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If you've ever wanted to know what Open Source Software is and why it's important to our hobby, here's some of my thoughts.
  • I run OpenRTX on a Retevis RT3s, which can be done without any hardware modification. (I do not know if original firmware is available somewhere -I have not checked-. If that is the case, it should be possible to reflash the stock firmware on the device).

    Anycase, I must say that M17 does not run correctly on that radio. There seems to be an issue that the first 300 ms or so of the transmission is not correctly modulated (something related to the FM modulator) and also the end of the transmission is broken of halfway the end-of-transmission frame.

    I am currenly at the stage of trying to understand how OpenRTX really works, and my first idea is to implement POCSAG-paging into it. (As I have the source-code for that here anyway) and I also have some ideas for APRS to want to delve in.

    (OK, that is, if I have some time left next to all the other stuff I am working on :-) ).

    73 kristoff - ON1ARF

  • If you've ever wanted to know what Open Source Software is and why it's important to our hobby, here's some of my thoughts.
  • Onno,

    The reason I added the cfp was to show that it is not a pure technical conference like FOSDEM or GRCON. We added a non-technical part and did that on purpose. In a way, our goal is to try to start a discussion on "how do we see the amateurradio hobby in the post-dinosaur era?"

    Looking at a distance, we see a number of different evolutions:

    • amateurradio is slowly starting to invert the "buy-and-use" attitude we have seen the last 20 to 30 years. Your remark on the opensourcing the firmware of radios fit into that, as does OpenRTX and similar projects.
    • We also see more and more an overlap of amateurradio with other communities, like the makers, developers (think FOSDEM), SDR-experts (think GNU Radio), IoT nerds, infosecurity people, science, etc. I get the impression that these communities start to understand the value of amateurradio as a technical / scientific hobby, which is probably related to the fact that radio/wireless communication technology has become part of almost any field of technology.
    • A 3th element is that the organisational structure of amateurradio is changing. The vast amount of subfields of amateurradio has shown the limits of the hierarchical 'IARU - IARU Region - National radio-society - local radioclub' structure. Using the internet (mailing-lists, webforums. telegram-groups, discord channels, matrix rooms, ...) radioamateurs with similar interests have set up virtual communities that live next to the local radioclubs.

    So, in essence, we kind-of see a return of amateurradio to a 'I-want-to-know-how-it-works / experimenter / challenges' hobby, probably by the evolution of radio-technology and the 'competion' with other scienfic and technical hobbies. In my personal opinion, that is surely a good thing.

    But, to get there, there are -as I see it- two big issues:

    • Knowledge. Most (technically minded) radio-amateurs have a background in standard electronics, or in 'building systems'.

    To return to your call for opensource firmware for radios, having access to the source-code is one thing, but actually understanding it and having the knowledge to modify or enhance it does require quite different knowledge that 'standard' analog electronics. You need knowledge of SDR and signal-processing techniques -which are much more based on math that standard electronics- plus possibly some HDL to program the FPGA and C/C++/rust for the RTOS that runs on the microcontroller inside the FPGA. Modern radio-communication equipement requires a much larger scale of knowledge then the radio-technology of 20 to 30 years ago that is the basis of the amateurradio exams (and hence courses).

    Now, I see two ways to fix this:

    1. Work on the knowledge-level of the amateurradio community by new and better courses that include modern radio-technology.
    2. Pull in people from communities (see point 2 above) into amateurradio.
    • Option 2 above looks for me the most easy option, but it does hit another big issue: how make the current amateurradio community (especially the local clubs) ready to receive these new people.

    When I am at an infostand on amateurradio at -say- FOSDEM or a Makerfaire, or you meet somebody at a infosecurity conference, the most difficult question you usually have is this: "wauw. That amateurradio hobby does look interesting. How do I begin? Where do I need to go?"

