (also look how the buttonblacket lies flat!)\ ! !

    There are a few weird folds under my arms and on one shoulder, which I need to fix next time. The sleeves fit very well and don't restrict my mouvement, which is weird given how much I winged that part.\ Pattern my own, using slash and spread based on my bodice block. I used mostly straight machine stitch and hand sewing, no overlocker. Pocket fabric is of unknown origin (curtain maybe?)

    I was supposed to make a black shirt, but it was too boring.

    publication croisée depuis :

    > So I added some tiny fishes! ! > > The shirt itself was roughly copied from one I had and the fit is.... well, I can put it on which is nice, but I try not to move too much while wearing it. The shoulers and upper sleeves are tight and it's too long. But I bought an expensive fancy fabric that feels nice, and the details are ridiculously hard to do, so I keep it like that. I only wear it like 4 times a year.

    I was supposed to make a black shirt, but it was too boring.

    So I added some tiny fishes! !

    The shirt itself was roughly copied from one I had and the fit is.... well, I can put it on which is nice, but I try not to move too much while wearing it. The shoulers and upper sleeves are tight and it's too long. But I bought an expensive fancy fabric that feels nice, and the details are ridiculously hard to do, so I keep it like that. I only wear it like 4 times a year.

    Impossible de poster dans toutes les langues?

    Au moment de choisir la langue d'un poste, seul le francais et l'anglais apparaissent, du coup c'est plus dificile de communiquer avec d'autres instances (pas en FR ni EN).\ Je sais bien qu'on peu laisser undetermined, ce que je ne trouve pas idéal.\ S'agit-il d'une décision délibérée ?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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