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Jane's Addiction - Stop (1990)
  • I do agree, but there will always be people who downvote what they don't like... I don't care for downvotes because the post was for the people who upvoted it. Even 1 upvote means a lot more than thousands of downvotes.

  • Pentagon-Funded Study Uses AI to Detect 'Violations of Social Norms'
  • We should violate anything Pentagon considers to be a study. Especially when it wants to control Social Norms.

  • Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles
  • No need Google, we have r/politics for that. Those bots from there also have opinions.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • Good thing you're bothered then, and not the rest of society.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • I quoted your friend whose comment is above mine, read the whole post. I can quote half your post and comment only on half information too:

    Got it, so you admit

    No, I don't!


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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • Ya. This monument is a good thing. A very important thing. I never said otherwise....

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • No? Imagine being high on Airforce One? That's like being double high.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • idk.. i actually don't care about this stuff since there are no repercussions for any action of those in power, I was just quoting the jellyfish above my post. I genuinely didn't know that Biden is accused of the same thing as Trump.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • The monument for Emmett Till is very important. Children and Grandchildren of those that did the lynching are still living there.

    I thought the president is being paid for his work. Is he not? Then again I wasn't talking about monetary benefit. The current staff in the White House could have made all this possible without themselves being mentioned or present. But they are being mentioned and are present because it's beneficial for their careers (that's how they earn their Dollars and Influence and Power).

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • That's quite beneficial for the people in power. So, you as a nation are also very selective when it comes to historical events you want to preserve?

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • Hey milksop, after the ceremony he will go home and hide nuclear secrets in pool houses (what are "pool houses"? Houses with pools?), because that's his priority. Everything else is just PR.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • So you only honor historical events if your president allows it? All your monuments are there because someone in White House allowed it to happen?

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • He should be honored! He should be honored on a national level by the people (the nation).
    Not by a party or a career politician.

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    Biden will establish a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teen lynched in Mississippi
  • 68 years later, the US President, uses a heinous crime and a tragedy, for a few more votes.

  • Just finished Sekiro
  • Sekiro is my favorite Fromsoft game. When I first played it I kinda hated it, but at one point the deflect system just clicked and I couldn't stop playing after finishing ng+7 all endings...

  • ‘People need to be riled up’: meteorologist names US heatwaves after oil and gas giants
  • While you give cutesy names to environmental disasters, I'll be in my shed, sharpening the blade on the guillotine. I'll also bring my trusty crowbar.
    Tell me when those people who are so ashamed about their own wrongdoing come out to be lynched.

  • Hüsker Dü - Something I Learned Today

    Something I Learned Today by Husker Du from the album Zen Arcade, performed live on December 16, 1983 at Love Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Ecuador confirms oil spill of 1,200 barrels on northwest coast
  • yea.. something like this. We are the smartest on this planet I guess, but not smart enough to punish those responsible for poisoning and destroying the world we live in. Or at least destroy these companies with no possibility for them to revive themselves with different logos and slogans. Why the forgiveness for such acts of greed and no regard for biological life? Those running these companies and the governments that protect them at all cost don't have time to care about you while they count the dollars they earned by taking our human rights away from under our noses.

  • Ecuador confirms oil spill of 1,200 barrels on northwest coast
  • And BP still exists... We, as a species are a colossal failure.

  • krzschlss krzschlss

    Got a light?

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