leverage @ leverage @lemdro.id Posts 0Comments 83Joined 2 yr. ago
Congrats and fuck cancer.
This either prompted a Baader–Meinhof phenomenon for me, or I heard you on the radio this morning. I practically never listen on the radio, don't really remember hearing the term "ring the bell" before reading your post here. Would be fun if the world was that small.
For Korean BBQ, and other restaurants like this such as Hot Pot, you need to drop any conception you have about these being places you go to eat. These are places you go to socialize, the food is secondary. This is food that is optimized to be eaten slowly over 2+ hours, because you aren't there for the food, you're there to hang out with people.
We tend to have rigid concepts of things and get disregulated when expectations aren't met. You walked into a restaurant thinking they'd serve you food and you'd be done in a normal amount of time, of course you had a less than ideal time.
I had the exact same complaints about Korean BBQ and crawfish boils, but now that I've changed my expectations of them, they are a great time assuming you're with people you like. The food tastes much better in good company.
I've had this experience with a ton of things in life. Not being able to make sense of something sucks. When that something is an event / experience, the experience sucks, and if you aren't careful you will set in your mind that experience as the standard for such events. So much random nonsense exists strictly as an excuse to socialize, and when you don't enjoy socializing because you haven't managed to consistently do it with people you like (basically all NT people, 85%+ of the world), the random nonsense won't make sense. None of this is ever outright explained.
Me at 12, taken fishing on a lake. 6 hours later, what the fuck was the point of that. I could have been playing video games. We didn't even catch any fish! Me at 30, hell yeah, an excuse to drink some beers with friends and get away from the house for a weekend.
Hopefully you can give it another shot one day, maybe at a place that has more comfortable seats. There are certainly places where everyone gets enough grill space and food doesn't need to be shared so much.
My flavor of sleep disorder, I fall asleep when I'm bored. On modafinil I get through the boring activities like driving without falling asleep. Without the drug I've no issues staying awake for hours after regular sleep if I'm really hooked on something, like a good show, game, or project. At the end of the day once the drug starts wearing off, I'll fall asleep watching shows if they aren't engaging enough.
They say it promotes wakefulness, but I don't buy it. I think they've misidentified some key mechanism, at least in neurodivergent brains.
When I fall asleep, I hit REM within 15 minutes, compared to the 2 hours it takes NT brains. This was per an EEG taken during my sleep study, overnight and through forced naps the next day. I swear I'll be in REM while awake sometimes, if I'm fighting sleep, like I perceive the movement.
I've narcolepsy, modafinil (200mg daily) eliminates undesirable dozing for me. It doesn't prevent sleep altogether, just the kind of falling asleep while driving I was dealing with before.
It's weird to classify it as a stimulant, you can see them pussyfoot around it on Wikipedia. No one gets amphetamine like energy from this drug. Neurologists don't understand the mechanisms at play, only that it's effective at treating symptoms of narcolepsy. They've given it to pilots to have them fly for 48+ hours without sleep fatigue, but that's not the same as being wired. College kids abuse it to trade sleep for study time. Plenty of countries don't prescribe it for ADHD.
Why are you going to sleep at 10am? Why are you taking a drug that primarily treats narcolepsy, and then going to sleep? Outside of being sick, the only way I can pull that off is if I'm suffering deep depression, and use sleep as an escape from it all. I hope you're ok, that you have a fulfilling purpose.
At what point do we consider a carjacking over? The violence of the action was ongoing. If this was their house, the person is still invading.
I'm aware of the letter of the law, I'm arguing spirit. I'm also ok with the idea that a civil society with a working justice system should discourage people from such actions. We're not really living in that sort of system right now, especially if we're talking about poor areas and marginalized groups. Might be a good idea for us to debate this shit as the populations underserved by our justice system keeps growing, and evidence that the US justice system exists only to protect the rich keeps piling up.
Are they staying open because there's marketing value in being open on a holiday, or because there's business as usual money to be made. If it's not for some extra marketing purposes, this just lays bare how much more money they could be paying folks and still remain profitable.
Overtime and holiday pay was meant to disincentivize manufacturing companies from overworking their people and not letting them spend time doing frivolous things like being with family on holidays. The difference between the cost of labor and the value of labor was so small back then (after decades of negotiating, union action, and bloodshed) that a simple 1.5x was enough to disincentivize it under most circumstances. It's so vast now for the service industry that they are willing to pay 2.5 times as much.
I'm with you, last time an update was this rough for me was like 6+ years ago. That last rough experience had me avoiding major updates until at least 6 months after launch, the only reason I updated was some shitty policy change my corporate IT implemented that wouldn't stop popping up about it.
