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[hyprland] yellow biscuit(s)
  • Do you only use floating windows on hyprland? I like floating windows more than tiling, so would like to know how you did it.

  • Linux distros recommandations
  • You can get more updated packages by running debian testing, which is quite stable. Debian also is more stable. Security patches are still brought to the main release, making it secure. The stability comes from the lack of a lot of new updates which come with a lot of new bugs.

  • The starting guide of de-googled user
  • I'm currently using firefox nightly which seems somewhat hardened, browsing histlry and cookies are cleared on closing and adblocking is enabled by default. No add ons tho

  • The starting guide of de-googled user
  • I would also recommend firefox/firefox nightly as web browser and perhaps grayjay for youtube alternative (it still uses the youtube service tho)

  • How do you keep track of your media?
  • Will take a look at ombi

  • How do you keep track of your media?
  • Oh, sounds good. I'll look into it

  • How do you keep track of your media?
  • Seems like I didn't look into radarr and sonarr good enough, I'll research them a bit better.

  • How do you keep track of your media?
  • I also do most of it manually, most of my movies have subtitles downloaded, but I want to keep track of what I still need/have. A spreadsheet does sound simple, but workable

  • How do you keep track of your media?

    I've started collecting a lot of movies and tv-sjows for my jellyfin server, but I found it quite difficult to keep track of what I already have, what I want and if I have the subtitles and everything for it. What would you suggest to keep track of what is and isn't available on a jellyfin server?

    I've seen some stuff like the *arr software, but I actually just want to have a simple piece of software that just keeps track of my media, and doesn't also look for new stuff.

    How do you manage your server files?
  • Great! Thanks a lot, this will help

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • sounds good, do you have any docs on how to do that?

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • so you basically have a copy of your media library on a local machine?

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • I'll also take a look at this

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • pterodactyl looks really neat, will definitely look into that. I have a manual system for my media library, so I want to add the directories with artwork and movies manually to the directory which jellyfin reads.

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • I will take a look, thank you very much!

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • I'm now considering syncing my minecraft world with syncthing, I already use it for some things but don't know why I didn't think of doing that.

    On the other hand, if I have a 100+ gb media library, it seems kinda over the top to also have it fully copied on my local machine. Do you do this?

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • I'm considering this, as I can see by your example, you can add a domain name to the server. How would you go over doing this?

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • sounds like a good option, will definitely try this out

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • Do you automate your backups in some way? And can you also use samba remotely

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • will do, thanks a lot

  • How do you manage your server files?
  • I'm not losing them, I have a lot of single files. For example during a Minecraft update, I have to move ~20 jar files and other things to the server. I also try to make frequent backups and I upload new movies somewhat frequently to my jellyfin server, so I want to have an easy way to transfer files.

  • How do you manage your server files?

    I'm currently debating on how to manage files on my servers. I have a jellyfin and a minecraft server on which I need to add, remove or download files quite often. I don't really want to use scp for everything, so I was wondering what everyone uses.

    Edit: I'm looking for a gui solution, but a somewhat automated process of backups etc. is also nice

    Edit 2: For anyone wondering what my final solution was: I am currently using a wireguard vpn on a raspberry pi to access my servers. I use Xpipe as a gui interface to transfer my files. I also just use tmux and ssh to execute commands and run services.

    legoraft Legoraft

    I play Minecraft.

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