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"Tie me up and do whatever you want."
  • The one chiming in to defend a cringe meme. Grow up lmao

  • "Tie me up and do whatever you want."
  • Post cringe to cope about people pointing out a meme is shitty snd let everyone know you're butthurt

  • "Tie me up and do whatever you want."
  • It's an incel meme, this kind of shit is the very valid and rational reason that women avoid them

  • Horse rule1
  • Lol @ snopes spending time to go through and debunk the blogspam story that sounds like it was written by an LLM

  • Horse rule1
  • The Trojan horse is actually the one on the right, this scene takes place in the stables of Troy where this one stallion with a giantess fetish took the wooden mare as his mate

  • oppenheimer rule
  • Seems historically accurate given the level of radiation exposure a lot of the nuclear scientists got

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • Invites are really common on other sites now that a critical mass has been reached where people have invited everyone they know who is interested already and are like selling them, there are already accounts that farm engagement on there like "funny cat pics of the day" or something and it will indeed have some cat pics taken from wherever but the point of the account is to follow thousands of accounts to get followed back, and thereby build a following to sell off. It's an extremely clumsy strategy but it's being pursued often enough that you can't just assume a bluesky account isn't a bad actor. So if that is the threshold then it's already been reached.

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • If you attempt to shitpost on Mastodon things don't usually go very well. The vibe had to match twitter circa 2013 or else it would never have felt safe enough for the first colonizing species of memes like alf hog to develop like the first plants in a lava field

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • It's called the gay community

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • A lot of journalists are really bad at using the machine they use to do their job and it shows.

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • Also what do you have against blind people

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • Have you been on bluesky? There's lots of furries there

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • If you go on Bluesky they will tell you. Lots of people saying that they feel isolated because there is no algorithm feeding engagement, and federation doesn't lend itself to finding your friends from Twitter easily without one of those migration tools people were using. Then another chunk describe Mastodon users as a "HOA" because someone told them to put a CW on something.

  • Interview: Quentin Lebastard
  • What a name lol

  • The world does not die on my watch
  • The kelp beds are dying and drones are being used to track how fast they're dying

  • Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do
  • Fake Bad Bunny tickets got the only zoomer I know, she was out $200, but that's not a great sanple size.

  • Stop doing Computer Science
  • Floating point operations with decimals not always adding up

  • Cruise CEO says SF ‘should be rolling out the red carpet’ for robotaxis, threatens to maybe leave town
  • Oh no heaven forfend they take their heavy roadblocks out of narrow SF streets

  • Regular loaves of bread have pre-slicing technology figured out, so what is it with bagels and English muffins?
  • I once ate at a residence hall cafeteria where they had these fuckin bagel guillotines that you basically positiones your bagel in as if it was the head of a hapless French aristocrat and you could be all like vive le revolución and chop those fuckers. But they'd all seen so many bagels without sharpening that they required great strength to slice through a chewy bagel. In fact they probably slowed down the process.

    The moral of the story is that bagels are hard to slice on a large scale.

  • lowered_lifted Who knew?

    I put the new forgis on the Jeep

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