lseif @ lseif Posts 15Comments 1,119Joined 2 yr. ago
thats what happens when you build a community with a large percentage of shut-in nerds and software devs (speaking as one of the latter)
dont mention black and white around americans... one of those might shoot the other.
but weed can hurt you. it wont always. maybe it is unlikely even. but it can. same with reckless driving. if it were 100% chance u would die, people wouldnt do it.
okay. i suppose a more similar comparison would be the police distributing laced weed (or other drugs, if weed is legal where u live). it only hurts the druggies who are reckless enough to take drugs, right ?
you are also forgetting the fact that a painted bin will still be an inconvenience for the well-intentioned driver. you arent making it better for them. you are only making it detrimental to those who dont react in time.
Actually, I agree! We should also shoot dead drug users and lowlifes... otherwise they're going to hurt someone eventually!
the 'conditions' dont include a maniac camouflaging dangerous objects to purposely make innocent people crash.
on my phone (GrapheneOS / Android 14) u can accomplish this with:
- Go to 'App Info' for the app (this can be done by long-pressing the app's home screen icon > App Info)
- Select 'Notifications'
- Select the specific notification kind (eg. 'New Message' or whatever)
- Select 'Sound', which opens a radio-input of thw default system sounds, and an option to add a custom sound from a file
i would imagine most android builds, which are not very customized (such as samsung/oppo), would handle this similarly
i've lived in australia my whole life and i've never heard of "australian mcdonalds"
thats maccas, mate
/s im just being silly
you realize that not everyone is as healthy/strong as the average man. do you really want an elderly person or a chronically ill person subjected to a head on collision ?
too often it's some proprietary phonetic spelling which barely makes sense even in the target dialect. yet they have the audacity to use square brackets for it.
Worcestershire (noun)
[ wurs - teir - sheh ]
go ahead, make a spelling system which works in all dialects.
exactly. not so much of a 'free' market when businesses cant even break the law
understanding how a cpu works and how to write efficient programs is the easy part.
understanding why windows does [anything] is the hard part.
Rare slime captivates nation
trump already won tho didnt he ?
yeah, imagine...
you are correct that most people dont keep their passwords in spreadsheets. a lot of people prefer a plaintext file on their desktop, or a note in their phones!
i thought the emoji was an insect, perhaps a mozzie (due to poor eye's sight). knowing now its a donkey (also called an 'ass') i dont think its as funny.
i think any order would work