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EBook Management

I am setting up a new server for my media and wanted to ask for your best ways to manage an ebook and comic collection. I have been using calibre so far, but it is not really designed to be managed remotely.

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  • The ultimate weapon, that you get as a reward for retrieving old Theo "Chicken" Macs gold nuggets. They have been taken by the evil sand witch to the dreaded subways.

  • [QUESTION] Cheese smeels and tastes weird before aging
  • As a general rule, I would discard any product where an unpleseant and/or bitter aroma is not exlicitly expected. Our senses of tase and smell are very good at distinguishing "good", that is energy dense and clean, food from " bad", that is mostly rotten or contaminated, food. I have little experience with cheese making but if any doughs or yoghurts I make start to smell or taste bitter or otherwise off, it is usually because the microfauna got out of hamd and malign bacteria started overproducing.

  • I cast piercing judgement
  • I played an absolute Law-and-Order Paladin once. The rogue allways had to find ways around me, because of course he had to steal whatever was not nailed down. He had lots of fun finding ways to both convince me that he was an upstamding citizen and steal stuff right under my nose.

  • I'm a walking stereotype.
  • Hey. I will have you know that this magnificent beard is a sign of martial prowess and masculinity. I could easily cut you in half with any of my katanas but would find it easiest with the bat'leth, with which I have trained extensively for some time. Of course I would not have to wield the blade myself, as I can simply use my programming skills on my arch setup to program a robot to do so.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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