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Women of lemmy - are your breasts an erogenous zone?
  • Not everyone with breasts is a woman, or queer for that matter. There are plenty of bigger guys with moobs. I'd like to know if those daddies get off on nipple/breast play as much as I do.

  • NSFW
    What naughty fun have you been up to this fortnight? (June 10th - June 23th)
  • You travel a lot. My last 6 months have been back-to-back classes and I don't see that changing in the near future. I'm not familiar with deep clean techniques, but you reminded me I should probably buy some wet naps. 😸

  • NSFW
    What naughty fun have you been up to this fortnight? (June 10th - June 23th)
  • I'm now on Recon and Scruff. No hits so far, but I do have a few positive things to say about the latter: you can sideload the app, the UI is slick (but at times confusing; still haven't used the "woof" feature afaik), the boys on there are slightly more attractive than the Recon users, there are more of them, and there are trans people. One thing I noticed is that at least half of the guys here really like their facial hair. I know there's supposedly a gene that triggers that attraction, but I can't personally relate.

  • NSFW
    What naughty fun have you been up to this fortnight? (May 27th - June 9th)
  • Homie is a nice European guy who dabbles in software as I do. We met in the software (which I won't name because its community is very small). There are currently issues with its VR driver integration on Linux, so I played in desktop mode while he fondled my cute little avatar. There is a concept of "phantom sense" which some people experience. Different social VR clients have different degrees of sophistication in different areas. Some clients give you hand collision but no arm IK, some both, some neither. I wasn't using the actual VR part, so I stood there and talked to him while he had fun with me, similar to sex with a quadriplegic. :P

  • NSFW
    What naughty fun have you been up to this fortnight? (May 27th - June 9th)
  • A friend felt me up in VR for a few hours. It was nice. We also talked about local/municipal LGBT groups, so I looked into it and there is a meeting this Friday.

    I also created an account on Recon, and it seems like most of the users are over 60. -.- Reached out to 5 guys in my age range as the days ticked by. One of them responded, but he has a very standoffish personality that doesn't inspire confidence. Not sure if he'll want to meet or if me simply calling him a "good boy" was too much. I thought it was a site for men.

  • Pride?
  • I'm sorta male-nb (not especially cis but not quite trans at this point) so my experiences aren't the same as a trans person. Much of the queer community seems to be on the softer side, but I'm hoping to find something harder at one of these events or something. There isn't much in my area, but hopefully for a month the gays will be loud and proud enough for me to strike up conversations.

  • Building and distributing binaries

    It's been a long day and I'm probably not in the best state of mind to be asking this question, but have you guys solved packaging yet?

    I want to ship an executable with supporting files in a compressed archive, much like the Windows exe-in-a-zip pattern. I can cross-compile a Win32 C program using MinGW that will always use baseline Win32 functionality, but if I try to build for Linux I run into the whole dependency versioning situation, specifically glibc fixing its symbol version to whichever Linux I happen to be building from at the time. But if I try to static link with musl, the expectation is that everything is static linked, including system libraries that really shouldn't be.

    AppImage is in the ballpark of what I'm looking for, and I've heard that Zig works as a compatibility-enhancing frontend if you're compiling C. I'd just like something simple that runs 99% of the time for non-technical end users and isn't bloated with dependencies I can't keep track of. (No containers.) Is this easily achievable?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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