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Pity, really.
  • For me it's usually easier to "watch free online" rather than searching and downloading torrent, like, I have client installed just in case, but I barely use it. Last time I used it actually was official 9front iso, not pirating.

  • Milk Rule
  • It's OK if you cry
  • And also I never had nvidia chips, I have one very old from AMD, and other computers use just intel integrated graphic.

  • It's OK if you cry
  • I think it very depends on your hardware. I, personally, never had problems with it, on thinkpad which I use right now WiFi drivers were out of box even in Gentoo minimal ISO(It uses iwlwifi). But, every hardware that I have is about 10yo. And I think I haven't any non-intel WiFi-cards.

    But also one of my friends had to compile drivers for his card manually from github, and second friend had issues with his WiFi constantly disconnecting which we couldn't solve.

  • anime_irl
  • 3n - 6 < 30

    3n < 30+6

    n < 36/3

    n < 12

    I think

  • NSFW
    Shitter rule
  • I think shitter counts "cis" as a slur.

    Also fun fact or something, shitter is a name of a mastodon client.

  • Water rule
  • I think "little water" in russian will be vodichka(водичка), but they probably share same root

  • Welp, guess I'm going to hell
  • Cross-platform web™ when platform isn't chrome on windows

  • rule
  • Full version, i think it was posted in this community

  • rule
  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • My connection was lagging and I posted like 3 same comments accidentally :(

  • :3 rule

    Watermelon have cracks(?) in a shape of :3

    Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Pie launcher from f-droid, before I used KISS, but it's too slow for me. Pie is more minimalistic, APK size is literally 150KiB and minimum android version is 2.3

  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Pie launcher from f-droid, before I used KISS, but it's too slow for me. Pie is more minimalistic, APK size is literally 150KiB and minimum android version is 2.3

  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Pie launcher from f-droid, before I used KISS, but it's too slow for me. Pie is more minimalistic, APK size is literally 150KiB and minimum android version is 2.3

  • kala_telo kala_telo
    Posts 1
    Comments 13