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The official chat room for a privacy community is discord?
  • Change is annoying, folk don't like having multiple platforms to talk with. A network is only as strong as the number of participants in ot, and discord has won that by a long shot. I'd love to see Matrox grow myself.

  • No more News for Canada as Instagram blocks content for Canadian viewers due to C-18 link tax, others to follow
  • This might be a blessing in disguise. Let's see how it plays out but I can't help but feel the interaction between mass media and the internet has not been positive and a divorce might be what's needed.

  • Aurora States Threads is Able to Take Photos and Videos, Sound Like France to Anyone?!?
  • Mate there's a million reasons to not use it, you don't need to make shit up.

  • [Question] Setting up Docker on an already functionning server?
  • You don't need to restart per say, like you could migrate everything but it absolutely isn't necessary; and for a system that's productive id even avise you not to until you're more comfortable with docker.

    There shouldn't be any issues with on metal services living together with docker, in fact I have some services running that way myself.

  • My keeb
  • I love the color scheme, what a beauty!

  • kai Kaiser Of None

    Software developer based in Cordoba, Argentina

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