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Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • Upvoted for a hot take!

    I never watched the old stuff. I enjoyed the campy and quirky scifi romp that peaked with the 10/11 doctors, but there are certainly long stretches of pretty dull episodes, I admit. There are many episodes that I just love and tried to make note of through my last watch through.

    It doesn't take itself too seriously and I like that. It's also like gateway scifi for people not normally too into the genre.

  • An 8-year-old girl was sucked into a swimming pool pipe at a Hilton hotel. The management company blamed her parents
  • Elsewhere I read the pump actually did have an entrapment system engaged and shut off, but by the time she blocked the pipe and sensors detected the obstruction, she was already wedged 20 feet into the pipe.

    In other words, if this had a simple grate and she blocked it with her body, the pump would've shut off almost immediately.

    The other problem is this hole was supposed to be an outlet, not an inlet. But the pump was reversed for whatever reason.

  • An 8-year-old girl was sucked into a swimming pool pipe at a Hilton hotel. The management company blamed her parents
  • Seems like litigation is still ongoing but most recent articles I've read state that pump was either recently repaired or replaced, and flow was in the wrong direction. If it was outflow, nobody could swim in there if they wanted to (but if it was off, a small child still could, so a grate still should've been on there). They suspect hole was installed later to probably align with flow requirements for the new pipe.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Hey, nothing wrong with being agist in this situation, let's be honest. Nobody - not Biden, not Bernie, not Trump - will be as cognitively-sharp when they are 80 as they were when they were 50, 40, 30. We wouldn't want an 80-year-old lifeguard or firefighter, right?

    And until an 18-year-old can be president, we're already agist in one direction.

    That we think putting geriatrics in the White House to run one of the most stressful jobs that is on-call 24/7 is a good idea... I mean it's absurd. Just look how much Obama aged in 8 years. Forget the fact that the general risk of all-cause mortality is far greater, that's just another risk-factor for running the country.

    So yeah unfortunately I agree... Bernie's opportunity was missed. When AOC runs one day, I will campaign as hard as possible for her victory.

  • An 8-year-old girl was sucked into a swimming pool pipe at a Hilton hotel. The management company blamed her parents
  • Fuck sake that was a hard read. That poor mother. I can't even comprehend the purpose of that pipe. They describe it as a lazy river so I'm assuming it's some sort of equalizer pipe to the other side. Water flows in one direction around the pool and I think what they're saying is the flow of the river was reversed for whatever reason. There would be quite a strong amount of suction through there, even if it wasn't a direct intake line to the pump.

    Edit: oh this is old news, months old. Looks like it was indeed an outlet:

    “Her poor little body was contorted when she was sucked into this hole and pipe 20 feet back. Her body was inside of the motor when she had to be extracted," he said. "They had to break up concrete in order to extract her, cut pipe. It was absolutely horrific.”

    Pump's flow was reversed for whatever reason.

    Elsewhere I read the pump actually did have an entrapment system engaged and shut off, but by the time she blocked the pipe and sensors detected the obstruction, she was already wedged 20 feet into the pipe.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Don't disagree with that either. I just think:

    • Voter enthusiasm is vital to winning elections.
    • You inspire the grassroots coalition who actually does the canvassing, the phone-banking, the viral fundraising, the viral word-of-mouth, the pushback against trolls on social media, and the convincing of parents and uncles at Thanksgiving Dinner by inspiring said grassroots who make up the foundation of a solid Democratic campaign.
    • Once you have YOUR base who believes in their candidate strongly, then that becomes influential in drawing others to your banner as well.
    • So I hope in time, Democrats stop watering down their rocket-fuel of policy to appeal to ignorance of this magical moderate or Republican swing-voter, which then just backfires because the fuel is too watered-down to have the policy breach the atmosphere, and then we have the next cycle go, "well we gave Democrats a chance and look what they did." In time, I hope we stand by our policy the way Republicans stand by theirs. Such conviction is persuasive.
  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • As I said, it's impossibly risky right now as it is. In what should be an obvious slam-dunk, Biden has largely remained stagnant in polls with Trump catching up in fundraising no less. There are no perfect options; only dilemmas. Clearly I'm spit-balling here and I'm no advisor so that's not lost on me. However: I'm not the only one talking about this. Just yesterday's Washington Week round-table episode on PBS had them talking about this.

    The fact that I don't have a name is quite honestly irrelevant. There are are PLENTY of candidates on the left that fulfill that niche of youth and charisma: Booker is one example if you really need one. Nevertheless it's irrelevant because if we can't name it, then Republicans can't predict it. And we know the right-wing media largely controls the narrative in this country; and the less time you give them to develop talking-points, the better. I've already proved that Likability, Youth, Charisma are the KEY adjectives to winning elections for Democrats. WHO within that subset almost doesn't even matter -- for we know what issues concern the vast majority of voters RIGHT NOW: Age of candidates, and they're sick of both of their faces. That's quite literally all the info we need to know. So if you accept the premise that we run an American Idol contest for Presidency, then I believe my argument is quite solid.

    There's no desperation in giving the electorate what they are asking for. Look at the polls for yourself detailing their reasons for apathy or dislike for the candidates.

    Finally, Primaries don't reflect general election performance. Hillary beat Bernie; but Bernie would've likely done better against Trump. It's not like Democrats who voted Hillary would suddenly not vote for Bernie come November with Trump on the ballot.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • I agree. I also think it's important to note that the nature of entropy dictates it's far easier for Republicans to cripple the nation and set us back than to rebuild let alone add extensions. So for me a vote for Biden is above-all damage control.

