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exercise for us?
  • Heavy lifting is the only thing that's stuck for the way my brain works. I used a program called 5x5:

    • only 5 different lifts to learn, each full body so there's no fiddly minmaxing
    • more or less timeboxed. 5 sets of 5 reps 3 times with about a minute between each rep and set. To improve, you add more weight, not spend more time
    • consistent, once you get the routine down, and you know roughly how long it'll take, you can just let your body take over, coast on muscle memory and motor neurons, zone back in in an hour when you're done
    • numeric satisfaction as your weights increase in fixed increments.
    • immediate gratification because functional strength is neat and comes on surprisingly fast

    Downside: So hungry, all the time.

    It's been a few years since I've been active. I used to live in an apartment directly above a gym. Now I live in the boonies and need to convert my carport into a garage before I can buy a weight set.

  • Why the Fediverse is not (yet) Billionaire-Proof, or: The 51% Attack for the Fediverse
  • I've seen some active instances die due to admin neglect (not paying the bills, for instance), and I've wondered how those communities have fared since, since they'd have to start over elsewhere, and without all the content and history from their origin server. Same goes with user accounts too.

  • What If: No Social Media Anonymity (Edit)
  • Just read a thing about how persistent usernames may work better than actual ID. Of course, I don't have a link, and I'm not finding anything on Google right now, but as someone who uses the same handle across multiple services, which makes my activity traceable, but not necessarily to my real identity, I definitely think there's something to that.

  • Re: Defederation - Does Lemmy need a charter?

    Edit: Shit, I probably should have made the title plural - "Does Lemmy need charters?"

    From the great discussion below, some clarifying thoughts:

    • Not advocating for a SINGLE charter, and less of a system and more of a... convention.
    • In my universe, groups of instances could get together and come up with some common governing strategies that set them apart from other instances.
    • Given common strategies, other instances can opt in to get in on that sweet, ethical branding.
    • What I sketched out below was thinking specifically around what a single charter could look like addressing the immediate issues facing Lemmy to date. A prototype for the convention, even.


    Looooong time r/all lurker here, something like 10+ years on reddit with maybe 10 comments. I've seen a lot go down.

    I'm seeing a lot of hand wringing around defederating Meta, Threads, and even handling problematic instances within the Lemmyverse itself.

    It's tiring to see these things come into consideration on a case by case basis, completely decontextualized from earlier crises. And the patterns are all too familiar - the big ones lately have been around (to name a few things):

    • Adopt-Extend-Extinguish (
    • the corrosion of commercialization
    • the never-ending gyre of "Free Speech" vs The Overton Window (nazis are bad, vaccines are good)

    This definitely isn't a new idea, but at in these early days of the Lemmyverse, we can take our collective past experiences, good and bad, on other social media networks, and define some sort of Lemmy charter that sets standards for ethos and quality control. I'll start:

    > 1) Don't federate with for-profit or commercial institutions > 2) TBD

    Because we're done with the for-profit, commercial web, right? In the last couple of days, my brain has taken all the all the Lemmy posts and comments on the subject, mashed it all up, distilled it, and keeps coming back to this idea of non-profit/non-commercial entities.

    but y tho?

    Because loose, institutional underpinnings could, like a mycelial network, feed the Lemmyverse. And mycelial networks are dope.

    Here's a proposed methodology:

    • Initial Core* Lemmy instances define a charter of guidelines about behavior, ethos, standards
    • Lemmy instances that adopt the charter get known as "Charter Instances"
    • Charter instances have a say in the upkeep and development of Charter... things.

    \*We'd have to think about what that initial "Core" means - maybe the first X instances to have reached Y number of users? Beyond bragging rights that They Were There when the charter was created, no other special status would be conferred.

    And because I'm an anarcho-syndicalist:

    • Charter status is basically just a blue checkmark that just says "hey, we're cool, folks"
    • An instance can walk away from the charter, no biggie
    • Charter instances can determine if another instance is violating the charter and take away their status, or choose to update the charter to be inclusive
    • Instances wouldn't be limited to just the charter for guiding principles once adopted, instances can do whatever
    • The charter should probably be Super High Level, descriptive rather than prescriptive, to allow communities decide how to interpret and implement

    And because I have ADHD, and this is currently over-stimulating my brain:

    • Different charters developed by different communities! Mix and match! Merge!
    • Creation of a Charter .org non-profit foundation that provides material support to new or struggling instances!
      • and compensation for software maintainers!
      • and legal support when necessary!
      • and maybe maintains the technical specification of what makes a lemmy a lemmy!


    Alright, ADHD has run its course. Back to lurking for another 10 years.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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