    I've had people at FOSDEM who said "I once went to the local radioclub in my city as I wanted some help on setting up a mesh network in my cities, so I thought that the radioamateur guys might be able to help me. There where just some old men and the only reply I got was that that is no real radio". I've come to a point where I sometimes advice people to go to their local hackerspace and see if there are no hams overthere, instead of sending them to a radioclub.

    As said, there are now these communities inside the amateurradio hobby who kind-of operate next to the local clubs, but in the end, you do still need a club for certain things -like courses, or doing an exam- and being in a local club does also include things like a local fieldday or taking part in a contest or so.

    Europe has the advantage -compaired to Australie- of having a larger population concentrated in a smaller area. For us, a conference is a good option to try to advance the hobby that way. I guess that, in the end, everybody has to find out what he/she can do.

    73 kristoff - ON1ARF

  • If you've ever wanted to know what Open Source Software is and why it's important to our hobby, here's some of my thoughts.
  • (Posted this as a seperate message so not to mix multiple subjects)

    As you mention "microcontrollers in the signal-chain of a transceiver", I am currently looking into OpenRTX.

    It is really a very nice example of exactly what you mention and something that has become possible to last 1 to 2 years. With these radios that support opensource firmware, It really has allowed amateurs a look of what is inside of the firmware of a "commercial-grade" handheld radio.

    Two weeks ago, I helped out in an infobooth on Amateurradio at a makerfaire here in Belgium. Things like OpenRTX allow to explain to IT-people (who normally only work on computers) how "embedded software" works, how software that runs in devices we use everyday operates. In that sense, FOSS is as much an educational tool as it is "just a piece of code that does something".

    Kristoff (ON1ARF)

  • If you've ever wanted to know what Open Source Software is and why it's important to our hobby, here's some of my thoughts.
  • I completely agree with your remarks.

    For people who are interested in opensource and amateurradio, I propose you have a look at the conferences on that topic.

    Overhere in Europe, there are two of them

    • FOSDEM ("Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting") is a yearly event held in Brussels every 1st weekend of February. In the 2024 edition, there was a devroom ("developers room") on SDR and Amateur-radio.

    The videos of the talks are online. I propose to have a look at the talks on M17 and on OpenRTX.(*) Also open source hardware is becoming more interesting.

    • Next september, we will be hosting "spectrum24", a new conference on "novel ways to use the spectrum we -as citizens- are able to use. It puts a lot of emphesis on Open-source as yes, most -if not all- of the new projects coming out in amateur-radio are open source.

    For this conference, we are at the "cfp" (Call for Presentations) stage. See here:

    I know that Europe is the opposite side of the globe for you in Autralia. Perhaps there are similar events on your side of the world.

    Kristoff (ON1ARF)

  • selfhosted service to share files to SSO-authenticated users ?

    Hi all,

    Well, my question is in the title of of post. :-)

    Does somebody know if there exists an easy sollution to share files to users (e.g. members of an organisation), based on the fact that the user is known in a SSO (authentik) ?

    I know nextcloud would be an option, but that would create a nextcloud account for all the users, .. which is quite overkill for what is needed here.

    I know we can probably build something based on apache, PHP or so, .. but if there would be a ready-to-use service for this, that would be nice. (and probably a lot more secure then what I would build myself :-) ).


    Joplin alternative needed
  • What is your 'deleted files' policy? How long do you keep them? I had a similar issue but then found out that the nextcloud cron-process wasn't running so files in the 'deleted files' folder where never really deleted.

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • Well, based on advice of Samsy, take a backup of home-server network to a NAS on your home-network. (I do home that your server-segment and your home-segment are two seperated networks, no?) Or better, set up your NAS at a friend's house (and require MFA or a hardware security-key to access it remotely)

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • What was that saying again?

    "the biggest thread to the safety and cybersecurity of the citizens of a country ... are managers who think that cybersecurity is just a number on an exellsheet"

    (I don't know where I read this, but I think it really hits the nail on the head)

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • I have been thinking the same thing.

    I have been looking into a way to copy files from our servers to our S3 backup-storage, without having the access-keys stored on the server. (as I think we can assume that will be one of the first thing the ransomware toolkits will be looking for).

