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Lawnmower rule
  • One of these fancy self-driving lawnmowers I see. Not gonna lie I love the design.

  • Coding whiz had another talent: inappropriate insults • The Register
  • The real punch line is the time you wasted along the way.

  • yeehaw
  • I can hear this meme.

  • Which fruit fly are you today?
  • I feel for the unlabelled fly getting mounted. Utterly fucked and unexplainably unnoticed.

  • remembering PG's "lisp would have stopped 9/11" essay from September 2001
  • So as a programmer I was a little offended but then I remembered I’m not good so I’ll let it slide.

  • AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • Oh wow. The article says basically that but without the /s and then it gets even better. This is according to Mister AI Professor Ethan Mollick From The University Of Warthon and the link goes to a tweet (the highest form of academia) saying:

    The problem with calling “prompt engineering” a form of programming is that it isn’t like what we call coding

    In fact, coders are often bad at prompting because AI doesn’t do things consistently or work like code. The best prompters I know can’t code at all. They “teach” the AI.

    Which is just great considering the next excuse in the text is:

    this is due to insufficient reviews, either because the company has not implemented robust code quality and code-review practices, or because developers are scrutinising AI-written code less than they would scrutinise their own code

    So who the fuck even reviews the prompt engineers’ code sludge, Mister AI Professor Of Twitter?

    Whole text is such a sad cope.

  • notifications rule
  • I too take any unwanted notification as a potential threat: the only answer is immediate annihilation of said app. Basically the dark forest hypothesis but it’s my phone.

  • Biodiversity
  • Missed opportunity for a sweet Venn diagram.

  • Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee
  • The ploy to rake in money has backfired as Unity revenue has dropped 16% and now the money people are backpedalling. I agree with you that the damage is done and it’ll take much more to build back trust with the gamedev community.

  • shrimprule as can be
  • Big "I’m done" energy. Reminds me of this one:

    Man at the office goes to sleep in Metapod sleeping bag.

  • Le député Youri Chassin quitte la CAQ
  • Chassin est un néolibéral fini qui est en faveur de la privatisation de toute. Il s’est spécifiquement prononcé en faveur de la privatisation d’Hydro-Québec et des services de Santé au grand complet. Plus il est loin du pouvoir, plus il se sent frustré, mieux je me porte. Bon vent.

  • Le député Youri Chassin quitte la CAQ Lettre ouverte critiquant le gouvernement | Le député Youri Chassin quitte la CAQ

    Inquiet de la « crise des services publics » et en rupture avec les orientations du gouvernement, le député caquiste Youri Chassin claque la porte du caucus de la Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) et siégera désormais comme indépendant.

    Lettre ouverte critiquant le gouvernement | Le député Youri Chassin quitte la CAQ

    Inquiet de la « crise des services publics » et en rupture avec les orientations du gouvernement, le député caquiste Youri Chassin claque la porte du caucus de la CAQ et siégera désormais comme indépendant.

    Lizards playing rock paper scissors for the ladies.
  • babe wake up new pokémon types just dropped

  • Beyond XX and XY: The Extraordinary Complexity of Sex Determination
  • This is a nice graph for debunking the idea that biology offers a sort of refuge for the proponents of a strict binary sexual framework. Let it be known that once in a while some people born with penises are XX while some people born with vulvas are XY, and that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Maleness and femaleness might be fact as poles of a spectrum (might be more complicated); what they are NOT is an either/or mutually exclusive phenomenon. The distribution of the population on that supposed spectrum probably look like an inverted bell curve, with most persons closer to either end... but to be honest I suspect the curve is not as pronounced as we are led to think.

    Personally speaking I’m forty something and by now I’m convinced I’m not 100% pure male stuff. I don’t give a shit if it’s biological or social. I feel it in a myriad of ways. I’m comfortable enough in the way I’m treated and perceived though so I let sleeping dogs lie and ride the male label. I’m hairy, I have a dick, I don’t want trouble. So this is totally unscientific, but I swear sometimes I recognize this same ambiguous essence in someone else; there’s a faint feeling of kinship. I’m willing to bet the silent majority has plenty of folks who wouldn’t have minded being a wee bit further from the poles if others didn’t make such a fucking fuss about it.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 8th
  • I sided with the rebels and Barik became this massive frustrated Northerner supremacist, despising Tiersmen every chance he had and urging me to let the Disfavored civilize them. Fuck that.

  • Kids rule
  • He plays a lot of Minecraft.

  • Kids rule
  • Kids rule indeed. Here Brayndennd, 9, could have wailed his despair at being forced to march for hours through the bleak landscape of the hypermarket. Instead he improvised a live arts performance.

    Acutely aware of the material prison that is the modern North American suburb, the artist has choreographed a striking analogy of his longing for freedom with make do props found in his immediate surroundings. As the character he so strikingly plays attempts to release his soul from his mortal shell with the use of a toilet plunger, Brayndennd offers a strong social commentary on modern urbanism with metaphysical ramifications and ultimately leaves us pondering.

  • Snow Leopard
  • Saw it too late. Am lunch.

  • In this post, I wrote about the sad experience of having a friend use AI to wish me a happy birthday. #AI #Blog #Blogging #Blogs @fuck_ai
  • First off I'll be clear: I wouldn't like that either. This is a good moment to take a step back emotionally and clearly word out why slopbot birthday wishes suck.

