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Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • i guess you could follow the same process for lentils or even cut lentils into the rice soup for nutrition and stuff

  • Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • might tickle your fancy?

    for me i've always had alot of congee lol which is like a rice soup/porridge, soak/wash rice and then throw it into the freezer into ice cube trays (the freezing of the water absorbed rice will shatter the rice grain) then boil that frozen waterlogged rice cube into your favourite broth. or you can skip the freezing process and use the instant pot porridge setting.

    • i've found the easiest thing was canned chicken from costco, with some msg/chicken bouillon was the quickest broth that is my favourite. i prefer it thinned down (basically a thicker chicken soup), then you can throw toppings like veggies or bacon/eggs ontop
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  • you can also drop em at

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  • Might be a powder keg analogy

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  • Liberals are selective moralists it seems

  • Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:
  • or

    i'm pretty sure this is a real person

    edit: not that i'm saying that all people of the UA are nazis.

    tbh this meme refers to the recent hunka debacle with how suddenly there was a massive influx of liberals in my country trying to blur the line, stating that the 14 waffen SS were simply fighting the USSR and how hitler was a "lesser evil".

    i don't get why you feel this would be immediately modern Russian propaganda, this is literally a ww2 unit lmao.

    not mine i just found it amusing that eventually we'll probably see some unironic post stating that "Hitler just wanted to solve the housing crisis, it was a difficult time, it was complicated, he was in a rock and a hard place, tough decisions were made"

  • Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:
  • excerpt context: after the UA government had decided to add to the list the 110th birthday of nazi collaborator bandera to the list of days worthy of commemoration.

    “Glorifying the person whose men committed countless heinous crimes is an insult to the victims and an unthinkable distortion of the history of the world’s most horrific genocide," said Dr. Zuroff.

    “Unfortunately in recent years, Ukraine has been one of the major propagators of a distorted version of Holocaust history which seeks to hide or minimize crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists,” he added.

    Weitzman added, "It is clear that Ukraine is choosing to rehabilitate antisemitism and to censor history.” He noted that, along with the Bandera national holiday, the Ukrainian region of Lviv announced that 2019 would be “Stepan Bandera Year” and that a book exploring the antisemitic actions of politician Simon Petlura, who led 1919 pogroms against Jews, was banned.

    “By joining with other countries that are rewriting history Ukraine is showing how little it has learned from the tragedies of the past. These actions are a disgraceful affirmation of Ukraine’s darkest past and an absolute rejection of democratic values,” Weitzman concluded.

    mind you there are streets named him. You aren't even slightly suspicious that maybe the narrative we're being told on MSM is fabricated?

  • Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:

    edit: i should make explicit. this meme is prodding at liberals humanizing the soldier of the 14th Waffen SS (1st Galicia) recently honoured in the canadian house of commons. this meme is showing off a ww2 ukrainian nazi unit in a fashion similarly done with the "brave soldiers of afghanistan" who would later become the taliban.

    the joke is, we would eventually glorify and humanize them as well with enough time

    they live we sleep
  • We all knew in truth that as never an option, as the age old saying goes "do not trust the liberals, they will betray you".

  • they live we sleep
  • We (leftists, socialist, communists) are out organized.

    Pierre just wants the reigns he doesn't actually give a shit, nobody has said anything about the ss monuments or Jack, they're all equally spineless, the way I see it is PP tjust wants the position and is smearing him trying to pin it to JT.

  • they live we sleep
  • Really, you can’t think of any examples of fascism growing in Canada? The giant trucker anti-vax movement?

    I refuse to dismiss the entirety of the trucker protests off as an "anti-vax movement" as i have shamefully in the past, while i agree their leaders were fucked, pat king w/ his superior race comments, and the MOU stating they only recognize the federal government as as the governor general and senate. not to mention that an stupid amount of money in the gofundme leaks came from foreign shores.

