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Fake police: Scammer arrested after being chased by officers on foot through city
  • It's not all natural either. I've recently learned about anticholinergic burden and am annoyed I didn't know sooner because with the health system the way it is now (so many locums, no continuity of care, overworked hospitals) elderly people really need their family looking out for stuff like this.

  • Fake police: Scammer arrested after being chased by officers on foot through city
  • Lemmy NZ

    @DaveMA to Aotearoa / New ZealandEnglish • Fake police: Scammer arrested after being chased by officers on foot through city Police believe the man was on his way to collect more cash from a previous victim.

    A man who scammed people out of nearly $300,000 by pretending to be a police officer has been arrested.
    On Monday the 25-year-old man, a UK national, was chased by police through Auckland central on foot.
    The scam involved a call to a landline by someone pretending to be a police officer and providing a fake badge number.
    There were 18 Aucklanders, aged between 56 and 90, with the majority over 80, allegedly duped out of money.
    “The scam will always involve this so-called officer asking for financial information or asking you to withdraw cash to be collected as part of an investigation into banks,” Detective Senior 

    Bunch of factors:

    • cognitive decline

    • cognitive issues related to medications eg anticholinergic burden

    • belief that they no longer “understand” the way things work and have to take younger people’s word for things

    • fear due to physical vulnerability (give in to scammers to avoid getting hurt physically)

    • loneliness (give in to scammers because they think they are making a human connection)

    What we can do to help oldies is to be actively in their lives and looking out for them. Helping them navigate stuff, and letting them know we are around.

  • Fake police: Scammer arrested after being chased by officers on foot through city
  • Bunch of factors:

    • cognitive decline

    • cognitive issues related to medications eg anticholinergic burden

    • belief that they no longer "understand" the way things work and have to take younger people's word for things

    • fear due to physical vulnerability (give in to scammers to avoid getting hurt physically)

    • loneliness (give in to scammers because they think they are making a human connection)

    What we can do to help oldies is to be actively in their lives and looking out for them. Helping them navigate stuff and just letting them know we are there.

  • Photo Friday!
  • Super atmospheric. I love the bit of light on the rhs it kind of suggests the contrast of a cosy house with the street.

  • Photo Friday!
  • Beautiful, that mist layer really makes it ethereal!

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • Makes sense. I still really love plain lemonade ones, feels like a treat for me.

  • Photo Friday!
  • Here's a photo I took inside a car wash


  • Photo Friday!

    Theme: cooler than expected

    Rules: no NSFW and has to be a snap you took yourself.

    I think we should make themes optional so if you have a pic you want to post that doesn't fit, you still can, what does everyone else think?

    Prescription fees are back
  • Me too.

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • Thanks! Done!

    Great, I'm back to questioning my identity and I'd forgotten the other super hard question in there, dessert. 😃

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • What can I say, I was young and it feels like it should work so I kept thinking maybe the champagne wasn't good enough, maybe it works better with dry instead of sweet, etc.

    If you hate tonic, maybe substitute one of those fancy Fever Tree club sodas then?

  • Lake Tekapo
  • Gorgeous!!!

  • Prescription fees are back
  • Seem to have left the co payment of Community Services cards for now.

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • Fudge, I forgot to complete it! I got halfway through and started having an existential crisis about my identity ha ha and thought I'll come back later and fix this.

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • Be careful what you wish for. Mine was when half my hometown started telling my mother they saw me stuffing my face with chips in the background of a One News report when I was meant to be in class.

  • Featured
    Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 26/6/2024
  • I did it when I was in my 20s a few times and I hated it. Tasted suspiciously like vomit.

    However I did not give up there. The grown up spider/icecream soda involves tonic water, french vanilla icecream, crushed strawberries and a dash of gin, imo.

  • New Zealand woman takes boyfriend to disputes tribunal because he didn’t take her to the airport
  • Kind of a testament to how wrong she was.

    Must have been a bit weird for the judge just sitting there with this woman and hearing all these grievances and then being the one to break it to her that this is not how life works!

