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  • An effect that becomes less surprising with repetition. At some point, it's no longer a "surprising effect" but an entirely expected one.

  • Deleted
    Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking
  • I dunno, Mozilla developers have had 10 releases in the past 4 months alone, with many bug fixes in every release, and 3 of those releases being minor versions each containing multiple new features. I certainly consider bug fixes and new features to be improvements happening to the browser.

  • What movie would have ended at the beginning if the people in it acted like normal people?
  • Yeah, not understanding that is a consequence of people not reading the source material, because Tolkien definitely explains exactly why the eagles couldn't do that.

    On the other hand, I think it's a valid criticism of the movies that, for all the amazing things he did in that trilogy, Peter Jackson failed to explain something minor that turned out to be a lingering issue for some segment of the wider audience that would consume that adaptation.

  • Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Has Reportedly Leaked Online In Full
  • These fuckers should just release digital first, and physical comes when it's done being printed and distributed. This anxiety over "oh no a finished game got leaked early" is manufactured drama. If the game is done, then it doesn't matter when it gets released, except for artificial marketing angst. Make a good game that players want, and it'll be purchased. Eventually. It doesn't have to all happen at exactly the predicted moment.

  • Lynda Carter, Original Wonder Woman, Tells Arizonans Not To Vote For Her Sister
  • So you can type without making any meaningful points? How is this a comment?

  • Ditch Telegram for Piracy.
  • This kind of confusion illustrated by Telegram users is exactly why it was the right thing to do for privacy when Signal removed support for SMS because it's not encrypted. People still whine endlessly about it, but most users are not very savvy, and they'll assume "this app is secure" and gleefully send compromised SMS to each other. All the warnings and UI indicators that parts of the app were less secure (or not at all in the case of SMS) would be ignored by many users, resulting in an effectively more dangerous app. Signal was smart to remove those insecure features entirely.

  • Out of curiosity is there a FOSS (add-free) short form video type social media?
  • I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your overall point here (I have no idea why people engage with shorts, maybe they do love that format) but I wanted to push back a little on the idea that a product must be popular simply because corporations continue to offer them. Especially with social media, where users are actively discouraged from making their own decisions as much as possible by The Algorithm.

    I think there are plenty of examples of things that people continue to use (and often even pay for the "privilege") despite major aspects of those things being generally reviled by everyone who uses them:

    • ad infested apps and websites
    • gaming microtransactions
    • a new phone every year
    • cable service
    • insurance
    • HOAs
    • gasoline
    • Amazon
    • pants and dresses without pockets
  • [bug] Unnecessary WebP conversion causes failures when loading .gif files
  • I'm not saying that Connect shouldn't be updated to address this, but that does seem more like a Lemmy bug than a Connect bug. The presence of extra query parameters shouldn't (IMO) be breaking an API request, they should just be ignored.

  • A tool for concealing writing style using LLM
  • Right! It's definitely fulfilling the purpose OP stated here in this post, as long as that's what you're using it for. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't do the other things it claims to do in the readme for the repo, so that's something to be aware of.

  • A tool for concealing writing style using LLM
  • This seems like a valuable utility for concealing writing style, though I feel like the provided example fails to illustrate the rest of the stated goal of the project, which is to "prevent biases, ensuring that the content is judged solely on its merits rather than on preconceived notions about the writer" and "enhance objectivity, allowing ideas to be received more universally".

    The example given is:

    You: This is a demo of TextCloak!!!

    Model: "Hey, I just wanted to share something cool with you guys. Check out this thing called TextCloak - it's pretty neat!"

    The model here is injecting bias that wasn't present in the input (claims it is cool and neat) and adds pointlessly gendered words (you guys) and changes the tone drastically (from a more technical tone to a playful social-media style). These kinds of changes and additions are actually increasing the likelihood that a reader will form preconceived notions about the writer. (In this case, the writer ends up sounding socially frivolous and oblivious compared to the already neutral input text.)

    This tool would be significantly more useful if it detected and preserved the tone and informational intent of input text.

  • STAR TREK: LEGACY - 22 minute Recut of 'Star Trek-The Motion Picture' set to Daft Punk's score for 'Tron: Legacy'.
  • Wow this is amazing, that music is perfect for it. The shots of the Enterprise heading into the cloud while accompanied by this score felt so exploratory and awe inspiring. I don't think I've ever been brought to tears by the original score in that movie, but this one did it.

  • Why do people on Lemmy get mad when you make multiple posts about similar topic?
  • Why is that impossible? Create the post in !, or ! or ! (those are the games OP keeps harping on) or whatever game they're interested in.

    I guess if there's no existing community, that's an issue. Create one, then. Post the hyper-specific question into that new community, and then go post an announcement of the community in the broader games communities and let people interested naturally filter in.

    I'm not a Lemmy expert by any means, I'm just suggesting ways to engage with people that seems to me like it'd be more constructive and likely to be appreciated. 🤷

  • Why do people on Lemmy get mad when you make multiple posts about similar topic?
  • I looked at the comments on a few of your posts, and people are telling you exactly why they are annoyed by them.

    Your posts come off as low effort spam, almost like you're treating Lemmy communities like a Discord chat room. Also, you post very similar kinds of things about the same couple of games on the daily, and people probably get tired of seeing samey stuff in their feed.

    I've noticed that you're making hyper specific posts ("what do you think about X mission in rdr") in a general gaming community. Try posting those hyper specific questions in the communities for the actual game you're asking about, where people who want to nerd out about some random mission are more likely to be.

