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Gravediggers [Forrest Brazeal]
  • I wonder what will happen with all the compute once the AI bubble bursts.

    It seems like gaming made GPU manufacturing scale enough to start using them as general compute, Bitcoin pumped billions into this market, driving down prices (per FLOP) and AI reaped the benefit of that, when crypto moved to asics and crashed later on.

    But what's next? We've got more compute than we could reasonably use. The factories are already there, the knowledge and techniques exist.

  • ich_iel
  • Missbrauch der Quelle? Es gibt keinen Missbrauch der Quelle.

    Doch schon. Wenn ich ein Label raufschreibe, aber etwas völlig anderes erzähle, dann ist das irgendwo schon ein missbrauch.

    Stell dir vor, Peter Jackson hätte die Gefährten zum Adlernest latschen lassen und die fliegen sie dann nach Mordor und schmeißen den Ring ins Feuer. 90min Film, vielleicht sogar ein guter. Aber Herr der Ringe? Hm wohl kaum.

    Natürlich gibt es Material, was so oft interpretiert worden ist, dass es egal ist. Aber du machst tatsächlich einen ganz guten Punkt auf: bei Theater/Ballett/etc. erwartet man eine gewisse Interpretation und vielleicht auch ein Umschreiben. Aber das Medium Theater ist eben auch wesentlich weniger permanent. Eine Aufführung ist vorbei wenn sie vorbei ist. Es gibt nicht die Adaption für das Theater, bei Filmen ist das anders.

  • Oil is oil
  • Seriously though, what would happen? Oil is basically just for lubrication, right? Vegetable oil is obviously completely different from regular oil, but I don't know, how and when it would cause problems.

  • ich_iel
  • Naja, ich glaube da gibt zwei Sichtweisen, die dir widersprechen bzw zu Problemen führen.

    Zum einen ist nicht immer klar, was relevante Teil der Handlung ist. Ist Tom Bombadil oder wie der hieß relevant? Kann man unterschiedliche Meinungen haben und wenn der Teil des Buches, den du super wichtig fandest auf einmal fehlt, ist der Film ganz ganz schlimm.

    Zum anderen ist aber auch das "eigenes hinzufügen" schwierig, denn auch da ist es ja so, dass es unterschiedliche Interpretationen geben kann, was eine passende Ergänzung und was ein Missbrauch der Quelle ist. Gutes Beispiel wäre hier Game of Thrones. Die letzte Staffel ist eine Ergänzung des Materials, aber vom Stil (ich meine hier nicht man Qualität!) vollkommen anders. Ist das also noch "true"?

    Das ist echt ein Spannungsfeld, bei dem ich auch keine perfekte Lösung habe.

    Was ich aber definitiv anregen würde, wären vernünftige Miniserien. Viele Bücher wären wesentlich besser in die 6-10h einer kleinen Serie zu packen als in einen regulären Film. Aber natürlich lassen sich Serien nicht so gut monetarisieren.

  • Bund will mehr IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft
  • Als Senior-Dev kann ich sagen: Das wird praktisch nichts bringen, alles verteuern, verkomplizieren und verzögern. Am Ende werden die Hacker arbeitslos, weil es gar nichts funktionierendes mehr gibt, was sie hacken könnten.

    Es ist jetzt schon so, dass IT-Security nur ein Versicherungsthema ist. Man kippt tonnenweise Tools und Compliancemüll auf die Infrastruktur und in den Entwicklungsprozess, in der Hoffnung, dass man dadurch bei jedem Problem ganz unschuldig die Hände hochreißen kann, weil man doch wirklich ALLES!! getan hat - und dann zahlt auch die Versicherung. Es ist ein Sicherheitstheater, genau wie die TSA.

    Aber gleichzeitig arbeitet irgendwo im Keller noch die Windows XP Kiste, die man sich nicht traut abzuschalten.

  • Performance Review [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • It’s getting dangeous once you accumulate more than 6 weeks of sick days

    No, it just means the health insurance starts paying your salary, and you'll get less money. But for your employer it's actually better, because they don't have to pay you anymore.

  • So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?
  • but that didn’t stop me from having a dumb thought:

    Nothing should.

    Anyway, essentially something like this kind of already exists, just that "instances" are journals, that sift through the submissions and only publish peer-reviewed articles.

    The real problems that would need to be adressed are:

    • How can I make sure that the citations are real and actually useful? Citations-cartels are already a thing.
    • How can the review process be ported to that approach without losing the independence of the reviews? They are supposed to be anonymous and not affiliated with the authors in any way?
    • How can the amount of articles be reduced? Currently, you're forced to publish as much as possible, published articles in "good" journals are your currency as a reseacher.

    The idea is far from bad or inpractical, but it can't really adress the cultural issues in science. The entire scientific publication ecosystem and culture is essentially stuck in the early 20th century, but with 1000 times as many people involved and much much higher stakes.

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • I wouldn't even call it that. It's a weird lack of a sense of scale combined with organizational hurdles.

    They basically can't estimate, how much resources a proper app would need and they don't know how to manage teams to work on a common codebase. So they simply draw a diagram of the functionalities, spin out each block as a "Service", assign that to a team and call it a day.

    I've talked to several of them about this and I had to do very simple math directly in front of them to convince them. I've had to explain to a grown man, an experienced engineer, that 16 cores and 96gb memory are more than enough to handle a million simple inserts per day in a batch mode. He wanted to split the job into 4 services, each essentially running 10 lines of actual business logic, each using the resources mentioned above. Absolute madness.

  • Who will win the technology race: VacMagLev, or hypersonic planes?
  • Also, supersonic air travel already exists. It's not a technical hurdle anymore and the Concorde was even profitable in her later years.

    There's a lot of research addressing the very real problems you pointed out and it seems plausible that they'll at least be mitigated to a degree in the near future.

    Hyperloop is a (vacuum) pipe dream. It sounds super cool, but the more you think about it, the less realistic it gets.

  • So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?
  • I think we need a fundamentally different approach to scientific publishing. It's completely absurd that there's probably a bunch of unintended replication studies because the research groups can't know that their study has already been done.

    And the expectation to actually read that avalanche of articles in even a niche subject is absolutely bonkers. 95% of articles are effectively write-only and will never have any impact whatsoever.

  • Germany’s solar market faces price wars, consolidation
  • Weirdly enough, Germany installed more PV this year than ever before, and we even almost met the goals for the entire year in the first half:

    I think the main issue is here that everyone and their uncle started to bolt solar panels on buildings, so the installer market is flooded with supply, but the demand can't keep up.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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