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Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails
  • This is usually a good point. However, from my reading of just the snippet and some quotes others posted (and without reading the article myself because I am lazy), it may be that they are prohobiting the inclusion of preferred pronouns. If that's accurate, then it means they are refining their bigotry to be more precise.

  • A cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
  • The solution I have heard before that I thought was the most interesting would add another arrow to the "Then why didn't he?" box at the bottom:

    Because he wants his creation to be more like him.

    He's just a lonely guy. He made the angels but they're so boring and predictable. They all kowtow to him and have no capacity for evil (except for that one time). Humans have the capacity for both good and evil, they don't constantly feel his presence, and they're so much more interesting! They make choices that are neither directly in support of or opposition to himself. Most of the time, their decisions have nothing to do with him at all!

    Humans have the capacity to be more like God than any of his other creations.

  • Removed
    Trump's $60 Bible & Constitution omits amendments ending slavery and allowing women to vote
  • I do not understand what is happening here. I do not understand why you are spending your time like this. I don't know why there seems to be a few users dedicated to downvoting people.adding context to a sensational - if true - headline. I don't think I'm going to succeed at this, but I have some free time so I'll try one more time. Here's a hypothetical:

    Say there was many who went crazy and stabbed 30 people at the mall. Half of the victims are white and half are black. This is inline with the racial demographics in the area where the population is about a 50/50 mix of white and black people. A headline is written that reads "Man Stabs 15 Black People".

    Now, this headline is completely accurate and truthful. The crazy guy totally stabbed 15 black people. However, they also stabbed 15 white people. Only including part of the data in the headline gives the impression that the man was only stabbing black people. He totally wasn't and that totally isn't what the headline says, but it is what it implies.

    The author of the headline could have and should have said that the Bible did not include the entire constitution or that it left out most of the amendments (including those ending (most) slavery and allowing women to vote). They could have but they didn't. People choose words intentionally. In this case, they chose words that made people believe that only those two amendments were left out. Any user could read the article and find the whole truth there. Outrage drives engagement, though, and engagement sells ads. I get why the author made the choice they did. It was not factually wrong and it probably achieved their goal of greater engagement. That doesn't mean it wasn't misleading.

    Here's some bits from Merriam-Webster. Mislead: : to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit : to lead astray : give a wrong impression

    Also, if the intent was to include only the amendments that Republicans like, I would have expected at least the 11th to be there.

  • Measure of a merit badge
  • I think the joke is that the props department needed a collection of medals and one of them is just a combadge painted a different color. Maybe they ran out of ideas, maybe it was easy, maybe they assumed nobody would notice. Star Trek needed a lot of props that looked alien or futuristic but sometimes it's just a hair dryer with a curvy pipe glued on the outside and spray painted black.

  • Justice is blind
  • The writing on his chest armor is higher in the last picture than it is in the first. Draw a line across that and shift his head down appropriately. I think you're bit off.

  • Steam :: Introducing Steam Families
  • What I would really like is to be able sign on to my windows account and then log into steam as me without typing in another password BUT the kids can't log into steam and then switch to my account because they don't have my password and they're not signed in to Windows as me.

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