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Graphite progress report (Q1 2024) [2D procedural graphic design app written in Rust and Svelte]
  • So it's only browser-based? No download, no installation to local machine? Or did I miss something?

  • Krita FTW
  • Sorry, but NO. Scribus is a page layout app. It is not intended for image creation/manipulation. That is truly using a shoe for hammer, or a hammer for a screwdriver or a screwdriver for a butter knife.

    You can use Word for page layout or image manipulation too. Again, screwdriver for a butter knife. Right tool for the job and all.

  • What Orwell Really Feared
  • For the unwashed proletariat without a New Yorker subscription…

  • A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions
  • Again? Isn't this the third time or something? Then Microsoft comes along with a briefcase of Euros and the "problem" goes away. Sombody please correct me if I'm mis-remembering.

  • Rectangle for Linux?
  • System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Windows

    Although I just skimmed the Rectangle front page, I think this about covers everything you're asking for in Cinnamon...? The default shortcut is Super/Win-arrow.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • The Snap Store is run and controlled by Canonical and is not open source. The rest of Snap is open source, meaning the daemon and core software. [emphasis mine] How threatening this is depends on you POV and has been the subject of much discussion.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • Thats a lemmy problem link in the previous post works. More proof of why Linux has never really taken off with the non-spectrum general public. I guess just following format ([words]( or -- god forbid -- you select a word, click the link button and paste just isn't esoteric enough...?

    In any case, I see that you edited your post to cover your tracks fix Lemmy's error.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • And speaking of completely flawed, your link doesn't work.

    Anyway, thanks for berating informing me about AppImage but it's the closest thing on Linux to app bundles which IM<HO is the sanest way to package applications.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • Speaking of which, didja hear that for the upcoming Easter holiday, Amazon is offering a special gift basket of northern Israeli cheeses.

    They're calling it Cheeses of Nazareth.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • Easy, tiger. I think you misinterpreted my original reply.

    I meant the whining about the two (systemd and flatpak) isn't strictly OR but may be AND. Have a nice day.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • My totally unscientific opinion (with a double-your-money-back guarantee!):

    I'm not crazy about either Flatpak or Snap for that matter as there's so much backend baggage for both as well as certain hurdles regarding privileges and access to the file system (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong or working with dated information.)

    My other completely prejudiced, unfounded bias against Flatpak is that it appears to have been adopted by RedHat as "the one true way," and what with IBM's/RedHat's behaviour anti-FOSS behaviour lately, plus I've almost always have been an apt user, I find it a pill hard to swallow.

    Me, say what you will about the security issues and its other flaws, but I like AppImage.

  • What are your thoughts on Flatpak/Flathub?
  • The two whines are not mutually exclusive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • [Discussion] About a more structured movies and TV community
  • Dearest ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝,

    Yes, I was the other admin @, "second in command" if you will. No, I have no insights regarding what happened over there as it wasn't my server/instance. You nailed the timeline of events; after many attempts to contact, just like all of you, one day I went to only to see that Cloudflare "Web server is down" page. Hey, fun while it lasted and all that.

    If I may (now that you've woken me up), I think it's kind of...dickish uncool...for this community to steal appropriate the graphics from ! I mean, they weren't mine or anything but still. Grave robbing, anybody? What does it take to come up with something new?

  • Linda Hamilton says she wouldn't star in a 'Terminator' reboot: 'It's been done to death'
  • Am I the only one who thinks T2 was the only good film in this series?

    FTFY. Okay, okay, the first film was enjoyable, low-budget sci-fi cheese but you all have to admit there is a world of difference between the first and second movie, a qualitative quantum leap. Then the saga went ahead with bigger budgets and smaller brains. But that's James Cameron for ya.

  • Reddit ha un nuovo accordo per addestrare l'intelligenza artificiale di una "grande azienda", vendendo i contenuti degli utenti
  • SE (scritto con i caratteri 2m alti dipinti arancione) gli instance del fediverso POTREBBERO opporsi, finora non vedo nessuna mossa in quella direzione, neanche un robots.txt. Reddit, monetizzando i dati contenuti, ha messo un cartello alla porta, "Il negozio è aperto!" Il Fediverso semplicemente lascia la porta spalancata, non c'è nessuno a casa e il cane di guardia dorme è morto. Effettivamente non c'è differenza di "quei dati che ospita" Reddit o Lemmy. Correzioni sono sempre gradite.

  • The Berkeley Software Distribution
  • Thanks for this! Quoting from the first comment on the linked article's page…

    Wonderful story I can't believe I didn't know.

  • Reddit ha un nuovo accordo per addestrare l'intelligenza artificiale di una "grande azienda", vendendo i contenuti degli utenti
  • Ho visto questo articolo su un'altro sito, che mi ha fatto riflettere…

    Né Lemmy né il fediverso né Activity Pub fa qualsiasi garanzia contro il raccogliere dati dai terzi, AI o no. Qualcuno mi correga se erro, grazie.

  • Marvel Fans React To Martin Scorsese’s ‘Killers Of The Flower Moon’ Marvel Fans React To Martin Scorsese’s ‘Killers Of The Flower Moon’

    In a controversial opinion piece penned for The New York Times, acclaimed film director Martin Scorcese argued that Marvel movies cannot be classified as cinema. The Onion asked fans of the action movie franchise what they thought of Scorcese’s latest film, Killers Of The Flower Moon, and this is wh...

    Marvel Fans React To Martin Scorsese’s ‘Killers Of The Flower Moon’
    Lazy Police Work + Faulty Software = Eight-Month-Pregnant Detroit Woman Sues City For False Arrest Detroit woman sues city after being falsely arrested while pregnant due to facial recognition technology

    Porcha Woodruff was getting her two children ready for school when police officers presented her with an arrest warrant alleging robbery and carjacking, court documents show.

    Detroit woman sues city after being falsely arrested while pregnant due to facial recognition technology

    From the linked article...

    > A Detroit woman is suing the city and a police detective after she was falsely arrested because of facial recognition technology while she was eight months pregnant, according to court documents. > > Porcha Woodruff, 32, was getting her two children ready for school on the morning of Feb. 16 when six police officers showed up at her doorstep and presented her with an arrest warrant alleging robbery and carjacking.

    kingmongoose7877 kingmongoose7877
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