    Perhaps a script on a remote machine that initiate a ssh to the server and does a "s3cmd cp" with the keys entered from stdin ? Sofar, I have not found how to do this.

    Does anybody know if this is possible?

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • Yes. Fair point.

    On the other hand, most of the disaster senarios you mention are solved by geographic redundancy: set up your backup // DRS storage in a datacenter far away from the primary service. A scenario where all services,in all datacenters managed by a could-provider are impacted is probably new.

    It is something that, considering the current geopolical situation we are now it, -and that I assume will only become worse- that we should better keep in the back of our mind.

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • I will put "multicloud" on my wishlist.

    Looking at it from a infosec point of view, cloud-providers are an ideal target. All the customers who have just lost all their data now complaining to the cloud-provider are the ideal pressure-mechanism to get the cloud-provider to pay out.

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • In this case, it is not you -as a customer- that gets hacked, but it was the cloud-company itself. The randomware-gang encrypted the disks on server level, which impacted all the customers on every server of the cloud-provider.

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • The issue is not cloud vs self-hosted. The question is "who has technical control over all the servers involved". If you would home-host a server and have a backup of that a network of your friend, if your username / password pops up on a infostealer-website, you will be equaly in problem!

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?
  • Well, the issue here is that your backup may be physically in a different location (which you can ask to host your S3 backup storage in a different datacenter then the VMs), if the servers themselfs on which the service (VMs or S3) is hosted is managed by the same technical entity, then a ransomware attack on that company can affect both services.

    So, get S3 storage for your backups from a completely different company?

    I just wonder to what degree this will impact the bandwidth-usage of your VM if -say- you do a complete backup of your every day to a host that will be comsidered as "of-premises"

  • what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ?

    Hi all,

    As self-hosting is not just "home-hosting" I guess this post should also be on-topic here.

    Beginning of the year, bleeping-computers published an interesting post on the biggest cybersecurity stories of 2023.

    Item 13 is an interesing one. (see URL of this post). Summary in short A Danish cloud-provider gets hit by a ransomware attack, encrypting not only the clients data, but also the backups.

    For a user, this means that a senario where, not only your VM becomes unusable (virtual disk-storage is encrypted), but also the daily backups you made to the cloud-provider S3-storage is useless, might be not as far-fetches then what your think.

    So .. conclussion ??? If you have VMs at a cloud-provider and do daily backups, it might be usefull to actually get your storage for these backups from a different provider then the one where your house your VMs.

    Anybody any ideas or remarks on this?


    authentik .. how to backup ?
  • First of all, thanks to all who replied! I didn't think there would have been that many people who self-host a SSO-server, so I am happy to see these replies.

    As a side-note, I have also been looking into making the setup more robust, i.e. add redundancy. For a "light redundant" senario (not fully automatic, but -say- where I have a 2nd instance ready to run, so I just need to adapt the DNS-record if it is needed), can I conclude from the "makeing a backup" question, that I just need to run a 2nd instance of postgres and do streaming-replication from the main instance to the backup-instance ?

    Or are there other caviats I haven't thought about?

  • authentik .. how to backup ?

    Hi all,

    Short question. Does somebody here run authentik as single sign-on provider? (dockerised?)

    I'm looking for information on how to best backup a authentik server? Just do a backup of the postgres database and the docker-compose file? Something else? How crucial is the dump.rdb file of the redis container?


    jitsi .. redundant setup ?
  • For me, the first goal is to simply understand the setup. I now have been able to create a setup with two frontend jvb-instances and one backend. In the end, the architecture setup of a jitsi-server is quite nicely explained, and -by delving a little bit into the startup scripts of the docker-based jitsi setup, you do get some idea of how things fit together.

    From a practicle point of view, I think I'll go for the basic setup (1 backend, 2 frontends) natively on two servers, and -if the backend server would go down- just have a dockerised backup-setup ready to go if it would be needed.


