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In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @ajsadauskas @degoogle What we need to do is re-visit the GnuPG philosophy of building rings of trust. If one emerges with enough people proven to provide quality aggregators/summarizers then we can start to depend on that, or those.

  • Lemmy Development Update 2023-10-06
  • @poVoq The first sentence where?

  • Lemmy Development Update 2023-10-06
  • @nutomic Neither of those are available from the link you provided.

  • Lemmy Development Update 2023-10-06
  • @nutomic Is there a straightforward description of what Lemmy *is* anywhere?

  • khleedril Khleedril

    Recreational maths and computing, sci-fi reading and writing, appreciation of fine art and planet Earth.

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