  • Question about Maori icons
  • Maori themselves play a huge part in that though - the gains here have always been hard-fought-for by Maori.

    Obviously there are historical differences like method of assimilation and resulting population proportion, and political biculturalism (which wouldn't work in Canadian context due to Francophones, Metis and "salad" multiculturalism, etc). But at every step of the way, Maori have been at the forefront.

    For that reason, it's important that people like continue to call out Govt when it is wrong. Because that's how progress happens. Complacency about not being even worse shouldn't stand in the way of continuing to strive for something better, especially in the face of what feels like a massive swerve backwards by our current govt.

  • New Zealand woman takes boyfriend to disputes tribunal because he didn’t take her to the airport
  • I think it's okay to have more than one article about a topic?

    Tbf your post was an RNZ article by a different journalist. I read both of them in a spirit of "wtf there must be more to this" and this one has slightly different detail about their previous holiday and him being a no-show at the hearing.

  • Photo Friday!

    Hi everyone, can we do a Photo Friday? used to post them, but I haven't seen them for ages and said it'd be okay.

    Theme: Something you like!

    Rules: no NSFW and has to be a snap you took yourself.

    4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation 4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation

    Gathering water is a top priority if trapped in the New Zealand bush, but dining on native edible plants can provide additional  energy and sustenance to survive. Words: Mieke Couling You’d be a bit silly to enter the bush unprepared to face unfortunate circumstances, but if you ever do find yoursel...

    4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation

    Stumbled on this and thought it was worth a share. I had no idea you can eat gorse!

    Cool short video about unique Archey's Frog Archey's Frog

    Brylie and Nikita investigate the threats to this special creature's survival and travel into the Coromandel Forest to catch up with Dr Ben Bell who is monit...

    Archey's Frog

    Was just talking about how cool New Zealand's rare frogs are and wanted to share. These frogs evolved to have no ears, so they also have no croaking noises (what's the point if the mates you are trying to attract are deaf) which is unique!

    NB: There probably is a bit of "political" content insofar as some of the people are talking about threats to the frog and opposing its habatat destruction but I think this still belongs in general?

    New Zealand Geo: Batfly Batfly

    It's an ant! It's a spider. No—it's BATFLY! A blind, wingless species of fly that lives on and with New Zealand short-tailed bats in strange symbiotic relationship. Similar animals infesting bats in South America and elsewhere are blood-sucking parasites—the vampire's vampire—but the New Zealand ver...


    This is a really good read about one of my favourite weird animal facts!

    Weather: Chilly start to the weekend across NZ Weather: Chilly start to the weekend across NZ

    Temperatures are set to dip across New Zealand, with sprinkles of snow possible in the Canterbury and Otago high country.

    Weather: Chilly start to the weekend across NZ
    Kahukura red admiral butterfly named NZ's Bug of the Year Kahukura red admiral butterfly named NZ's Bug of the Year

    The kahukura red admiral butterfly has been voted in by nearly 17,000 bug lovers.

    Kahukura red admiral butterfly named NZ's Bug of the Year

    The kahukura red admiral butterfly has been named New Zealand's Bug of the Year today, after nearly 17,000 bug lovers voted for their favourite insect.

    Twenty bugs were vying to be New Zealand's favourite, with 11 of the 20 nominees listed as at-risk, endangered or declining.

    The competition - run by the Entomological Society of New Zealand - was created to give bugs the same kind publicity seen in the popular Bird of the Year race.

    The winning insects receive research funding and promotion about their conservation.

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 31/12/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Bird of the Century winner announced: Pūteketeke pandemonium prevails Bird of the Century winner announced: Pūteketeke pandemonium prevails

    The pūteketeke Australasian crested grebe has won Bird of the Century 2023.

    Bird of the Century winner announced: Pūteketeke pandemonium prevails

    Pūteketeke won, no surprise there. I think what most of us were waiting for was the 2nd spot which goes to North Island Brown Kiwi.

    According to the article the second choice of the Pūteketeke crowd was the Rockhopper penguin, so I think that means it's a legit win for the kiwi?

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