If you haven't already, force a full rebuild of your spotlight index, https://support.apple.com/en-us/102321 . The only other advice aside from rollback or reinstall is to create a new user profile.
Yep, it's a total shitshow with most research and popular science news. More results are coming together about various ND conditions being strictly genetic, yet there's still a ton of people out there talking about what could trigger issues after birth, and cures. You can no more make a zebra into a horse than you can make an ND person into an NT person.
Some of the things people consider issues are unproblematic and natural within ND populations, but NT people rule the world and since they deem it weird, we have to change. I'm at least hopeful that this ND awareness spring we seem to be in, where a lot of adults are becoming aware that they are (and always have been) healthy ND adults, will give rise to some improved acceptance and eventually help shift how we treat ND children to avoid the everyday traumas that I think lead to unhealthy ND adults. I'd be even more optimistic if it weren't for the constant denialism and pushback from everyone, including professionals, and even people gatekeeping in the ND population.
When you're sick*, your entire body becomes inflamed, even your nervous system, and that fucks everything up. Further, if you are more sensitive and have sensory needs (almost certainly do), you're being overwhelmed by unwanted sensations (body aches, heightened sense of smell, headaches, runny nose, coughs) and are unlikely to have the energy to stim to help regulate.
Best course is to try to minimize all the unwanted sensations and check out mentally until your immune system does its thing. AKA, get some rest.
I wouldn't put much hope in current medical science with this question, they still have no idea what the heck COVID does, mechanically speaking, just that it fucks shit up in a way that may lead to respiratory failure. And that's with all the money in the world. No one is doing deep dives into how someone that's neurodivergent feels differently bad when they are sick. Heck, they don't really deal with anyone's symptoms while they are sick, it's just basic painkillers and barely better than placebo cough syrup. The only mental vital they even take is pain, which ND people either answer very low to (resulting in being told to go away), or very high to (resulting in being told you are exaggerating, drug seeking, and to go away). Maybe if they could measure the level of stimulation and figure out a safe baseline, and at what point we start becoming traumatically overstimulated, then medicated for that, I'd have a bit more faith in the system. Since they can't even measure pain, maybe at least ask us how stimulated we feel instead of our pain levels. Anything over a 7 should be treated with something that helps us cool off. But what the fuck do I know.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think it's too shallow vs the actual experience. The depth at which ND people are marginalized is so far and away under presented today. Most of the established science is just wrong and resistant to the reality that ND led researchers are presenting. We need to do better at advocating for ourselves as an entire group with shared experiences and unique mental and physical health issues.
The next best analogy I've heard so far is NT people are Windows based software running in a Windows based world, ND people are MacOS software being forced to run on Windows (suspend your IT mind about how it wouldn't work at all, and understand that for a lot of ND folks, it doesn't). Get on the correct runtime environment and a lot of issues go away. That's just really hard to do when the world is primarily built for the 85%-95% NT population, and many of the most capable in the ND population are either ignorant or in denial due to lack of acknowledgement, and stigmatization of anything that would be acknowledged.
People can not agree with what I'm saying, I'm sure it sounds absurd especially if you are NT. I doubt I would have agreed with it two years ago, but introspection after my own realizations that I'm autistic, after over 30+ years of living with this brain, I understand things quite differently now.
For lack of a more relatable analogy, I've been using this race based one.
Imagine you're a black child in America in the 1960s and 1970s, but you somehow managed to remain ignorant of that fact until sometime in your teens or early adulthood. Maybe the area was really progressive, parents wanted to shield you from reality, whatever you need to imagine is fine. You end up not understanding this fact about yourself, and then you end up in the racist public. Now, imagine that the racist public never comes outright and says anything directly racist to you, but all of their other behavior is exactly like what you'd expect from racists in the 1970s. How do you come to terms with this reality? You must be doing something wrong for people to treat you this way.
Obviously not a perfect analogy, and I don't really like to compare my issues as a ND person with the awful stuff done to black people back then, and that continues to be done today. Anyway, it's not inaccurate, if anything, the differences between ND people and NT people are greater than any outward racial appearance, and worse, ND people aren't really aware they are being marginalized, and NT people don't really understand that they are marginalizing.
I'm in love with using wago lever nuts for this stuff now. Makes later maintenance so much easier, and totally avoids wire nuts. Manages to be less wire stuffing in the box too.
And the product updates will happen without you asking them to! And if you disable them, seemingly unrelated windows updates will helpfully fix your mistake.