  • jitsi .. redundant setup ?

    H all, Somebody here selfhosting jitsi meet?

    I am working on a jitsi-meet setup for an organisation, now looking at the options for redundancy.

    I have noticed you can configure multiple XMPP servers on the jitsiivideobridge. What is the exact goal of this?

    Can you connect a jvb to multiple jitsj servers (domains)? or is this only for making the jitsii backend redundant?


    EU unveils ‘revolutionary’ laws to curb big tech firms’ power - The Guardian
  • Funny, I use a special plugin to hidden the "Recommendations" feed on youtube (to counter the "getting hooked" effect), .. but this "privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube" does show them (unless you explicitally say you do not want see them).

    For a privacy oriented app, I would concider showing recommendation as "opt-in", not "opt-out"

  • EU unveils ‘revolutionary’ laws to curb big tech firms’ power - The Guardian
  • Is there a place where is explained what is exactly in the DMA (and DSA). I did find this video (be it quite high-level) interesting:

    I have been wondering about this. Could the DMA (or DSA) be used to force google/youtube to allow users to disable the "this video might also interest you" (or simular) feeds from youtube, as this is (in my opinion) clearly aimed at creating addictive behaviour.

  • Selfhosting jitsi meet ?

    With jitsi meet now requireing registration (something I do understand, .. but I just happen not to have a google, MS or meta account), I am looking at selfhosting a jitsi meet for personal use.

    Has somebody already done this? What are your experience? What are the hardware requirements? Docker or native? Linux or other OS? (FreeBSD)?

    Lemmy community on disinformation

    Hi all,

    Small question. Does anybody know if there already exists a lemmy community on disinformation (in the infosec area or more broadly)?

    Thanks! :-)


    disinformation videos on AI ?

    Hi all,

    Had a small chat on #AI with somebody yesterday, when this video came up: "10 Things They're NOT Telling You About The New AI" (*)

    What strikes me the most on this video is not the message, but the way it is brought. It has all the prints of #disinformation over it, .. especially as it is coming from a youtube-channel that does not even post a name or a person.

    Does anybody know this organisation and who is behind it?

    Is this "you are all going to lose your job of AI and that's all due to " message new? What is the goal behind this?

    (Sorry to post this message here. I have been looking for a lenny/kbin forum on disinformation, but did not find it, so I guess it is most relevant here)


    Morgan Blackhand bot @ mastodon Morgan Blackhand :cyberpunk: (

    1.09K Posts, 1 Following, 224 Followers · The Classic Bot of the Dark Future. This bot toots random facts, information and trivia from the Cyberpunk RPGs (Cyberpunk 2013, Cyberpunk 2020, Cybergeneration 2027, Cyberpunk 203X, Cyberpunk RED...) every 6 hours. Sometimes also about the video game Cybe...

    Morgan Blackhand :cyberpunk: (

    I do not think this has already been mentioned. As I guess most of you are also an mastodon (or another fediverse-enabled playform)

    More info also here:

    workshop Hacking Radiosignals: hackover 23 (14-16 July) Workshop hacking radio-signals Hackover 2023

    In this workshop, you'll learn how to receive and analyse radio-signals of the 433 MHz remote-control using different tools: gqrx, inspectrum and urh (Univeral Radio Hacker); and also multiple ways to retransmit (read: spoof) these signals yourself. The workshop requires your own laptop, the 'Drago...

    Workshop hacking radio-signals Hackover 2023

    HI all,

    For people who live in the neighbourhood of Hanover, Gernany. In almost 3 weeks from now, I will give a workshop "Hacking Radio-signals" in the summer edition of hackover 2023. The exact timeslot still has to be decided, but hackover is the weekend of 14, 15 and 16 July.

    In the workshop, we will capture, analyse and decode the signal of a 433 MHz remote-control. You do are required to bring your laptop and have some software installed beforehand.

    If you are interested, either drop a message in this thread or contact me at the email-address in the announcement

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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