    They were the only option (from a lack of proper leftist organization) available for Canadians who have been suffering from rising costs of food, gas, rent, utilities, who are angry, confused and, probably misinformed especially as the government was doing a rather insufficient pandemic (an ongoing one mind you) response for the people as small shops closed down, and seemingly more focused on the corporations. it was a good mix of reactionaries and legitimate people with legitimate concerns, we should learn from our mistakes and do a better job of explaining to the people on a more intimate person to person level and at doing government policies.

    if you are willing to entertain a socialist view on this (they are god damn trots though), but yeah you're right in being aware it was a fair split of reactionaries, crypto-fascists, and people with genuine concerns (kind of like right now)

    Poilievre’s fringe party and conservative attacks on trans rights, women’s rights, and people’s access to healthcare?

    you are absolutely right that the assaults on trans rights, women rights and, the privatization of public health care is concerning, this again i imagine has most likely been a mix of reactionaries and crypto-fascists who again have sus backgrounds leading people who most likely have valid concerns that were never addressed and mislead immensely (but when you live next to the massive American media machine and their capital is magnitudes more than that of any leftist creator, it's an uphill battle all the way).

    You might just want to look a little harder, because this just looks weak

    i hope we both understand that poilievre is an "economic liberal/ neo liberal" and that most parties in canada a "liberal democracy" can be said to be "liberal".

    i should make no illusion to the idea that poilievre is using the hunka debacle to garner more votes, my disdain extends to him as well, mind you he has been careful with his words and not use the word "nazi" because he too wants the Ukrainian diaspora votes, and the fact is, a non negligible amount of ukrainians consider the 14 waffen ss and their ilk to be heros abroad (not an annual national holiday, nation wide commemoration of the 110th birthday of the collaborator, which is jan 1) and at home

    edit: when i said clear cut i hope to express that i doubt most people will know of hitlers policies towards transpeople, but the gradual progression of:

    letting nazis in country < nazis accidentally honoured by country's gov < nazis honoured by msm country's news paper

    is a progression most unread people will understand, a progression most people will find concerning because... i do nazi them nazi-ng it lol

  • they live we sleep

    i really didn't want to have clear cut examples of fascism grow in my country to this meme, but i guess here we are.

  • Hah

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    Bring that other one over here, ALIVE.
  • fair enough, did you find the meme too wordy or nah?

  • We still have work left to do Canucks!


    Stoltenberg has now publicly acknowledged that Putin made clear to NATO in a draft treaty before the war that it could avert it if NATO agreed not to keep enlarging. But NATO rejected the offer.
  • Then lastly on Sweden. First of all, it is historic that now Finland is member of the Alliance. And we have to remember the background. The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.

    The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that.

  • Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?
  • shit should i take my life savings out of my stock profiles and bank

  • 196 barbie's world

    In an attempt to get Americans to see why Japan finds Barbenheimer offensive, Japanese twitter has taken to making 9/11 jokes - completely misunderstanding that Americans love 9/11 jokes.



    damn these letters got hands

    letters can be found here:

    alt text: woman says "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me!" a person off screen says "letters from soviet time capsules." the woman in the panel retches over, darkness and despair engulfs the backdrop as she comes to be reminded of the letters from past times imagining utopian socialist republics from the now dissolved Union of Socialist Council Republics [USSR].

    credit to sarah andersen

    modus operandi

    "debt is a form of social control."

    alt text: bunny says "question: what motivates people? is it a sense of purpose? a desire to improve yourself? a desire to improve the word? a woman smiles plainly, the next panel shows her to continue to smile under duress as she answers "fear. it's definitely fear." A knife is held at her throat by an individual who captioned as hunger, debt, evicition.

    credit to sarah andersen for comic.


    alt text: unlimited [REDACTED] on the first world first emperor of china is seen casting fire on two towers. below image of american soldiers posing with ww2 SS flag. text under first emperor says: our day is coming

    text under all of the images say, long live the qinism-lin-biaoism

    under the sea

    alt text: clam and fish in ocean. fish: I'M UGLY.



    fish:dude from:

    don't let your politiks die online

    alt text: @yugopnik • Jul 12 There are 2 dudes in a One of them calls himself a Social Democrat. The other calls himself a Communist. Neither of them actually do anything to push their ideas forward. Then, are they any different?

    A revolution in this Century

    alt text: girlfriend sitting on couch asks boyfriend: honey, can you go see if the baby is sleeping?

    *boyfriend opens door to the baby's bedroom.

    baby is standing in cradle, donning a diaper and bowtie, holding the railing of the cradle in one hand and a clench fist in the air with the other. the baby says "there will be a revolution in america within my lifetime.

    the boyfriend looks back from the baby's bedroom to the girlfriend and says "naw babe she's woke af."

    there is a war going on for your mind

    everybody has bias, even historians. its in the words they use, how often they mention something (or how little), the pictures/video (lighting, filters, etc).

    marxism is a form of critical thinking.

    letranger letranger (he/him)


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