lumony @ lumony Posts 0Comments 75Joined 6 days ago
I don't care because they waste their money on bullshit status symbols while kids go hungry. Their cars literally cost more than my house.
They can honestly get fucked and I hope a lot worse comes to them until they start doing their part to reduce the disparity in wealth.
Why limit it to just teslas? Make everyone who wastes money on a luxury vehicle while their are starving children regret it.
Both may be overrated.
Outer worlds is insultingly short.
Hating the US has become the cool thing to do.
It's a good way to identify who the children are that get swept up in internet hysteria.
Why don't people just get into game development?
It's not like we're going to run out of video games to make.
I mean, like it or not sex is something people want so those who get it will tend to be happier than those who do not.
It's not that complicated. I'm sure the scumbags that womanize women every weekend also have their worth based on how many victims they coerce.
As a man, I've noticed it's way easier to be accepted by others if I'm currently dating a woman. It's even easier to get with other ladies if I'm already with one.
I think a lot of the pushback to your post comes from people on the internet who have been conditioned to overcomplicate simple realities when those simple realities are not what they like to see.
i.e. They don't want society to feel bad for males who aren't getting laid, therefore it's acceptable to call them incels and make fun of them in our social circles. It's better to push incels further and further to the fringe of society until they snap and shoot up schools than it is to have any kind of empathy towards them.
Trying to help an incel is like trying to help a pedophile. It's not good for social clout.
+1 Most of the sheep have been convinced by the MIC that giving the MIC as much money as possible will result in a blazing Ukrainian victory.
It's a business, guys. Try to see your part in all this. You're like a minnow among sharks.
Internet users like you are the worst.
Is anyone having security issues without this patch?
I always hated the concept of PPAs and it's a major reason why I never use Debian-based distros for my PC.
The AUR is just too valuable.
For the uninitiated, bazzite isn't really a battle-tested distro or a mainstream one. I just started hearing about it within the past few months.
It kind of came out of nowhere and looks to be getting shilled hard, similar to mx linux. The amount of shilling you may see for it does not correspond with usage among the community at all.
Be careful what you install on your computers, guys.
I think Mint is great for beginners and advances users alike.
If you're feeling more confident, you could try Debian. Debian will have older software and be harder to setup, but you'll get a better feel for the Linux ecosystem by using it over Mint.
Manjaro is for practical usage. You'll have more up-to-date software and access to a massive user repository of install scripts for anything that isn't in the official software repositories.
Your choice of Desktop Environment will have a big impact on how you use your computer. I recommend KDE for those coming from Windows. With a small amount of configuration, you can have it set up like a traditional desktop environment with the start menu on the left, show desktop on the right, notifications towards the right, etc.
KDE has a lot of stuff, but you can only choose what you need and you'll notice it's great at being a basic DE even though it's capable of more.
Odds are because there isn't one.
Abusers will always try to justify their abuse by saying their victims "don't understand" why it's "necessary."
Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.