A bunch of (5 states) ranked choice voting ballot measures were just rejected directly by citizens, and another went so far as to ban it, and many red states have already done that. Team money won by convincing the public to vote against their own interests. Sorry to bear bad news, maybe there's something else to be hopeful about still but I'm not seeing it. The only good news I've heard in American politics since the election was within the last few weeks, and it gets you banned on most of the Internet for saying so.
Same happens every time I've tried to use it for search. Will be radioactive for this type of thing until someone figures that out. Quite frustrating, if they spent as much time on determining the difference between when a user wants objective information with citations as they do determining if the response breaks content guidelines, we might actually have something useful. Instead, we get AI slop.
I've played both Balatro and Hades, both are rogue likes, Balatro is just in the subgenre of deck builder. Balatro's gameplay loop is closer to Hades than to poker, you're wrong or uninformed to say otherwise. No one is playing Balatro and getting addicted to gambling and going off to play poker, but I can totally see it being a gateway to the rogue-like genre.
I'm certainly not arguing against content moderation for the littles. I just disagree with the reasons they cite, you know, the whole video games cause violence, and the bigger brother that is whatever BS puritanical religious zealots come up with to force their opinions on the pubic. Define a list of things we don't want kids to see / know about at various ages, and why, then go on from there. There's way too much bullshit in the laws that are just prior generations trying to force the next generations to not change, which is their prerogative, I just wish we could be honest about it.
If Balatro is gambling then so is every game that has a chance based mechanic. Genshin Impact is PEGI 12 and you can spend money on loot boxes, which is absolutely gambling. Balatro is identical to Hades, except you fight with cards.
The law is poorly written, or is being applied incorrectly here. Balatro is in no way simulating a casino, which I'd be more inclined to say games that do that should have a more mature rating. Bit of a slippery slope though, nothing stops a casino from adding a new game that mimics an existing genre of video game mechanics, and then regulators saying the entire genre is gambling. It's all pearl clutching, not backed by any science, etc. made by the same people that want to ban Mortal Kombat and think Counter Strike causes school shootings.
They could release just swap a dozen words, it wouldn't get this rating. None of those words are required for it to be a good game. The essence of gambling that society wants to protect children from is not part of Balatro any more than it is Solitaire.
I'd like to be a person who, eg., plays with Lego for 1 hour, spends the next hour painting, then decides to go and fix his bike, then listens to music for a bit, etc.
Why? There's no evidence for this assertion, but all successful and fulfilled neurodivergent people throughout history were absorbed in whatever had them hooked. Idealizing neurotypical lifestyles will only lead you to feeling frustrated at something you will never be able to change, disregulated, and eventually depressed.
If you're intent on engaging in multiple different interests like this, you should try very hard to combine them. As long as you feel like you are actively moving toward something singular, you'll be good. Disengaging while hooked is traumatic, like, to the extent that you may avoid re-engaging with it until you feel it is safe to do so.
Putting activities out of sight is a great strategy to avoid being accidentally hooked by them, but you need to figure out an organizational system that fits your space/life. If you're combatting storage and organization for multiple hobbies, it's going to cost a lot more in both systems and in space. I'd argue it's more sensible to scale back, and commit to some strategy where you only buy what you need, and you sell the niche if you get bored with it. There's no shortage of hoarders in the ND community, not because of the inclination to amass stuff, but because getting rid of stuff requires admitting some hard things to yourself. It's easier to imagine you'll get back into it than to admit you won't, and that you might have gone a bit overboard on spending while you were in the middle of the journey.
There's some theory about how we intuitively avoid or engage with things depending on real and perceived levels of effort, and real or perceived benefit. There's another concept in autism, something about momentum. You can intentionally exploit some things to make it more or less likely you'll engage with something. Traditional (or let's say neurotypical) organization systems aren't built for neurodivergent people. Best to try to find ND people you can use as a role model and hope they haven't just adapted to NT systems. I've not seen him say anything about being ND, but https://youtube.com/@zackfreedman comes to mind. Just know that what you want is weird by definition, don't let that hold you back. The population of ND people isn't a big enough percentage to justify a market apparently.
What's most frustrating to me about the issue is, every ND person I've had the pleasure of meeting is so open to sharing, if society was structured for ND people, you'd never feel like anything is wasted. You'd try out that thing without spending a dime, and if you did get deep into it, have somewhere you could feel safe in giving the stuff away for better use. Instead, the world is run by neurotypicals, and everyone has ulterior motives. A man can dream. If you live in a big city you might have a co-op, or hacker space, or even a public library with resources you can use.
I'm certainly rambling a lot here, I'd apologize if this was the NT world.
