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VU du 26/06/24 : Bardella et les binationaux
  • Le seul "argument" que Bardella a su mettre en avant pour se défendre sur ce sujet, c'est "vous mettriez un franco-russe à la tête d'une centrale nucléaire ?"

    Réponse d'Attal : => "la conseillère qui vous représente au parlement européen à la commission des affaires étrangères est franco-russe, et a donc accès à des informations confidentielles sur la guerre en Ukraine"

    Réponse de Bompard : => "l'intégralité des gens qui postulent à des emplois stratégiques sont soumis à une enquête, binationaux ou pas."

    Pour avoir bossé pour EDF dans un CNPE et à L'IRSN, je confirme que l'enquête est faite à chaque fois.

    J'ai trouvé le tacle d'Attal super bien placé, mais Bompard, sans être agressif, il a remis Bardella à sa place.

    J'ai d'ailleurs trouvé Bompard beaucoup moins dans le conflit que Attal ou Bardella...

    Je suis sans doute biaisé, puisque je sais déjà que je voterai front populaire, mais punaise, c'est des gens de LFI comme Bompard qui devraient etre mis en avant plus souvent !

  • 112 preuves que le RN est toujours...

    On vient de me faire découvrir cette magnifique carte. Je n'ai pas tout lu, mais je pense que c'est intéressant de la faire tourner.

    Trying to Download Fallout New Vegas on Lutris but getting an error code. I feel like I need to manually select 32 Bit download but Ihave no idea,
  • It will create a default profile in your home (games/heroic/Prefixes) where everything will be installed, and if you have steam installed, it will detect the proton version of steam, and use it.

    If some dependencies of the game are not installed, you'll be able to run winetricks and install it in the profile of the game or to use steam runtime.

    Using Windows-only games on Linux is getting better at an impressive rate those last years. There is more and more games working out of the box with steam or heroic. But yeah, sometimes, you just have to give up (or use Windows ).

  • Trying to Download Fallout New Vegas on Lutris but getting an error code. I feel like I need to manually select 32 Bit download but Ihave no idea,
  • Try the heroic game launcher. It usually works well. It let you log into gog, epic and prime account and games easily.

    If the game doesn't run well, try your luck on protondb to see if there is a way to fix it :

    I've install the gog version of fallout 1 with the heroic game launcher, it worked out of the box. Maybe you'll have some luck with new Vegas.

  • Your Experience with Linux, BSD etc
  • Linux has been the biggest rabbit hole I've been in. There are too many distribution for me to choose one without testing as much as I can. It made me change what I wanted/needed. I went from "I don't want to use CLI at all" to "man, GUI is too slow for that".

    I tried many Debian children and grand children distributions, Fedora based ones (Nobara, atomics bases,...), Opensuse, NixOS, Solus, arch based distributions...

    Now, I'm on cachyOS, that seems to be the good balance I need (for now), between GUI/already configured and "I can do it the way I want".

    One year after starting using Linux, I've switched from a 3060ti to a 6700xt, just because it made hopping easier.

    If you exclude me not being able to settle down on a distro, Linux is a funny experience to me. My needs are not that big, as I just play some games, have a light need of an office suite. I can do anything I used to to in windows, but without Microsoft and his friends looking above my shoulder.

  • Favourite DE
  • KDE : it's the only DE where I can have 2 identical panels (app pined+ full system tray) on each of my 2 screens without installing extensions.

    KDE can do what I want without having to look for extensions. Breeze theme is good enough for me, I don't need to look for something else. So far it's the best out of the box experience I had.

    I prefer Gnome look, but I distr'hop too often to have the courage to setup the desktop every time.

  • /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  • They advert for a support between 8 and 10 years (at least 5 major version of Android, and security patches after that). I don't know their politic about the availability of the repair parts, but if it's for the same amount of time, I'll be happy.

    I changed the battery and the usb port of my OP7 last year... the oneplus site didn't sell them anymore, I had to go on aliexpress to have both ... That's quite frustrating for a device that is 5 years old...

  • /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  • It has a confidentiality notation system based on exodus privacy. It makes it more visible than on the aurora store. It has the possibility to install app from fdroid, well, at least from the main repo as it is not possible to add more.

    There is a high chance that they forked the aurora store, as, most (if not all) of their app are based on open source app. (but if so... why did they remove the option to uninstall app...).

    Their app "maps" is just magic earth with an other name and icon.

    edit : phrasing

  • /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  • I like /e/OS, but the app lounge bothers me a lot. There is no uninstall button and it is not possible to add Fdroid repos... So I have Fdroid installed in addition to it.

    I do not see an added value as if I had the aurora store installed + Fdroid.

    IMO, the best addition of e/OS compared to lineage is clearly the tracker /ad blocker app.

  • /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  • Which version and phone are you on ? I'm on "t" version on a Oneplus 7 et I have none of these issues.

    I first installed the "s" version and got annoying bugs, then switched to the "t" one and everything was OK. I now all the version aren't available on every devices, I hope you can switch on a more stable one.

  • /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  • That's why Fairphone choose a QCM6490 for the fairphone 5. It's far from being the best, but it has longer term support than mainstream oriented SOC.

    Since the SOC will probably be enough for most of users, it's not a bad option I guess.

  • On what distros/desktop envs is it possible to have the same taskbar on every screen?
  • GNOME with dash to panel. It allow you to clone it I guess. dash to dock allow you to copy the dock, so only the applications, not the systray.

    KDE allows you to create panels on every screen, with the systray. You'll have to replicate them manually (pin the applications or whatever you put on your first panel).