    It's cool that you're trying to engage people though, I think you just need to get some more practice at reading the crowd here. Lurk more, maybe. Lemmy isn't the other site, we don't necessarily resonate with all the same kinds of content here.

  • Gender and Orientation in Vulcan Society
  • Yeah, I agree that Vulcans would probably be naturally accepting of varied gender identification and presentation, and of varied sexual orientations. Probably similar to how the majority of the neurodiverse (especially autistic) communities among humans are accepting of gender and sexuality variations.

    It strikes me as highly illogical to insist that anyone else has a better sense of what a person's sexual orientation or gender identity is than the individual themselves. If they say "I identify with X pronouns" then obviously it is illogical to use Y pronouns when referring to that person. If they say, "I'm attracted to people like this" then it's illogical to insist that they should instead be attracted to a different subset of people. If they express a preference for Z gender presentation, it's illogical to insist they should prefer otherwise.

    Gendered expectations are illogical relics of ancient human social structure anyway, so Vulcan society probably wouldn't have as many of those to begin with, if any at all. Even our emotionally encumbered human cultures in the 21st century are beginning to wonder at how pointlessly gendered things have been for us.

    some may have views that it is illogical to have a romantic relationship without a child

    I don't see why it would be logical to posit that the potential for creating offspring is a necessary component of relationships. There are all manner of motivations for intimate bonding that have nothing to do with whether biological reproduction occurs. Also, adoption exists.

    Arguably, the very concept of romance being a core component of relationships would be viewed by Vulcans as an illogical and unnecessary condition. I imagine the vast majority of Vulcan society would be aromantic by default.

  • Google Slides Web Alternative...
  • OnlyOffice can also be integrated with NextCloud or WordPress or a bunch of other stuff. I believe it can also be used standalone. Personally, I found it's interface much more polished and usable than Collabora, though it's been a couple years since I compared.

  • What's a community that gatekeeps really hard?
  • German dubs are actually top notch

    I find this ironic when compared to native language German porn, which frequently has audio that is distractingly out of sync to the point that it almost seems like it's many minutes off. It's not even just one studio either, it happens to a lot of them for some reason. I'm starting to wonder if there's an industry joke that I'm not aware of which explains it, but I haven't noticed the same issue with porn produced in other languages.

  • Request: select and copy text with a long-press
  • The workaround that I've been doing is to hit reply on the post/comment that I want to copy text from, and then it'll allow you to long press to select text from it. Copy out whatever you need, then cancel the reply.

    It would be nice to have a better way of doing this though.

  • MacOS is garbage
  • I can't see much except the most surface level similarities between GNOME and macOS, anyhow. After finally ditching Windows a couple of years back, I now use GNOME daily, and the transition was very natural. Annoyingly, I (have to) have macOS for occasional work stuff, and current macOS is nothing at all like GNOME except they both have dialog windows and popup menus, I guess? Even those don't look or work similarly though, so I'm not sure where this idea that they are a copy came from. Maybe from people who haven't used either one in years?

    How in the hell macOS got a reputation for being intuitive, I do not understand; it is the polar opposite of intuitive. GNOME on the other hand, just works exactly as I would expect. It's easy, it's pretty, it's free, and it doesn't have any ads. Installing software is simple for non-technical people, and the home key takes you to the front of a line of text as you'd expect. 🤣

    extra rant about macOS

    Just about every time I try to do anything remotely productive in macOS it is massively frustrating and makes me literally angry.

    • The fucking home key doesn't even work properly, you have to do some weird ass key combination that I can't remember to get back to the front of a line of text.
    • Sometimes you hit the wrong key combination by accident, or have the audacity to click on the desktop, and suddenly every application you were using flies away.
    • Installing a downloaded application sometimes is just not fucking allowed without messing around under the hood because the app developer didn't pay Apple's fee to mark it "safe".
    • The non-App Store installation process is confusing as shit. You have to click the "installer" disk image in your downloads to mount it, then click on the icon on your desktop (assuming you already knew it was going to show up there), which might then display a weird dialog with two icons just sitting there, and oh yeah you're supposed to now also drag one of those icons and drop it over the other one, then unmount the disk image from your desktop or else it's maybe confusing for your grandma when she uses the computer later and wants to run that application, like WTF is this process? Just fucking do the install and get out of the way!
    • If you want to do anything that doesn't happen to have been blessed by Apple, you probably have to pay some asshole for an app that might maybe provide some hacky way to do it until a macOS update changes how shit works and breaks it.
    • Maybe it's just me, but mouse clicks and general UI feedback from input on macOS feels incredibly sluggish all the time. I suppose they have subtle animation effects that are causing that, I dunno, but it always feels vaguely like trying to run underwater, and I've got one of the supposedly awesome Silicon M2 Mini purchased new within the last year, so I don't see why it should be anything but snappy.

    Just a constant barrage of basic established UI stuff functioning fundamentally differently for no apparent good reason is so god-damned frustrating in that pile of shit OS. I'm a technical user, so I can eventually figure out how to get done whatever I need to eventually, but holy fuck I don't know how regular people manage in that usability abomination.

  • unable to login to using 1.0.152

    I believe 1.0.152 is meant to be the version compatible with the new Lemmy release, and it works pretty well as a guest user. Unfortunately, when I try to login to (which uses the new server version), I get Error: An unknown error has occurred.

    Looked through the app and didn't see any official bug report area mentioned, so I hope this is the right place to go for this. If not, sorry for the noise!

    lukecooperatus Luke

    ❤️ sex work is work ✊

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