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What should I add to my '90s website?
  • @ajsadauskas @linux Image maps? <marquee>? A digital view counter, or one of those gifs of a spinning odometer.
    A link that goes to a clip art digger saying 'under construction' in 90s office clip art.

  • How To Play Backgammon
  • @rocket9 I was making a silly joke to clarify that the dice have the correct number of dots.

  • How To Play Backgammon
  • @rocket9 There many pips there? Like, between two and twelve pips most rolls?

  • lachlan lachlan

    \#Christian. #Musician (#Guitar). #Boardgames Designer (#18XX, #CubeRails). Software engineer, not a code monkey. Former lawyer. Occasional #artist (#charcoal, #pencil, #acrylic).

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