    Others DE I tried had flaws for that :

    Cinnamon cannot have all the systray on the second panel.

    Budgie doesn't allow you to have a panel on the second screen (but you can clone the panel on the same screen).

  • Mint is far better, I usually recommand it. But Ubuntu is still more popular.

    I didn't use Manjaro in many years, so I can't judge it. The biggest problem I see with Manjaro is that it has access to AUR.

    Manjaro has its own repos, and they take more time to release packages than Arch, which can be a good thing stability wise. But if you have applications from AUR installed then you might have conflicts with the dependencies needed and the dependencies used by the system.

    As I said, I didn't use Manjaro in a while, so I don't know if it still a problem. If it is, then it's a shame that the biggest advantage of Arch, the AUR, become that much a risk for the system.

  • I've seen a video where the guy installed steam on Ubuntu 24.04. Of course it was the snap. The guy usually tests distro to see of it's easy to game on it. If the drivers are easy to install, etc...

    He usually launches steam, then tests Valheim, Overwatch, Tomb Raider and cyberpunk.

    Overwatch didn't launch, cyberpunk neither. Valheim reported that a service didn't launch. Tomb raider was OK.

    Then he uninstalled the steam snap and installed the .deb one. Everything worked.

    Enforcing packages is already something that people don't appreciate on Linux, enforcing packages that don't work is surprisingly hated.

    Ubuntu is supposed to be a distro for beginners, how am I supposed to recommand a distro when I have no confidence the applications will work ?

  • Is it possible to make the taskbar with multiple monitors behave like Windows?
  • It depends on the DE you use. I only know about 3 of them :

    KDE can put as many panel as you want with all the system tray you want. You'll have to pine the applications on each panel individually.

    On Gnome, you'll have to install extensions as dash to panel to have a panel that can be cloned.

    On Cinnamon, you'll be able to create a panel on the second screen, pine applications on it, but not all of system tray can be duplicate. There is a ticket opened for that :

  • Is there a list of games that run smoothly on Linux without native support?
  • there are a few options to make gog/epic games works with heroic, if it doesn't work out of the box :

    • using proton from steam/GE
    • using steam runtime
    • using protondb to know what to tweak the launch options or windows component to download via wine tricks
    • copy the game in steam.

    I've seen that a protondb user posted about cyberpunk 2077 working on heroic launcher. I hope you'll manage to have it too.

  • Une communauté d’entraide sur Linux : la GLF

    Bonsoir tout le monde

    J’aimerais partager avec vous une communauté que j’ai découverte il y maintenant presqu’1 an, via un Youtubeur, Vinceff. Il s’agit d’une communauté francophone d’entraide sur Linux qui regroupe maintenant quelques milliers de personnes. Elle dispose d’un Discord pour communiquer en direct (, d’un site internet avec des actualités, des tutos...(, un twitch ( et les membres « core » ont souvent des chaines Youtube personnelles.

    Parmi les membres de la commu, on trouve des contributeurs à divers projets, à plus ou moins grande échelle du monde Linux :

    • TKG (l’auteur du kernel),
    • Neoclust (président de Mageia),
    • Adrien de Linuxtrick, contributeur Fedora, auteur du site
    • A1RM4X : pro gamer sous Linux,
    • Cardiac : rédacteur de tutos, mais genre beaucoup de tuto pour Arch (et d’autres distributions, mais surtout Arch), son github est une petite mine d'or.
    • Vinceff : le visage Youtube de la GLF et un des fondateurs,
    • pleins d’autres que je ne connais pas, n’allant pas sur Discord très souvent, je ne suis pas très au courant de l’évolution des membres.

    la GLF s’est mise en quête de la distribution « idéale » pour les débutants ou ceux voulant une expérience « clef en main » de Linux pour faire du jeu vidéo, du montage vidéo, du multimédia. Fin mars, la communauté a définie la distribution la plus à même de remplir ce rôle (spoiler, il s’agit de Mint Edge). Pour arriver à ce résultat, la GLF a mis en place un tableur über complet de comparaison entre distributions, mis à disposition ici (c’est du google doc) :

    Le premier objectif de cette démarche est bien sûr de conseiller les débutants venant sur le Discord, mais aussi que les membres de la GLF voulant aider les débutants aient cette distribution installée en dur ou en machine virtuelle pour aider de manière plus efficace ces mêmes débutants.

    Le deuxième objectif est de contribuer à améliorer cette distribution ( et les autres). La première victoire de la GLF a été de faire augmenter le vm_map_max_count à une valeur suffisamment élevée pour que les jeux en ayant besoin ne crashent plus ( Star Citizen, Hogwarts Legacy...), pour les distribution basées sur Ubuntu. Vinceff a fait une ouverture de bug à Ubuntu et les membres de la communauté ont appuyé la demande et elle a été passée en commit. Le bug sera corrigé dans la 24.04.

    Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le Discord, les chaines Youtube, etc... :)

    Les chaines Youtube des quelques membres de la GLF que je regarde : : annonces de la GLF, tests/challenges sur des distributions, tutoriels, vidéos de jeu : tutoriels, actualité Linux, test de distributions : orienté gaming : review de distributions, installations et tutoriels sur les optimisations de distributions pour le jeu... : des tutoriels sur Arch, des reviews de distributions, du jeu... : des tutoriels, des reviews sur les sorties dans le monde Linux...

    TL;PL : La GLF est une communauté d’entraide francophone sur Discord, Twitch, Youtube, etc

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