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What modes of transport do you really like?
  • The automobile

  • What do you not understand about humanity?
  • I don’t think that has anything to do with having sex.

  • What do you not understand about humanity?
  • I guess that’s the whole point why most people tend to build some kind of relationship before jumping into bed. It’s not weird if there is trust and affection between the people involved. It’s also a basic instinct of most animals, it’s something you want so any awkwardness that may arise is secondary.

  • Warum ist das Thema "Gender" (oder auch "Queer", oder auch "Geschlechteridentitäten") so wichtig?
  • Stimmt. Ist allerdings alles extrem selten und im Alltag für die meisten zu vernachlässigen.

  • Tell me about your cockroach horror story
  • When I couldn’t afford a new species that I wanted to keep :(

  • What do you not understand about humanity?
  • If you don’t like the act that leads to reproduction, you’re less likely to reproduce meaning that your genes will probably not be represented on the next generation and therefore the likelihood of people not enjoying reproduction is generally low.

  • For real this time, NSF, I swear it's the last time.
  • This isn’t properly calculated though. They only count the actual laser energy inside the reacttvs output. They don’t account for the huge amount of energy thatch’s needed to run the lasers in the first place or the rest of the facility. It’s nowhere near putting out more energy than it consumes and it’s also a reactor for nuclear weapons testing so they don’t really try to produce energy anyway.

  • Tall trucks, SUVs are 45% deadlier to US pedestrians, study shows
  • Easy, just drive them in Mexico or Canada and they’d be fine.

  • Which heightened/different senses of other animals would you most like to experience (while still being human)?
  • I’d like to be able to hear like a bat. There’s so much of the sound spectrum we normally don’t perceive and it’d also be cool to experience their echolocation.

  • Which heightened/different senses of other animals would you most like to experience (while still being human)?
  • Our eyes are pretty good at working in air though. The only thing that makes them fish like is that they have to stay moisturised really. I doubt that filling them with air would do much, we could maybe get rid of floaters though. The dumbest thing about our eyes is that they’re inverted with nerves and blood vessels being in front of the receptor cells so I’m wondering how much they’d improve if they were properly constructed like in squid.

  • Which heightened/different senses of other animals would you most like to experience (while still being human)?
  • They probably can’t see colour very well though. They may have more receptors but they can’t mix those as well as humans so it’s a bit like looking at an 8 bit game with some new colours. Also the resolution of their eyes is abysmal. Birds have one receptor more (UV) and really sharp vision. That’s where it’s at imo.

  • Deleted
    I'm a cat, you're a cat...
  • I fear that it will be the former.

  • Removed
    They will refuse to help.
  • Well well well, just wait until you get a sunburn resulting in skin cancer and say that again. Check mate astronomists.

  • It is certainly a challenge to keep a large animal with such a thick shell afloat. However that would just explain the immense size of the shells. Their shape is just extremely weird and sometimes I’d even expect it to be detrimental to their ability to navigate the open water. If they were planktonic it would not be as problematic I guess but I still don’t see the functional advantage. Maybe mimicry? But of what?

    They look a lot like the calcareous shells of some polychaetes but they have a sedentary lifestyle attached to rock or other substrates which is not what we’d expect for Ammonites.

    Maybe it’s a puzzle that will remain unsolved.

  • The space armament treaty says: no nuclear, biological or laser weapons in space. but kinetics...
  • Isn’t this system a rather normal payload? We had really large rockets with the Apollo program.

  • The space armament treaty says: no nuclear, biological or laser weapons in space. but kinetics...
  • Well, if the rocks are sufficiently small and plenty as well as stealth coated (or at least painted black) they are still a nuisance with deadly potential.

  • best time of my life!!
  • Don’t hurt me like that :(

  • How do you *effectively* prevent plaque/tartar forming on your teeth?
  • Electric brushes (with regularly changed tips) can be amazing. There are also some inexpensive ultrasonic ones and I’m absolutely happy with mine. It’s a whole other level than handbrushes.

  • 🌿👀🌿
  • Drip feeders can in fact be excellent. Unless you’re already the kind of person who will forget about those as well.

  • lol3droflxp lol3droflxp
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