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That clock
  • It's funny.

  • Should I use a reverse proxy in a homelab?
  • I would say if locally. No. But the moment you open up to the web. Yes. Nginx proxy manager is also very good for this.

  • Need a new distro(or help with fedora
  • I switched from Ubuntu and Mint to Fedora and must say while neither of the debian distros ever crashed. Fedora crashed, had to reinstall because i couldn't get in anymore etc. If you want stability then my advice is Ubuntu or Mint. But could be just me. I use all of them ☺️

  • Islamophobia is endemic in the UK and getting worse, says Yousaf
  • Islam will destroy everything you believe in. Islam is the most intolerant belief there is. It will not tolerate anyone who believe anything else.

  • My 2023 Homelab Setup
  • Nice setup. Going to steal some ideas for my own setup!

  • More than 100,000 protest across Germany over far-right AfD’s mass deportation meetings
  • No they didn't. Also 431200 ordered to leave the EU in 2022 alone! The only way to do something about this is mass deportation.

  • More than 100,000 protest across Germany over far-right AfD’s mass deportation meetings
  • Funny how it's always undemocratic if it's the right side of the spectrum. If people illegaly entered your country. You should be able to deport them, no?

  • Hello everybody

    I'm nowhereman from Belgium. Thanks for accepting me! Just started with electronics. Messing around a bit with motherboards. My 'new' secondhand motherboard got hit by the ground a think whilst in transport. And when I plugged it in some chips burned. The board didn't look like it would do that. Only the corner was hit so I thought it would be fine. I was wrong. But, because of that I wanted to learn about what went wrong.


    Anyone else experience the feelings that you are constantly dying?
  • Your past selves aren't dead. You just evolved into what you are now. That's what we do.

  • Migrated my self-hosted Nextcloud to AIO and I absolutely love it
  • Behind existing Nginx? Do you mean that you are not using Nginx and only cloudfare tunnel?

  • Migrated my self-hosted Nextcloud to AIO and I absolutely love it
  • Yes thanks. I'm using it already but for now can't get it working.

  • Migrated my self-hosted Nextcloud to AIO and I absolutely love it
  • I'm setting it up. Only having some issues with proxy manager and cloudfare combo.

  • Comment which one is your orgasm face in the comments.
  • Hope for the first. But probably think it's the last 🤦‍♂️

  • homelab Nowhereman
    HP P822 contoller

    Hi everybody I own a HP DL380 g7 which works fine. Today I added a p822 controller for my d2700 storageworks. But when a attache the d2700 the controller doesn't initialize anymore. If I start the server and attache the d2700 sas cables when it's started it finds the d2700 and I can see the disks. Obviously I can't use it this way because when i reboot I need to unplug and plug the sas cables again. Not really allot of information to find online. Except for firmware update. Anybody have any experience with firmware updates in proxmox for HP servers gen7 ? Thanks for any advice.


    What do i look for in logs

    Hi everyone

    My proxmox server is crashing daily. And I've been checking the logs. But the thing is. What do I look for? Syslog, kern and daemonlogs. I would like to fix this problem. Need advice ! Thanks

    Linux from scratch

    Hi everybody, I've been using linux for over 15 years with a huge gap in between. I think i stopped at 14 (Ubuntu) something and started again at 20 something. So i had to learn alot again. Luckily it all came back quick. Now since this week I started linux from scratch to learn more about the way it's build. I'm also going to get some education to point myself in the direction of a linux job. I just love the way it works. It makes sense to if you now what I mean (which you probably do)

    I have two questions. Are there things I should try with LFS after completing my build? And what are some good linux educational sites? I'm currently thinking of the linux foundation. Anyway thanks for reading. Greeting from Belgium! Mr. Nowhereman

    Ow yeah

    I know it's nothing special. But today I got Eclipse connected to my Postgresql Database and can access it through PGadmin. It made me happy. Just wanted to share this stupid small succes for a novice programmer. !

    Why do they keep making new languages

    Why are there so many programming languages? And why are there still being so many made? I would think you would try to perfect what you have instead of making new ones all the time. I understand you need new languages sometimes like quantumcomputing or some newer tech like that. But for pc you would think there would be some kind of universal language. I'm learning java btw. I like programming languages. But was just wondering.

    Storage storage storage

    I'm wondering what the best (cheap) option is to have as much storage as possible. I have two DL380 g7 servers with one running lemmy, npm, wireguard and busy getting nextcloud and jellyfin installed. The other one is to run a Proxmox cluster. Just for fun tbh. Amd if needed spare parts. I only have a few tb of storage. Problem is that these have a 2.5 inch harddrive. So expensive drives. Is it a good idea to just buy more drives which will cost me more in the long run i guess.. Or should i go for a dedicated storage server with 3.5 drives..

    What distribution is most used in production environment

    I've come across Red Hat allot lately and am wondering if I need to get studying. I'm an avid Ubuntu server user but don't want to get stuck only knowing one distro. What is the way to go if i want to know as much as I can for use in real world situations.

    lemmy Nowhereman

    Please listen, you don't know what your missing

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