    Still I only wish we could curate better candidates because I think we can eat our cake and still have it. This appeal to the middle in terms of policy; this watering down our rhetoric tends to shoot ourselves in the foot in the long-run.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • If the news dropped at the right time, it would be free publicity across social media and every corporate media outlet nonstop until election day. Not necessarily a nobody, but just someone less in the spotlight.

    I'm pretty certain given my previous arguments that a young and semi-charismatic individual could sweep the election solely on age and freshness alone. And I'd say Kamala, but she's uncharismatic and conservatives already have talking-points written up for her.

    Considering the current polls, leaving Biden in is frankly just as if not more risky in my view. (disclaimer: I'm voting for Biden, of course).

  • Man with carload of weapons and ‘hit list’ that included Biden, Obama and Clinton gets years in prison
  • I look at it the other way: right-wing conspiracy theories pander to textbook mental illness. They're more susceptible to such bullshit and thus it's like a magnet that attracts these deranged individuals.

    One way or another I am personally convinced a large chunk of dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters are not of mentally sound mind.

    Drugs, head injuries, lead exposure, etc. You look at the average attendee of a Trump rally and they do not look physically healthy from the outset.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • I appreciate much of your list and accept the danger of the third party vote.

    And while that's partly a result of right-wing and foreign operatives seeking to wedge-drive the Democratic coalition, it's also a reflection of lack of voter enthusiasm and greater apathy.

    Like it or not, for better or worse, elections in the US are popularity contests akin to shitty reality TV. It's not about who is more qualified; it's not about experience or education. As much as it should be, it IS NOT a job interview.

    Whoever stands out, for better or worse, tends to win. Obama was different. He stood out; he won. JFK was different. He stood out; he won. Trump was different. He stood out; he won.

    Hillary was boring. Uncharismatic. Anything but new. Carrying the baggage of decades of right-wing smere. Poll after poll of voter enthusiasm was in the gutter.

    Voter enthusiasm for Biden was shit, too. But Biden stood out because he was at least different from Trump.

    If Dems wanted to ensure victory they'd yank Biden and run someone fresh, young, charismatic, likable. Easy win. Why? Because they stand out, the right-wing taking-points and marching orders wouldn't be prepared, and people would be excited for something different.

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • I had to laugh when a righty was trying to argue with studies that the left is less tolerant to the out-group. I might have caused him to have a brain aneurysm when I said, "well no shit, given the diversity of the left's in-group, the only population remaining in the out-group are ignorant assholes."

    Paradox of Tolerance at its finest.

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • The folks who talk about individual freedumb and guv'mint minding its own business sure love telling people what they can do to their bodies, books they can read, or call themselves.

  • Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.
  • Ye but gais, gas prices were lower so all good! /s

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • FDR was much closer to being a Social Democrat than a Democratic Socialist. They sound similar but are quite different. Hell I think Bernie is closer to a Social Democrat, too. He praises the Nordic model and they're textbook social democracies.

  • An 8-year-old girl was sucked into a swimming pool pipe at a Hilton hotel. The management company blamed her parents
  • That poor child... And those poor ems workers who had to dig out her little body...

    I tagged along with my wife for a pool day at her friend's house with our kids. I was swimming along near the wall of the pool when my foot was violently pulled into the vaccuum line. Really spooked me. It's code for those suction lines to have a spring-loaded cover. This one didn't. I luckily freed my foot and went to check the valves on the pump. All suction was routed to the vacuum line, none to skimmer.

    Some expensive pumps have an anti-entrapment system but most do not.

    I warned her to get that shit fixed ASAP...

    For commercial pools of this scale, there's just no chance to resist.

    I own a pool now and I take all that shit very seriously. You don't mess around with water.

  • 2 killed, 8 wounded in mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store
  • Minority Report: Special EDition.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Yeah absolutely fuck Kyle Rittenhouse but Kyle lied to his mom that night about what he was up to, and the mom clearly had no intention of being a willing accomplice to murder.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Kyle lied to her about everything he was doing that night.

  • 2 killed, 8 wounded in mass shooting outside Arkansas grocery store
  • Well you see the proliferation of firearms always benefits the violent criminal over the heroic defender. Always. It's a losing race.

    Even back to the Wild West, places like Tombstone and Dodge City would come to implement gun control laws because, surprise, being mutually armed doesn't help when the other guy has both the element of surprise and willingness to fire first.

  • UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron

    Foreign Secretary David Cameron tells the BBC the UK should focus on getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.

    UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron

    >Lord Cameron said while he would not support a major ground offensive in the Gazan city of Rafah, the UK would not copy US plans to stop some arms sales.

    >He said the UK supplies just 1% of Israel's weapons and warned Israel must do more to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid through.

    US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows | Reuters US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows

    U.S. public support for Israel's war against Hamas militants in Gaza is eroding and most Americans think Israel should call a ceasefire to a conflict that has ballooned into a humanitarian crisis, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

    US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows
    PSA: You are legally entitled to receive a .zip file of all data related to your account that is stored on Reddit's servers.

    They must oblige within a certain time frame — even if your account has been suspended and I believe even if you've deleted your account. Curiously, this might be one effective way to protest. Golly I wonder what would happen if many people requested such reports simultaneously. It seems these must be processed manually by admins.

    As a bonus, it's nice because all your comments and messages are searchable.

    Live For Them lennybird
    Aeroflot 593 crashed in 1994 when the pilot let his children control the aircraft. This is the crash animation and audio log.