    Still I urge you to come from a place of care when you voice your opinion to your friend. LLMs going mainstream is a new thing so social codes relative to them haven't had time to solidify. Moreover there are plenty of people feeling the pressure to adopt the chatbots lest they become irrelevant, or so they are led to fear. If you appreciate when friends' imperfections show, they're still right there.

    Your friend has included things she likes about you in her prompt. For decades, people have gone through a similar process picking a birthday card. (I'm personally partial to dorky e-cards.) If I were you I wouldn't sweat it too much.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 8th
  • Don't even try completing an FTL run at normal though. Easy is where the fun's at.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 8th
  • I started Planet Crafter and I'm hooked. It's a low budget yet brilliant Subnautica like game with a higher emphasis on crafting.

    I've been playing Tyranny as well. It's a nice CRPG with factions in a bleak setting. A little obtuse with the consequences of dialog options. Still refreshing. I really could use the tank character in my party composition, but he's such an insufferable square I'd rather not use him.

  • Arcade Flyer Art - Salamander [1986]

    Salamander (Life Force in the USA) is an arcade scrolling shmup developed by Konami in 1986 as a spin-off of Gradius.

    I never actually played. I just enjoy that artwork 🔥

    Heartworms - Retributions Of An Awful Life

    Young artist with inspired angsty compositions. They have an EP out and I'm hoping they eventually get around to dropping a full album.

    [Official Art] Secret of Mana Box Art

    This one has a special place for me. The lushness and the other-worldliness is so appeasing.

    Don’t rule


    Le «gros bon sens», ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence

    À chaque début de saison estivale, le débat revient inévitablement : paie-t-on trop de taxes sur l’essence ?

    Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence
    Things Will Fall Apart - Louis Cole

    Fresh new Louis Cole dropped along with announcement for a whole new orchestral album to be released Aug. 9.

    Happy Pi Day!

    It’s March 14th! An excellent day to eat pie and do maths. I might brush up on my geometry and try the NASA Pi Day Challenge.

    SMILE - Doohickey [post punk]

    "SMILE is a post-punk band with a singer who prefers not to sing."

    Whole album's a banger. Sort of Sonic Youth vibes except I don't get bored halfway through (sorry Sonic Youth fans 😬)

    Relationship between vehicle characteristics and injury severity

    This report published on August 30 by Vias (Belgium) studies the relationship between the car’s characteristics (such as size, weight and power) with injury severity in case of collision. It’s available in French and Dutch only, but it includes an English summary.

    Here’s an excerpt:

    > With the exception of vehicle age, we find that vehicle characteristics that reduce the injury severity of car occupants, such as high mass, are more likely to be detrimental for the other party. For example, when the mass of a vehicle increases by 300 kg, the probability of fatal injuries for car occupants decreases by half while the same probability for the other party increases by 77% for car occupants and 28% for vulnerable road users, respectively. A similar pattern is seen for other vehicle characteristics such as power and pickup trucks. This indicates an opposite relationship between occupant safety and opponent safety, or put another way: vehicles with a high capacity to protect their occupants (= high crashworthiness) tend to have a lower capacity to protect the opponent (= high crash aggressiveness).

    Big takeaway for me: if the vehicle hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist is a pick-up, the victim is 91% more likely to be severely wounded and 196% more likely to be killed.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    Technological bias is about more than audio quality—it’s about the forces that influence whose stories are told and how.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    An old article, but I just stumbled upon it and found it enlightening. The trope of criticizing women for the way they talk has deeper implications than I thought.

    Slag Queens - Excuses

    The song's on the album Favours:

    Why We Hate Bi Men
    Eisenhower's farewell address (1961)

    I’m not American, so it’s hard for me to judge how famous Eisenhower’s farewell address is in the USA. There are things I probably don’t know about it as well. I just find it fascinating since it warns against a number of threats that have basically materialized.

    He warned against:

    • the dominance of the arms industry
    • being captive of the tech elite
    • becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate

    The place of religion is interesting as well, as his language is quite pious while being inclusive as well for the time, as he "prays that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied" and so on.

    Anyways, to me it’s interesting to give it a listen in light of how things are today. It’s ~15 minutes and there’s a transcript too.

    I’m NOT excited about coding by AI [venting]

    I’m a dev. I’ve been for a while. My boss does a lot technology watch. He brings in a lot of cool ideas and information. He’s down to earth. Cool guy. I like him, but he’s now convinced that AI LLMs are about to swallow the world and the pressure to inject this stuff everywhere in our org is driving me nuts.

    I enjoy every part of making software, from discussing with the clients and the future users to coding to deployment. I am NOT excited at the prospect of transitioning from designing an architecture and coding it to ChatGPT prompting. This sort of black box magic irks me to no end. Nobody understands it! I don’t want to read yet another article about how an AI enthusiast is baffled at how good an LLM is at coding. Why are they baffled? They have "AI" twelves times in their bio! If they don’t understand it who does?!

    I’ve based twenty years of career on being attentive, inquisitive, creative and thorough. By now, in-depth understanding of my tools and more importantly of my work is basically an urge.

    Maybe I’m just feeling threatened, or turning into "old man yells at cloud". If you ask me I’m mostly worried about my field becoming uninteresting. Anyways, that was the rant. TGIF, tomorrow I touch grass.

    In 1987 a group of orcas spent the summer wearing a dead salmon hat

    I heard about this today. I thought no animal could be as silly as humans but here you go.

    Just Mustard - I Am You [Shoegaze, Post-punk]

    Love their last album. The kind of music that draws power from vulnerability.

    luciole luciole (he/him)

    Doesn't know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

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