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  • J. Kenji López-Alt is fantastic. Professional chef who shows a lot of the how and why in his videos. How to do something in the recipe, and why it's done. Professional chef with a bunch of other paid resources if you end up liking his style

  • You’re 17 times more likely to die traveling the same distance in a car than on a train
  • For short haul flights where a train is preferable, or private iets, absolutely. However airplanes are still the most efficient way to travel long distances. Abolishing airplanes altogether is one of the least thought out takes I've ever heard.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • Never thought I'd see the day, someone admitting they were wrong online. Take some imaginary gold.

  • 'Oppenheimer' draws debate over the absence of Japanese bombing victims in the film
  • Saw it last night in IMAX. There were no parts that dragged. It did not feel like 3 hours and was very engaging the whole time. I'm still reflecting on it. Go see it if you can in IMAX

  • Road Design That Sends Cars Into Bike Lanes Demonstrated For The First Time In Michigan
  • Considering Edge lane roads have reduced crashes by 44% in the US I'd say they fare pretty well with American vehicle ownership. When drivers are sharing the lane with oncoming traffic, it tends to slow their cars down a bit regardless of size. I'd even wager that larger trucks feel the calming effects of this tight road design more than a small car.

    Plenty of neighborhoods in the us with parked cars on both sides of a bidirectional travel lane wide enough for one car. Cars go slow and negotiate for space. It's a very similar concept here.

  • Big game hunting

    Here we see the triumphant Psyduck posing over his latest kill

    Road Design That Sends Cars Into Bike Lanes Demonstrated For The First Time In Michigan
  • Glad someone made this comment before me. Here's the MLive article the clickbait is based on. You can learn more about edge lane roads here.

    Generally these are good for slower speed routes that don't seea lot of traffic. Residential streets are a perfect example. It's basically how drivers instinctively navigate down slow narrow streets. Not too familiar with that area of Kalamazoo to know if it's a good fit for that road but I'm generally in favor of this road layout and think we need more of them in the US so it's not seen as some scary confusing thing by motorists.

  • Removed
    All Star Trek fans now have a home on Lemmy World
  • I would say it is poorly managed for the fact that their rules and community standards are not clearly outlined. They ban for reasons not listed in their rules. For a community this large, there needs to be some sort of outlined expectations. It's fairly apparent they are more interested in moderating the subreddit and this Lemmy community is downstream of that in their minds. Expecting us to just magically know the subreddit standards without being listed out is textbook bad management.

  • Removed
    All Star Trek fans now have a home on Lemmy World
  • The com at the time was dominated by discussion of the Prodigy cancellation, so it was a relevant topic and not being overly critical for the sake of being overly critical. It presented an opinion of the cancelation that wasnt predicting doom and gloom for the franchise like the mod line being pushed at the time.

    Even if it isn't substantial, why isn't there a list of blocked domains? Or a rule about it? It could have spurred a discussion in the comments, what makes a community forum like this so special. The point is it didn't violate any community standards. Then when I tried to open a discussion about it to try and refine the rules/community standards moving forward (early days of reddit emigration) I was permabanned for starting drama.

    I'm not looking for a com where everyone is super critical. I am looking for one where mods are acting as petty little tyrants banning well meaning contributors because they don't have the exact same opinion on certain things as they do.

    The mods are more interested in the reddit community and it shows. It's clear Lemmy is downstream of reddit to them.

  • Removed
    All Star Trek fans now have a home on Lemmy World
  • The mods on are the same ones from reddit and care little about transparency or actually hosting a star trek community that fosters open discussion. They are frequently banning users that voice opinions that don't break any rules except mod opinion.

    This has been going on for some time and is the perfect use case for why decentralizing common discussion topics is a feature, not a bug, of the fediverse/lemmy

  • Removed
    All Star Trek fans now have a home on Lemmy World
  • This has been going on for some time and trying to be kept quiet by the mods/admins of that instance

  • Just bought a PSP 2000. It is my first PSP, what should I know?
  • Get yourself an av adapter to play on your TV when you want a bigger screen!

  • ‘The Bear’ Feasts in Streaming Rankings
  • Gave me such anxiety. Loved all the guest actors they got to play family

  • US soldier defecting to DPRK Travis King: US soldier who crossed into North Korea faced disciplinary action - BBC News

    The soldier crossed the border "wilfully, of his own volition" the Pentagon has said.

    Travis King: US soldier who crossed into North Korea faced disciplinary action - BBC News

    A US soldier is currently in process of defecting to the DPRK. This is a developing story

    Biden Issues Order To Send 3,000 U.S Reserve Troops To Europe
  • Screw Russia. They’re pathethic and getting a taste of their own medicine.

    So will you if a nuclear war is triggered. Do you really think protecting Ukraine's sovereignty is worth burning down the world in an exchange of nuclear weapons?

  • Biden Issues Order To Send 3,000 U.S Reserve Troops To Europe
  • Not happy about Russia invading Ukraine but also not happy about the US potentially escalating to WW3. Ukraine is not worth a nuclear Holocaust

  • Biden Issues Order To Send 3,000 U.S Reserve Troops To Europe
  • I'm not arguing with someone who keeps contradicting themselves in their own comment and lacks any basic historical awareness of the cold war or 20th century at large. Let me make my point crystal clear:

    Nuclear war and world war should be avoided at all costs

    The US committing troops to the ground to fight for Ukrainian sovereignty will trigger WW3

    A third world war between NATO and Russia will involve the use of nuclear warheads

    If you'd like to refute any of these points please be prepared to bring something to back up your words. I am a historian so I'll take any primary source or peer reviewed secondary sources. Otherwise you're just blowing hot air for the purpose of stoking hate. Something I won't take any more part in.

  • Biden Issues Order To Send 3,000 U.S Reserve Troops To Europe
  • I don't know if you're genuinely trolling or just being plain ignorant.

    I'm literally comparing how weapons assistance starts small and escalates to large scale involvement based on higher level comments saying something along the lines of

    Oh, it's only 3k troops. Hardly an escalation

    Context is king buddy. How does that whole quote go you glossed over of mine?

    Ukrainians have just as much a right to die for their country as I do not having to die for it

    Paraphrasing because you didn't link to me saying that.

    And the point still stands, I never said the us was trying to start a war

  • klieg2323 klieg2323

    Piper's #2 and 1/2 of her #1

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