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Gridfinity Refined
  • It's funny how many people have redesigned Gridfinity. This looks like a solid improvement in a few areas. If you make it, let us know how it goes.

    The 4040 adapters ought to have magnets, though, IMO.

  • What is every here printing with?
  • I use a Prusa MK3 (not MK3S/+) that I got in 2018. Later this year I hope to get an MK4 to join it, and maybe a Voron 2.4 for big prints. My first printer was a SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX from 2013. Its controller board died for the second time just before I got the MK3, and I never fixed it.

  • kbob kbob

    Crusty geek. Retired software developer, aspiring musician. Used Unix way before it was cool.

    Once I built a pumpkin chucker. Another time, I built an LED cube.

    Interests: 3D printing and making in general, synths (playing and making them), learning the bass guitar (rock, jazz, funk), FPGAs and electronics, pinball. I spent 40+ years obsessively coding and studying computing, but that interest has finally cooled.

    On Mastodon, I am @kbob.

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