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People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • Because Mint is popular among the crowd, and such challenges are also driven by the crowd. Better to see it as some social or meme dynamics, than to explain it with logical reasons. I also see more new users who use arch, because of the "I use arch BTW" meme.

    As a Fedora Silverblue user I find it hard to recommend it to new users. It's not an issue with Fedora, but with the state of Linux desktop in general. At least with Mint/Ubuntu people can rely on social media and the community if they have problems. And Fedora is a more niche thing, and doesn't have a big crowd.

    Moreover, I chose Fedora because of my experience, which allows me to have opinion what is better. But I don't think it's a good idea to explain the years of the Linux desktop drama to new users, when they are just doing the first steps or trying to feed their curiosity.

  • Advice on improving my privacy
  • Give attention to Qubes OS also, It's the easiest way for separating apps for different tasks, using them with different proxies (VPNs, Tor) or profiles at the same tame.

  • Switch from Ubuntu to something immutable?
  • I'm not sure if your issues are related to the distro(s) used and not to the hardware. But if you wish immutable distros...

    You can try to use Ubuntu, but installing all the apps as snaps (and/or flatpaks). That will give you immutable-like experience on a regular Ubuntu installation. Otherwise, I'd recommend to try Fedora Silverblue and openSUSE Aeon.

  • Wall Street Crypto Bros Buying Politicians
  • But politicians exist to be sold.

  • Locked
    Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session
  • I usually save neither the browsing history neither the opened tabs. I add interesting pages in bookmarks, but rarely check them again.

  • I'm feeding both wolves fully and it's not enough
  • If there is a developed ecosystem, it's better not to try to fix it.

  • List of versions (stable, LTS, unstable etc) of major distributions from fastest to slowest updates?
  • Not true about Rawhide. It's a testing environment for maintainers and developers. And it often has many outdated packages.

  • The DesQ Project (a Wayland Qt Desktop with own apps)
  • Probably, because of the background image.

  • TUXEDO on ARM is coming
  • Oh, these long-awaited arm laptops are designed for high TDP and have active cooling. I don't see why to choose them over Intel/AMD in that case.

  • Apple Intelligence and other features won’t launch in the EU this year
  • Apple Intelligence? Oh, they want to reuse "AI" for their own trademark.

  • In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!
  • I saw something like this among Junji Ito's manga.

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • Animal sexual behavior is under-reported in general, I think. Do not forget to report!

  • Removed
    “Systemd is the future”
  • systemd now is focused around image-based systems. There is a huge gap between this design and traditional distros. I hate how the linux community has nothing in between of these two polar opposite approaches.

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • I've tried to use Fedora Workstation in VM (GNOME Boxes) with only 1GiB RAM. And it is even usable and UI is responsible for GNOME and Firefox, but applications start more slowly. All those at cost of higher CPU usage. Probably it performs well because Fedora uses swap on ZRam, and it makes the system more reliable.

  • Mozilla Acquires Anonym, Pioneering Privacy in Digital Ads
  • Mozilla regularly buys proprietary services and provides them as exclusive FF features nobody asked.

  • kenkenken kenkenken
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