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Netflix is planning to raise prices... again
  • In my case is a cost one for sure, I just cant afford to pay for every single streaming platform, I pay for spotify no problem, all my music is in there.

  • Netflix is planning to raise prices... again
  • I'm so glad I can just pirate everything I want

  • Funny thing is, this is exactly what reddit wants. When it's time to show the traffic after API shutdown they'll show the traffic of all the users that are protesting, and guess what, it'll be higher than before the API shutdown

  • Removed
    Where (which country) are you guys all from?
  • Colombia

  • Reddit mods are calling for an ‘affordable return’ for third-party apps
  • These people invested so much time and effort into their communities, I understand why they are doing all this to keep them

  • YSK: This service needs more content creators, and you can invite them.
  • It's interesting to see people talking about bots flooding some communities with content and others saying there's not enough.
    I created a bot, not to bring posts and comments from reddit but to use reddit as content curator, to bring links that were engaging there on to here.
    However some people think theres a difference between users making a post with just a link to a news article or a bot doing it.
    I think there's a use for bots, when the content they bring is external to both reddit and lemmy, and discussion around it is organic.

  • Should we start crossposting content from Reddit?
  • I'm currently running a bot doing this exactly, some communities might want to get a post more often, that's why I made mine configurable.

  • Now that you've used Lemmy and /kbin which do you prefer and why?
  • There's multiple things to consider, both are great options, but right now I'm liking kbin more for these reasons:

    • Better algorithm, when I go to my homepage I feel that the site is full of new, active content, where people are having discussions.
    • Integration with Mastodon, I like to take a peek from time to time on the Microblog tab.
    • No feed bug. Lemmy has a problem where it would show every single new post on top of the feed (I know this is being fixed)

    Overall both Lemmy and kbin are in their infancy and I expect both to get better to a point where choosing between them won't come down to which one of the two have less bugs, and more focused in the features and appearance you want, this ofc will change with the many apps being developed, since they will be vastly different.
    I might end up in Lemmy or I might stay on kbin, it depends which one feels more "active" to me.

  • Tracking Lemmy/Kbin Mobile Clients
  • You should definitely change it now, before something happens.

  • Should we start crossposting content from Reddit?
  • I developed a bot for this purpose, it only crossposts links to external websites like news, it's being used in a couple of communities that need a little push with content.
    It only crosspost 1 post every hour to each community to avoid spamming and it can handle multiple subreddits at the same time.
    That's how I think it should be done, so far, users engage with the posts made by the bot in an organic way.
    If you want to check it out:
    I'm open to suggestions :)

  • The developer of Sync for Reddit is working on a Lemmy app
  • A kbin API is in the works, if we manage to make it compatible with lemmy this app would be usable for kbin as well.

  • The developer of Sync for Reddit is working on a Lemmy app
  • Great news!, if kbin implements a lemmy-like api (which is being discussed) this app would be entirely compatible as well!

  • I can't believe how sycophants some people are.
  • I'm just glad this type of people will remain on reddit, don't try to convince them to come here lol. Let them stay in that shitty place, it's perfect for shitty people

  • I've felt more compelled to contribute to the "Fediverse" than I ever did on Reddit.
  • Same, when I posted on reddit I felt rejected, even if what I said was something unimportant, there was always someone who made you feel like you were wrong for just participating, this is much better.

  • [META] Creating a new community is easy, but to get people on board, you need to create some content.
  • Yup, I made it so it would only post links. In my opinion is not a good idea to let the bot take every post it finds.
    Also it currently only posts 1 post at a time on each fetch so as to not flood the magazine and let users post by themselves.

  • [META] Creating a new community is easy, but to get people on board, you need to create some content.
  • If you want to crosspost content from reddit automatically use:,
    It's intended for links and I wouldn't encourage using it for anything else cause you know, stealing content from others is not good.
    But if you need a link aggregator for your community this might do it.

    Edit: this is a work in progress, so expect bugs.

  • Hey could we defederate with
  • Hey kbin users if you want to block this domain just go to and block that domain there.

  • A mystery for the ages
  • You do have a point tho

  • /kbin meta lixus98
    Introducing Kbin Link: Navigate between communities with ease

    Greetings, kbeans! I wanted to inform you that Kbin Link is now available on the Firefox Extension Store. If you're interested, you can find more information about it here:

    Kbin Link is a browser extension designed to simplify your browsing experience across different online communities. It detects community mentions in the format of "!communityname" and it recognizes links in the format of "https://lemmy.word/c/memes" across any website and adds a convenient icon at the beginning. This icon allows you to quickly redirect to the corresponding community on Kbin, where you can easily subscribe to it.

    Since this is a small project, there may be a few bugs or areas for improvement. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please let me know by leaving an issue on the GitHub repository.

    Edit: Soon on the chrome store too!

    Link to firefox store:

    Thank you for your support!

    The "official" Lemmy instance is currently experiencing downtime.

    It seems like the "official" Lemmy instance,, is currently experiencing some technical difficulties. It's been going up and down all morning and it isn't federating new posts.

    Seems like they were right when the warned users to signup on other instances, that's why is important to remind people that you invite or you know are thinking to signup to do so on another instance.

    While has been the primary choice so far, there are other reliable options out there too. One of this instances is, Additionally, you can explore more options on the instance listing at

    By spreading out the load among many instances, we can ensure that we don't face disruptions like the one we're experiencing right now.

    I'd also like to know your opinions about this.

    /kbin meta lixus98
    Why are you not seeing as many posts from Lemmy communities on Kbin?

    Hello! You may have noticed that the majority of posts and threads in your feed on Kbin are from within the platform itself. This is because the admin has activated Cloudflare DDoS protection which basically slows down requests to kbin, to prevent the website from experiencing downtime or becoming slow to respond.

    Before implementing this measure, Kbin would often show 500 errors and be sluggish in its performance. The admin (ernest), has been working on finding solutions.

    So hopefully, everything should go back to how it was before, and you will see a lot more posts from the communities you have subscribed to with a bunch of comments from other places.

    In my opinion, this also created an interesting situation where you can really see how active kbin is even when the discovery of posts from outside the platform is not functioning as intended.

    Rest assured, this is only temporary, and in the meantime, take the opportunity to create and grow communities from within kbin itself!

    /kbin meta lixus98
    Hi /kbin! I'm currently working on a small browser extension for /kbin users.

    This extension helps users subscribed to Lemmy communities by adding an icon before mentions or URLs related to other communities. These mentions can be in the format "!communityname" or through URLs like "".

    By clicking the icon, users are directed to the kbin URL of that community. However, there's currently a bug preventing it from working on /kbin (ironically), and I've already reported the issue on Git.

    I'm in the process of publishing the extension on Firefox and Chrome extension stores, along with making the source code available.

    I would appreciate your input on whether you find this extension useful.

    Edit: github link: Edit 2: For firefox users:

    Thank you!

    lixus98 lixus98
    Posts 4
    Comments 25