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Vaultwarden and Caddy
  • I'm trying to run it in a debian11 Vps. I set the A dns record for a subdomain 'vault.example..'

    I'm posting the caddyfile when at home, if i solve Before i'll let you know

    Many thank's


  • Vaultwarden and Caddy
  • @Double_A

    This is my suspect too. Yes, have a domain and I have no issue with snikket and nextcloud. I think i'm making mistakes compiling the caddyfile.. I'm a newbie, and i really can't get it to work. (examples for snikket and nextcloud are easier..)


  • Vaultwarden and Caddy

    Vaultwarden and Caddy


    Hi guys, I can't get my vaultwarden instance to work with Caddy. I follow this guide, but I don't understand where I'm going wrong. Does anyone have a working config to share? Thanks in advance

    What are your most used selfhosted services?
  • @neuromancer

    I'm thinking about invidious. For me NC and XMPP.

    @FermatsLastAccount @selfhosted

  • Help with Nextcloud
  • @beppi

    Ehi, just to feed my curiosity, has it worked?

  • Help with Nextcloud
  • @beppi

    I had the same issue last week (was my first installation)

    I managed reinstalling it after a purge, and now it works good. The only difference is now i did not activate server side crypt module. I'm running NcAIO on Debian 11.


  • lsintoni Lorenzo Sintoni :fedora:

    Romagnolo a Torino. Sto con Lorena, babbo di Vanni. Nel tempo libero Vinili, Linux e Serie Tv. Giocavo a Basket un tendine d' Achille fa.

    Ps. Voglio una switch.

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