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What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • It's just compose ~ ~ (tilde tilde). The compose key sequences are often the most logical thing you can think of. Emacs C-x 8 is good but you have to try and guess the unicode name of the character.

  • What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • Take a pill with your head turned to the side toward your shoulder and it will go down much more easily.

  • What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • I had the same problem as you with different states of wear/color over time. So the last time I bought a whole bag of matching socks, when I first took out each pair I put a matching mark on the inside surface of each sock (like 1 dot, 2 dots, 3 in a row, 3 in a triangle, different color mark, etc). So then I can easily pair them all up correctly after I do the laundry.

  • RNC delegates are wearing ear bandages like Trump’s
  • If anyone still thinks maga isn't a full-fledged cult, this proves beyond a doubt it's entered a new level. And we know what cult members are ready to do at the drop of a (red) hat. Anything their leader tells them to. Anything.

  • RNC delegates are wearing ear bandages like Trump’s Meet the RNC delegates who have adopted Trump’s bandage for their own ears

    On the RNC convention floor with the handful of delegates who have donned ear bandages in honor of Trump’s.

    It's a cult. If that link doesn't work for you, here's a gift link to the article.

    Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost
  • There are plenty of other signs like that you could cite, too.

    edit: I see Veneroso has already posted the link I was going to post.

  • Ocasio-Cortez Says Democrats Who 'Resign Themselves to Fascism' Should Retire
  • It's always harder for people with morals who aren't ruthless assholes. But that doesn't mean it can't happen, just that it takes more work.

  • Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes
  • Here is a guest link for that article:

  • Ocasio-Cortez Says Democrats Who 'Resign Themselves to Fascism' Should Retire
  • Well, they also owned the Republican party once, and magas/fascists took it over. That means progressives can take over the Democratic party.

    No party lasts forever and these two have been way overdue. The way a new party becomes "one of the two" in the US' 2-party system is either by building up a third party from the bottom up over many years, or by taking control and transforming one of the existing two, which is much faster, as we've seen.

    Technically the fascist magas started in earnest in 2008 with the Tea party movement as a backlash to Obama, not succeeding to oust Obama in 2012, and taking 8 years to get to Trump. Progressives started in 2016 as a reaction to Trump, got Trump out in 4 years, and stopped the predicted "red wave" in 2022. We're on track, let's keep it going. Don't give up.

  • House Republican Immediately Accuses Biden of Having ‘Sent the Orders’ to Kill Trump in Bizarre Post
  • "Sir, when you hear the first shot, reach up and pop the blood pack on your ear, then drop."

  • We're cooked...
  • 🤔 I don't think that white line on the photo could be the bullet:

    The line is horizontal. The shot came from up on a roof and would have had at least some downward angle.

    More importantly, in the photo Trump's hand is raised at about his shoulder level. If you check the video, both his hands were gripping the podium at the time of the shot that hit his ear. It's after that shot (because he feels it), he first winces and only then raises his hand from the podium up to his ear. So it can't be that one in the photo.

    His hand is up on his ear at the moment of the next shot. So it can't be that one in the photo.

    Then as he lowers his hand there is a third shot, but by that time his shoulders are scrunched up and he's starting to duck, his head is turned more away from the mike--which is not what we see in this photo. Then he continues going down.

    So that moment of the photo doesn't seem to line up with the timing of any of the shots. The only way it might is if the sound track is not in sync with the video.

  • AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
  • Thank you AOC for standing up for the American people! Her speech introducing the articles of impeachment is well worth watching:

  • What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it
  • Forget about Biden, it's about which direction the country will go. One of the two dominant parties will win, either repub or dem--it's that simple.

    Do what ever you want, but I'll be voting for the party that doesn't want to kill my friends and I just hope there's enough other people who give a single shit about other people's lives instead of pretending this is some kind of popularity contest game show.

  • What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it
  • That's not the only thing, but it's the minimum required thing. There's also activism.

  • Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words: "America Ends"
  • I understand the feeling, but the problem is, keeping a democracy is eternal vigilance and always has been. Things have gotten to this point because we stopped being vigilant around 1980. Yes Republicans should be dissolved as a party but who's going to do that? Yes under a trump regime you and every protestor will be arrested -- and you'll stay arrested. If trump gets in, it will come to what to say but you'll have zero power to do anything about it under a brutally repressive maga regime.
    Better to take power the only viable way, which is to replace one of the two existing parties. Take over the democratic party just like the magas took over the republican party. It can be done but we have to keep the fascists from taking control first.

  • What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it

    Keep watching to the end for what you can do about it.

    Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words: "America Ends"
  • In the past, the coup attempt would have barred him from running again because when he was impeached after it, the Senate would have unanimously convicted him which would have disqualified him. But since the entire republican party is complicit, they acquitted him instead, which allowed him to run again.

    The entire republican party and 2/3 of the Supreme Court are completely on board with project 2025 establishing an authoritarian christian dominionist regime, which means the normal government checks and balances have already been corrupted and neutralized.

    We the voters are the only remaining barrier that can stop it, the only way to do that is keep the Democratic party in power. We did it in 2020, partly in 2022 (we lost the House), we have to do it again now in 2024, and we'll have to keep doing it every election until they are finally destroyed as a viable party. We've been barely hanging on with the thinnest of margins.

    They can keep trying again and again--we can only fail once (like we did in 2016). One more failure and they win for good because they'll implement Project 2025 and it's over.

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