Another option, stop putting yourself down for engaging with "unwanted distractions". Unless it's something that's going to ruin your life, try embracing it fully. If you didn't want to do it, you wouldn't do it. My wife has this fight with herself sometimes as we're cleaning house, starting one task and ending up in the middle of multiple different cleaning activities. I do the exact same thing, the only difference is I love myself for it. I will eventually get to a clean house, and as long as I don't keep stopping to self loathe, it will be cleaner, faster compared to an NT person. I know, because I've cleaned NT people's houses and they are always blown away. I've got a model that is pretty close to monotropism that I think explains all these things, just cba to post about it yet.
Try reframing how you think of these things slightly. Watch https://monotropism.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Monotropism-animation.mp4 and just believe your brain works like that for argument sake. I know it's tough, especially because the act of telling you to do anything most likely will lead you to not wanting to do it, a frustrating trait of this brain.
Stop worrying about how normal people do things and try better to understand how your brain does things. Reframe how you see the problem as something where you're trying to get fixed to be normal, and accept that's not possible. Psychology's best therapies offer drugs that help you put on a facade of normal, or worse, crank your apathy up to where you just don't give a shit any more.
Have you ever done anything that you were so into, that you skipped meals, bathroom breaks, and other biological needs? Like, to the point of deep hunger, dehydration, nearly peeing yourself? "Normal" brains never do that, or even moderate versions of that. Like, there's a category of self improvement literature that sells the idea of a flow state, because most people want that state of mind and will never obtain it. It's simply something people observed successful people with monotropic brains doing, and made up into a new pop-psych thing to sell.
Spend time actively, consciously noticing what hooks you. Aggressively give up on those things that don't. You may habitually spend time doing things that you don't actually like, but you are unconsciously forcing yourself to keep doing. Step out of your comfort zone and try a new thing, activity, genre, media, person, sexuality, etc. Most people spend their whole life being forced into a mold, and that mold is almost certainly not compatible with the needs of a neurodivergent brain.
Structure is NOT a requirement, and for me, personally, isn't compatible with anything that makes me happy. Still, my entire upbringing continuously shoved structure down my throat. School constantly reinforced that I needed to organize my binder, write in a planner, and multiple times I remember being assigned projects like setting an itinerary for a vacation. I hated it, felt unnatural, stressful, and I never managed to adopt the habits they were forcing on me, yet still managed to be a successful person. I could have self-loathed about it, but instead I managed to kick the bs and move on. When I eventually got married and started going on vacations, my wife (who has an ADHD diagnosis, though wasn't diagnosed until after this story) planned a very structured itinerary for a 2 week vacation in the UK. The trip was stressful to plan, and our daily activities were on a tight schedule, leaving no room to linger where we wanted. While we had a good time, we both look back at random moments off the itinerary as the best ones, and have high regret for being forced to stay longer in some places, and not long enough in others. This same thing happened again on another vacation, we simply weren't self aware enough to avoid it, or were too concerned about following a script of how to do a vacation. Finally, on our third vacation, we approached it very differently. The only preplanned/prebooked moment was what city we were arriving in and the one night stay there, the rest of the two weeks were vague possibilities at best. It was our best vacation, and it's not even close, zero regrets, and that's including a medical disaster. Sorry for the long story, but I feel like it was worth telling you.
I don't fully subscribe to monotropism, even wholly rejected it prior to some of my own realizations. Like, it isn't the final and complete explanation, but it's a much better starting point than everything else out there.
As far as scrolling, it's a tough thing. If you are feeling fulfilled when doing it, stop kicking yourself for it, and instead look to optimize the activity. For example, cut out content that you know you don't enjoy. If instead it's just something you're doing to pass the time, with no real enjoyment, you should probably figure out a strategy to cut it back or out entirely. When brains like ours are bored, the compulsion to fix it is very strong, and will likely drive you quickly to something you will actually find fulfilling if you let it. If you're really lucky, an activity you find fulfilling will be neurotypically amicable, and maybe even profitable, but you should not expect that. Don't try to have multiple things at once, it's not that you can't, it's that you will likely be happier sticking to one thing you enjoy until you don't anymore, and then throwing yourself into the next thing. And try not to kick yourself too hard if/when that happens, sticking with something you don't want to, or putting yourself down for it is antithetical to loving yourself. With this brain, it's not about the destination, it's the journey, and as soon as you do get to the destination you will find an emptiness that can only be filled by starting a new journey.
Happy to chat more deeply about this stuff, feels like there's always more to say. Not sure how well it works with lemmy, but if you check my comments I recently wrote a response to someone in an ADHD community asking about watching movies that feels very similar to this question.